Title: iNet Wales1419 Conference
1- iNet Wales14-19 Conference
- Monday 23 June 2008
- Ruth Hayton
- Is-Adran Strategaeth Plant a Phobl Ifanc/Children
and Young People's Strategy Division - Department of Education, Lifelong Learning and
Skills / Yr Adran Addysg, Dysgu Gydol Oes a
Sgiliau. - Welsh Assembly Government
2newid y ddarpariaeth ar gyfer myfyrwyr 14-19 fel
bod bariau artiffisial o fewn yr hawl i gwricwlwm
cyfan yn cael eu chwalu i ateb gofynion dysgu
mewn canrif newydd.We want to transform
provision for 14-19 year olds, so that within an
overall curriculum entitlement, artificial
barriers are broken down to meet the demands of
learning in a new century.
- Choose it ? learn it ? enjoy it
3Elfennau Llwybrau DysguLearning Pathways Elements
- Llwybrau Dysgu Unigol
- Individual Learning Pathways
- Dewis Ehangach
- Wider Choice
- Y Craidd Dysgu Learning Core
- Anogwr Dysgu Learning Coach
- Cymorth Personol Access to Personal Support
- Cyngor ac Arweiniad Gyrfaeodd Diduedd
- Impartial careers advice and guidance
Llwybrau Dysgu Learning Pathway
Cyflawniad y Dysgwr
Learner Achievement
Cefnogaeth i Ddysgwyr Support for Learners
4Bagloriaeth CymruWelsh Baccalaureate
- Aims to achieve a broader, more balanced
curriculum for 14-19 year olds, helping students
to develop knowledge and skills that higher
education institutions and employers want them to
have when they leave school. - The emphasis is on learning through doing, and
the same value is placed on vocational
as academic qualifications. - Recognition of formal, non formal and informal
learning. - Learning core development.
- Personal Tutor and Learning Coach relationship.
- Yn anelu at sicrhau cwricwlwm ehangach a mwy
cytbwys ar gyfer myfyrwyr 1419 gan eu helpu i
ddatblygu gwybodaeth a sgiliau y mae sefydliadau
addysg uwch a chyflogwyr eisiau iddynt eu cael
pan yn gadael yr ysgol. - Maer pwyslais ar ddysgu trwy wneud a rhoddir yr
un gwerth ar gymwysterau galwedigaethol ag ar
gymwysterau academaidd. - Cydnabod dysgu ffurfiol, heb fod yn ffurfiol ac
anffurfiol. - Datblygiad craidd ddysgu.
- Perthynas Tiwtor Personol ac Anogwr Dysgu.
5Adolygiad Webb a Llwybrau Dysgu 14-19Webb Review
and 14-19 Learning Pathways
- Develop the Welsh Baccalaureate as a coherent
philosophy of education that promotes - a. experiential, practical and vocational as well
as academic elements. - b. support for the development of key skills and
social skills, and - c. the development and testing of employability
skills. - Urgent task is to make the policy of diverse and
personalised learning for all 14-19 year olds a
measurable reality. - Employer engagement must increase greatly in the
14-19 phase.
- Datblygu y Bagloriaeth Cymru fel
- athroniaeth cydlynol addysg sydd yn
- hybu
- a. elfennau arbrofol, ymarferol a
- galwedigaethol, yn ogystal ag
- elfennau academaidd
- b. cefnogaeth i ddatblygu sgiliau
- allweddol a sgiliau cymdeithasol
- c. datblygu a profi sgiliau
- cyflogadwyedd.
- Tasg brys yw gwneud y polisi o
- addysg wedii phersonoli ac amrywiol
- ar gyfer myfyrwyr 14-19 yn realiti
- mesuradwy.
- Dewis ehangach trwy gydweithredu
- Ffurfio cwricwlwm lleol
- 1416 AALlÔl 16 Gweinidogion Cymru
- Isafswm yr hawliau
- Rôl y pennaeth wrth wneud penderfyniadau
- Gweithio ar y cyd Dyletswydd i ystyried
cydweithio - Anogwr Dysgu a Chefnogaeh Bersonol
- Wider choice via cooperation
- Formation of a local curriculum
- 14-16 LEAPost 16 Welsh Ministers
- Minimum entitlement
- Role of head teacher\Principal in decision making
- Joint Working Duty to consider cooperation
- Learning Coach and Personal Support
7Adolygiad Estyn a Llwybrau Dysgu
EnghraifftEstyn Inspections and Learning
Pathways - an Example
- Cw All 3
- y fwydlen ddewisiadau
- effaith y Rhwydwaith 14-19 ac ymwneud yr ysgol
âr Rhwydwaith a - gweithio mewn partneriaeth.
- Os nad ywr ysgol yn datblygu LLD 14 19 a
ddim yn benodol yn datblygu bwydlen opsiynau fydd
yn galluogir dysgwr i ddilyn ei lwybrau dysgu
unigol, yna buasem yn disgwyl i arolygwyr
ystyried hyn yn wendid arwyddocaol.
- KQ3
- options menu
- impact of the 14-19 Network and the schools
involvement in it and - partnership working.
- If the school is not developing LP14-19
and, in particular, it is not developing an
options menu that enables learners to follow
their individual learning pathways, then we would
expect inspectors to consider this to be a
significant shortcoming.
8Datblygiadau diweddar Themau AllweddolRecent
Developments Key Themes
- Inclusiveness
- Empowerment
- Accountability
- Regionalisation
- Cynwysoldeb
- Hawl
- Atebolrwydd
- Rhanbarthiaeth
9Rhwydweithiau a RhanbarthauNetworks and Regions
- newid y ddarpariaeth ar gyfer myfyrwyr 14-19
fel bod bariau artiffisial o fewn yr hawl i
gwricwlwm cyfan yn cael eu chwalu i ateb gofynion
dysgu mewn canrif newydd.
- to transform provision for 14-19 year olds, so
that within an overall curriculum entitlement,
artificial barriers are broken down to meet the
demands of learning in a new century.