Title: Multiple Shooting:
1Multiple Shooting
2Newtons Method in Review (1-D)
- Approximates xn given f and initial guess x0
3Newtons Method Expanded (n-D)
- To Solve the System F(x)0, FRn?Rn
- We use Xk1xk-(F(xk))-1F(xk)
- Where F(xk) J(xk)
- J(xk)Jacobian matrix of F at xk
4Jacobian matrix of xk
5Newtons Method Expanded Part2
- In practice xk1xk-F(xk))-1F(xk)
- is never computed.
- Use J(xk)(xk1-xk)-F(xk) instead,
- which is of the form Axb.
- Can be written
- J(xk)h-F(xk),xk1xkh
- Which is a linear system.
6Newtons Method An Example
- Solve the nonlinear system using Newtons method
- f1 xyz3
- f2 x2y2z25
- f3 exxy-xz1
- Where
- F(x,y,z)(xyz-3, x2y2z2-5, exxy-xz-1)
7Newtons Method An Example Part 2
8Newtons Method An Example Part 3
- Newtons Method becomes
- (xk1,yk1,zk1)(xk,yk,zk)(h1,h2,h3)
9Newtons Method An Example Part 4
- If (x0, y0, z0) (0.2, 1.4, 2.6)
- This method converges Quadratically
- to the unique point p, such that F(p) 0
- xk1-x lt Cxk-x2
- where x is the exact solution, so
- errork1 lt Cerrork2
- Reaches (0, 1, 2) in 5 iterations!
10Convergence of Newtons Method
- The error at each iteration is as follows
- Error ( h )
- 6.372324 10-1
- 3.079968 10-2
- 6.701403 10-4
- 3.175531 10-8
- 1.136453 10-15
11Multiple Shooting Setup Part 1
- x f(t,x) and g(x(a), x(b)) 0
- Which is a Boundary Value Problem (BVP) and can
be rewritten as - x- f(ty, x) 0 and g(x(a), x(b)) 0
12Multiple Shooting Setup Part 2
- or F(x) 0
- This is a nonlinear system of equations.
13Multiple ShootingNewtons Method Part 1
- F(xk1(t))(xk1(t)-xk(t)) -F(xk(t)),
- which is again of the form Axb
- F(xk1(t))
- is a very general version of the derivative,
- called a Frechét Derivative.
14Multiple ShootingNewtons Method Part 2
- If we take ? to be an arbitrary function we can
produce -
15Multiple ShootingNewtons Method Part 3
- We can make a similar case for H(x(t))
- Next G(xk)(xk1 - xk)-G(xk),
- and similar for H.
- ? fx(t, x)? (x f f(t, ?))
- Ba?(a) Bb?(b) -g(x(a), x(b))
- ? is of the form ? A? q
- Quasilinearization
16Multiple Shooting An Example
- Compute a periodic solution
- (with period t) of the system
- x f(x, ?)
- x1 10(x2-x1)
- x2 ?x1 x2 x1x3
- x3 x1x2 (8/3)x3
- For ? 24.05
17Multiple ShootingAn Example Part 2
- This means we need to solve the BVP
18Multiple ShootingAn Example, Initial Guess
19Multiple ShootingAn Example, First Iteration
20Multiple ShootingAn Example, plots
21Multiple Shooting An Example, Initial Guess and
Final Iteration
22Multiple Shooting