Dividend Policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dividend Policy


First day the share trades without right to receive the declared dividend. ... Stock price should fall on the ex-div date, by the amount of the dividend. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: date | day | dividend | fall | first | of | policy


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dividend Policy

Dividend Policy
Chapter 19 Classes 15 and 17
  • Cash vs share dividends
  • Dividend dates
  • Modigliani Miller Irrelevance theorem
  • When is dividend policy relevant?
  • Dividend policy in practice
  • Stock repurchases
  • Stock splits
  • Stock dividends

Why Do We Care About Dividends?
  • Dividend policy is a decision to give money back
    to shareholders and NOT invest in a new project.
  • Affects the firms capital budgeting decision
  • Paying dividends means less internal cash
    available for other uses.
  • Paying dividends means borrowing money to invest
    in new projects.
  • Historically firms pay out dividends in both good
    times and bad times.

  • Firms make distributions to their shareholders 2
  • Cash Distributions.
  • Cash dividends.
  • Stock repurchases.
  • Share Distributions.
  • Stock dividends.
  • Stock splits.

Cash Dividends Empirical Findings
TSE 300 Composite Index Statistics
Dividend Differences Across Industry
Average Canadian Dividend Payout Ratios
(1980-1999)Source Standard Poors Computstat
database. September 11,2002
Dividends and Financing
Relationship between available CF potential uses
Firms should never give up a positive NPV project
to pay dividends!
Dividend Dates
  • Declaration date.
  • Ex-dividend date.
  • 2 business days prior to the Record date.
  • First day the share trades without right to
    receive the declared dividend.
  • Share price will fall by the amount of the
    dividend when market opens on the ex-dividend
  • Record date.
  • Payment date.

Dividends announcements
Stock price
May 31
May 15
Feb 15
May 13
Declaration date
Payment date
Ex-dividend date
Record date
Stock price should fall on the ex-div date, by
the amount of the dividend. This is because
market discounts for the value of dividends.
Dividend Dates Price Behaviour
Dividends and Stock Price
To Re-cap
  • Shareholders that owned the shares on the close
    of business May 12, receive the dividend May 31.
  • Shareholders that acquired their shares on May 13
    or after, are not entitled to get this dividend.
  • They would expect to pay less for their shares.
  • Shareholders buying on the ex-dividend date or
    after will be willing to pay less since they
    dont get the dividend.

MM On Dividends
  • In the absence of transactions costs and taxes,
    dividend policy is irrelevant and does not affect
    shareholder wealth.
  • Investors can create Home Made Dividends by
    selling off a small part of the stock that has
    appreciated in value, or undo dividends by
    reinvesting the cash dividend.
  • Show that dividend with offsetting new issue is

Irrelevancy Assumptions
  • Once again, perfect market assumptions are
  • No taxes.
  • The firm must hold investment, financing and
    operating policies of the firm fixed. Only
    dividend policy changes.
  • Idea firm will issue cash to shareholders as
    dividend, and then recoup this amount by issuing
    new shares.

Example 1
  • PAN AM Airlines earns EBIT of 10M (ignore taxes)
    and has 4M in cash that it wants to pay out as a
  • There are 0.6M shares outstanding.
  • The current price is 90 and PAN AM wants to pay
    a special dividend of 6.67 per share. PAN AM is
    all equity financed and its WACC is 20.
  • 1.)What is the value of the company before the
  • 2.)What is the value of the company after the
  • 3.)What is the stock price after the dividend?
  • 4.)How is shareholder wealth affected by the

Example 1 Solution
  • 1.) 90 x 0.6M 54M 10M/.2 4M
  • 2.) 54M - 4M 50M
  • Note DPS 4M/0.6M 6.67
  • 3.) 90 - 6.67 83.33
  • 4.) Dividend policy affects the form of
    stockholder wealth not the amount thereof.
    Consider an investor who owns 1 stock. Before
    dividend, wealth 90 in stock. After the
    dividend, wealth 83.33 in stock 6.67 in

Fundamental Concept
In perfect capital markets, without taxes,
dividend policy is irrelevant
Taxes and Dividends
In a tax-free world, cash dividends are a wash
between the firm and its shareholders.
Cash stock issue
Stock Holders
Cash dividends
In a world with taxes, the government gets a cut.
Fundamental Concept
Many factors in the real world make dividend
policy relevant
Real World Relevance - Factors Favoring a Low
  • Taxes, imposing an immediate tax burden on
  • Firm has unusually good investment prospects.
  • Cost if have to issue new equity in future.
  • Why pay dividends incur costs to issue
    securities in the future?
  • Bond covenants and other restrictions.
  • Growth and control issues.
  • Short term cash position.
  • Inherent firm risk.
  • Restrictions on foreign transfers.

Real World Relevance Factors Favoring a High
  • Desire of current income
  • Costs of home made dividends.
  • Uncertainty resolution
  • Bird-in-the-hand argument.
  • Investors prefer cash dividend now to uncertain
    capital gain in future.
  • Tax
  • Tax exempt owners (pensions, life insurers,
    trusts, endowments, etc.)
  • Signaling arguments.
  • Free cash flow issues.

Practical Implementation of a Dividend Policy
Guiding Principles
  • Avoid passing on positive NPV projects to pay
  • Avoid cutting or reducing dividends.
  • Avoid the need to sell equity.
  • Maintain the target B/S ratio.
  • ?These suggest keeping the payout set low in the
    first place

Practical Implementation
  • Set a low per share constant dollar dividend.
  • Set a target payout consistent with long term
    profitability and long term capital needs.
  • Increase dividends only when the long term
    profitability supports the new payout level.
  • Reduce dividends reluctantly, but do not risk the
    viability of the firm.

Residual Dividend Policy (Four Steps)
  • Establish the optimum capital budget
  • Accept all projects with positive net present
  • Determine the amount of common equity needed to
    finance the new investments while maintaining the
    firm's capital structure
  • Use internally generated funds to supply this
    equity whenever possible
  • Pay cash dividends only to the extent that
    internally generated funds remain after taking
    all appropriate capital investment opportunities

Example 2 Residual Dividend Policy
  • Farside Corp follows a strict residual dividend
    policy. Its debt-equity ratio is 3.
  • A)If earnings for the year are 150,000, what is
    the maximum amount of capital spending possible
    without new equity?
  • B)If planned investment outlays for the coming
    year are 750,000, will Farside pay a dividend?
    How much? What about if the investment outlay was
  • C)Does Farside maintain a constant dividend

Example 2 Solution
  • B/S 3 implies 3 of B for every 1 of S also
    that B/(BS) .75, S/(BS) .25.
  • A) If retain 150 as S, must issue B 450.
    Thus, max investment 450 150 600
  • B) I 750 implies newB 562.5 and newS 187.5.
    Retain entire 150 in earnings and issue 37.50 in
    new stock
  • C) I 500 implies newB 375 and newS 125.
    Retain 125 in earnings and pay residual 25 as

Share Repurchases
  • An alternative way to return value to
  • Especially good for firms with clienteles that
    prefer capital gains.
  • Repurchased shares are cancelled (no longer
  • 3 kinds
  • Open market repurchase (normal course issuer
  • Buy shares at market price (less than 5).
  • Fixed-Price offer (substantial issuer bid).
  • Buy target at premium to market price.
  • Dutch Auction.
  • Target . Shareholders invited to make offers to
    sell to firm inside of prescribed range (min and

A Real Life Example
  • March 12/2003
  • Brewer Molson Inc. is buying back nearly 3.8
    million of its Class A and B shares on the
    Toronto Stock Exchange.
  • The buyback affects about three per cent of the
    company's outstanding shares in both classes.
  • Molson said it wants to buy back and cancel its
    stock "to counter the dilutive effect of the
    granting of options" to its employees.

U.S. Repurchases in 1980s
Repurchase Irrelevance
  • Miller Modigliani argue that Dividend Policy is
    irrelevant. The same is true for repurchases
  • Shareholder wealth unaffected by repurchase.
  • Investors can create Home Made repurchases by
    selling off a small part of the stock that has
    appreciated in value, or
  • Undo repurchases by reinvesting proceeds by
    buying more shares.
  • Once again, perfect market assumptions are

More on Share Repurchases
  • Advantages
  • Can be a 1 time only action.
  • Firm can reduce future total dividend payout.
  • Immediate effect on firms capital structure.
  • Signaling effect.
  • Disadvantages
  • Empirically, these firms did not have good growth
  • Worry about insider price manipulation.
  • Tax effect govt normally treats share
    repurchase as a dividend.

Example 3 Stock Repurchase Versus Dividend Issue
  • Dungeoness Corp is evaluating an extra dividend
    versus a share repurchase. In either case 2500
    would be spent.
  • Shares would be repurchased at current market
    prices. Current earnings are 80 per share and
    the stock currently sells for 30 per share.
  • There are 150 shares o/s. Ignore taxes and other
    market imperfections.
  • a) Evaluate the 2 alternatives in terms of the
    effect on the price per share of the stock and
    shareholder wealth.
  • b) What will be the effect on Dungeoness eps and
    p/e ratio under the 2 different scenarios
  • c) In the real world, which of these actions
    would you recommend? Why?

Example 3 Share Repurchase Option
  • 2,500/3083.33 shares repurchased number of
    outstanding shares after repurchase150
    83.3366.66 total earnings 0.8x150120
  • EPSbefore0.80 EPSafter 120/66.661.80
  • Vbefore30x1504,500 Vafter4,500-2,5002,000
  • Pbefore30 Pafter2,000/66.6630
  • (P/E)before30/.837.5 (P/E)after30/1.8016.66
  • EPS rises, P/E drops, P does not change.

Example 3 Dividend Option
  • Vbefore4,500 Vafter2,000
  • EPSbeforeEPSafter.80
  • Pbefore30 DPS2,500/15016.66 Pafter30-16.66
    or 2000/150 13.33
  • (P/E)before 30/.837.5 (P/E)after
  • EPS does not change P/E drops P drops.

Example 4 Premium Price Stock Repurchase
(targeted share repurchase or greenmail)
  • Baron Realty has 100,000 shares of common stock
    o/s with a market price of 50 per share.
  • The firm normally distributes 60 of its earnings
    as cash dividends.
  • However this year, the firm wishes to use
    540,000, i.e., 60 of 900,000 (firms earnings)
    to repurchase 10,000 shares at 54 per share from
    a dissident shareholder.
  • Are existing shareholders better or worse off
    after the repurchase?

Example 4 Solution
  • The dissident shareholder is being bought out at
    a high price of 54 per share rather than the
    existing market price of 50 per shares.
  • The dissident shareholder gains and the other
    shareholders lose.
  • The wealth transfer from the other shareholders
    to the dissident is 10,000x4 40,000.

Stock Dividends and Splits
  • Essentially the same thing distributing shares
    instead of cash.
  • 10 stock dividend 1110 split.
  • 21 split 100 stock dividend.
  • There is an accounting difference.
  • Stock Dividend Retained Earnings drops Capital
    Stock rises by same amount.
  • Stock Split no change in either account.

Stock Dividends and Splits
Stock Dividends
  • Instead of paying a cash dividend paying out a
    stock dividend.
  • Reasons
  • Maintaining payout record when cash is low.
  • Some clienteles differentiate income principal.

Example 5 Stock Dividends
  • The market value balance sheet for Ace
    Manufacturing is shown below. Ace has declared a
    15 stock dividend.
  • The stock goes ex dividend tomorrow (the
    chronology for a stock dividend is similar to
    that for a cash dividend).
  • There are 10,000 shares o/s. What will be the ex
    dividend price?

Example 5 Solution
  • The number of shares outstanding rises from 10K
    to 10K(1.05) 11.5K
  • Cum dividend P 350K/10K 35
  • Ex dividend P 35/1.15 30.43

Reverse Splits
  • When share price gets extremely low firms
    sometimes propose a Reverse Split or
  • Simply because the share price is now in a more
    respectable range, doesnt mean it is a better

Example 6
  • National Profit Company had the following
    shareholders equity section before declaring a
    5 stock dividend
  • Shareholders equity Authorized 500,000 shares
    without par value
  • Issued 200,000 common shares 2 million
  • Retained earnings 0.6 million
  • 2.6 million
  • A) Show the change in shareholders equity
    section after the 5 stock dividend given that
    the firms shares are currently trading at 15
    per share. In accordance with accounting rules,
    the firm records the book value of new stock at
    15 per share
  • B) If an investor holds 100 shares of National
    Profit Company, what should the total value of
    those holdings be before and after the stock
  • C) If the company continues to pay its earlier 2
    dividend after the stock dividend, what is the
    incremental cash dividend received by an investor
    under B)?

Example 6 Solution
  • A) 5x200K 10K is the increase in the number of
    outstanding shares. The decrease in the Retained
    Earnings account is 10Kx15 or 150K. Thus, the
    amount in Retained Earnings from 600K to 450K
    while the Common Stock account rises from 2,000K
    to 2,150K
  • B) Market value of 100 shares. Before 100x15
    1,500 After 100(1.05) x (15/1.05) 1,500
  • C) The investor will own 5 new shares. Thus, the
    investor will receive 10 additional dividends.

Summary and Recap
  • Cash versus share dividends.
  • Dividend dates.
  • MM again!
  • When are dividends relevant?
  • Dividend policy in practice.
  • Stock repurchases, splits (reverse splits) and
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