Title: Satilla Community Services
1Satilla Community Services
HIPAA Privacy and Security Regulations Staff
Training Presentation
2What is HIPAA?
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act - Signed into law August 26, 1996
3What is the intent of HIPAA?
- To make health coverage portable (to help
people keep coverage when they change jobs). - To standardize health insurance payment codes
- To keep health information private and
confidential - To keep health information secure
4The Privacy Rule
- Took effect April 14th 2003
- Conveyed new rights to consumers to access their
own medical records - Placed new obligations on service providers
(covered entities) to keep medical records
5 Satilla HIPAA appointments
- Privacy Officer
- Gina Hart
- Contact the Privacy Officer
- 912-449-8617
6Notice of Privacy Practices
- Contents tightly specified by HIPAA legislation
-- over 3000 words! - Every consumer must be given a paper copy
- Must be posted at every site
- Spanish translation available
7The purpose of the Privacy Notice is to explain
to clients
- How we may use and disclose their medical
information, with examples - Their privacy rights under HIPAA
- How to contact the Satilla CS Privacy Officer
(Gina Hart, tel. 912-449-8617) - How to file a complaint
8Three kinds of use and disclosure of confidential
information described in the Notice of Privacy
- Treatment, Payment and other healthcare
operations (e.g., audits) - Disclosures required by law (Policy 6.05) --
these must be recorded on Form 143 - Disclosures with consumer authorization (Policy
6.06, Form 003)
9Disclosures for treatment and payment
- Are authorized when consumer signs consent for
services - No consent is needed to provide emergency
treatment (but obtain consent as soon as possible
afterwards) - Remember to obtain consent to include family
members - Satilla may share client information with another
provider for the purposes of coordinating
treatment or in an emergency
10Disclosures required by law
- Mandated reporting of disease, threats or
suspected abuse and / or neglect - Disclosures in legal proceedings
- Disclosures for law enforcement activities
- Information about a deceased consumer to a
Medical Examiner or Funeral Director
11Procedures for disclosures required by law
- No consumer authorization is required
- Under Georgia law a subpoena must be backed by a
court order to justify disclosure of medical
records without the consumers consent - All court-ordered disclosures must be logged on
Form 143, filed under consents tab in the chart - CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate )
12Disclosures with authorization
- Use the Satilla Form (003) or approved
alternates - Make sure it is completely filled out -- no
blanks -- file under the consents tab - Make sure prohibition on re-disclosure goes with
the information disclosed - Any problems, questions or arguments -- ask
Privacy Officer for advice
13Disclosures of the entire medical record
- Consult Privacy officer
- Record on Form 143
- (Does not apply when consumer him- or herself
asks for the entire record) - Normally, only the minimum necessary information
should be used or disclosed -- see Policy 6.11
14The Notice of Privacy Practices also describes
consumers rights
- to inspect and copy their medical record
- to amend their medical record
- to receive an accounting of disclosures required
by law made without their authorization - to request restrictions on use and disclosure
- to request confidential communications
15The Notice of Privacy Practices also describes
the protection already given to the
confidentiality of drug and alcohol abuse
treatment records provided by federal law (42
U.S.C. 290 dd-2) and regulations (42 C.F.R., Part
2) (Under Federal Law a subpoena must be backed
by a court order to justify disclosure of a
substance abuse treatment record)
16The Privacy Notice explains how to complain
about violations of privacy rights
- offering assistance in preparing a complaint
- indicating where to file complaint (Satilla
Privacy Officer or HHS - Office of Civil Rights) - promising no reprisals
17HIPAA Security Regulations
- Came into effect on April 20th 2005
- Require Satilla to protect medical records so as
to ensure their - Availability
- Integrity
- Security
18Information Security Officer
- Privacy refers to what is protected-Health
information about an individual and the
determination of WHO is permitted to use,
disclose, or access the information. - Security refers to how private information is
safeguarded-Insuring privacy by controlling
access to information and protecting it from
inappropriate disclosure and accidental or
intentional destruction or loss - Becky Chancey (IT Manager)
- If in doubt, report incidents to both PO and SO!
19Information Security requires
- Physical protection of sites, computers, portable
media, and chart rooms - Computer access controls (passwords, firewalls,
log in monitoring) - Protection from malicious software
- Precautions when using email, phone or fax to
transmit confidential information - Disaster recovery procedures
20Physical protections
- Keep sites secure (wear name badges, require
visitors to check in) - Control access to chart rooms, answering
machines, faxes and computer facilities - Request authorization from IT Department to store
health information on portable media - Keep charts, computers, portable media secure
(under lock and key) - Keep office doors locked (or at least closed)
when unattended
21Supervisors and information security
- Notify IT and HR on transfer or termination of
staff so that access rights can be controlled - Ensure return of ID badges and agency property
- Ensure that confidential papers are kept secure
till destroyed by shredding - Ensure that surplussed computers and computer
media are returned to IT - New employees must sign form 222
22Computer access contols
- Use strong passwords (policy 2.14)
- Do not share passwords
- Log off when you leave your computer
- If you write password down keep it in a secure
(locked) place
23Protection from malicious software
- Do not open attachments to suspect emails
- Report all suspicious incidents to IT
- Do not download ANYTHING from the internet
without IT Depts consent - Do not access your internet email from Satilla
computers - Read policy on internet use (2.24)
24Telephones and voicemail
- Do not talk about confidential matters on the
telephone where you can be overheard (take
special care with speakerphones) - Never include confidential information in a
voicemail or answering machine message
25Emails with confidential information
- Use ID number and consumer initials to identify
consumer information in emails (DO NOT use their
full names, DOB, or SS numbers) - Include confidentiality and disclaimer notice
(see email policy 2.12) - Check you have the correct to address
26Faxing confidential information
- Include a cover sheet on all faxes (policy 2.16)
- Make sure you have the correct fax number
- Phone ahead or otherwise make sure that the
intended recipient is there to receive the fax or
that the fax is in a secure area.
27Information security in clinics
- Mask information on sign-in sheets
- Post notices requesting respect for privacy at
reception desks - Use approved badges and number system to call
consumers from waiting room (Satilla Policy) - Keep confidential papers and computer screens out
of public view
28Immediately report to Privacy and / or Security
Officers any breaches of consumer privacy or
information security.
Thank you for your attention!