Title: Exovision
- Pieter Peletier
- December 2003
- Utrecht
2Eye contactBroadcast quality
- Start-up company
- Combines knowledge on Video technology, broadband
and human aspects of communication - A fresh look to the market
- Launched by successful
- Entrepreneur Eckart Wintzen
4Humans are visually oriented
- Media
- Radio - television
- Computers
- Data - icons - stills - video
- Internet
- Text - audio - pictures - streaming video
- Communication
- Voice data - video
Video in communication tremendous opportunity
5Communication modalities
Number of participants
group to group
Physical presence
Tele conferencing
High Quality Video telephony
Postal mail
1 - 1
6One per desk one per building
Compare to current growth of web collaboration
7The Eye CatcherHigh Impact Desktop communication
- Broadcast quality
- Eye Contact
- Simple to use
8Eye Contact
Other viewing
Gazing Person B (60)
Gazing Person A (60)
Eye Contact (30)
Source University of Twente
Eye Contact is pivotal in non verbal communication
9Research UVA
- N138
- Group with eye contact, group without
- Negotiation case (win - win)
10Eye Contact
University of Amsterdam, H.Ruygt, October 2003
Better communication, more constructive
11Eye Contact
- Essential in human communication.
- Creates trust and intimacy.
12The Eye Catcher
- Compatibility
- H.320
- H.323
- Bandwidth
- ISDN 384 Kbps (3-lines)
- IP 512 - 1024 Kbps
13Broadband available today
- Real time voice and video (QoS)
- 0,5 MBit per second
- Today at 300 per month unlimited use
14market focus 1
- Top fortune multinationals
- Internal communication
- Direct sales
- Team up with large suppliers
15market focus 2
- Multi office enterprise
- Inter office, office client
- Indirect sales
- Complete package, monthly rate
16market focus 3
- Service Business
- Financial, Legal , Recruiting
- Healthcare, Dating
- Joined approach with system integrators
17(Future) market focus 4
- Consumer to consumer
- Where emotions speak
18Launching customers
- Amazing how I could resolve a crisis on another
continent without going there ! - Joost Kuiper
- board member ABN-Amro
19Eye Catcher and legal
- (inter)national law firms
- Internal communication
- Communication with the client
- Access to expertise in smaller offices
- Tele hearing
- Prison court room
- Witnesses court room
- Legal advice to consumers
20 Why should we move tons of material and use
gallons of gasoline to transport two kilos of