Title: CSci 152: Programming II Fall 2004
1CSci 152 Programming IIFall 2004
2Fundamentals Prog II
- What is a programming language?
- Specifically what is the C programming
language? - And how do we write programs (or recipes) in C
in order to solve problems and perform tasks with
the computer?
3Programming Languages
- Programming language A set of rules, symbols and
special words. - syntax tells which statements are legal or
accepted - semantics determine meanings of instructions
4Basic Elements of C
- A C Program (or any program in a procedural
programming language) - Collection of 1 or more subprograms called
functions - Which is a collection of statements that can
accomplish something useful - sequence, selection, repetition
- Special function called main
5Review of C Components
- Variables, Data Types Expressions
- Control Structures
- sequence
- Selection or conditions
- repetition or loops
- Functions
6Hello World!
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- int main()
- cout ltlt Welcome to C Programming. ltlt
endl - return 0
7C Tokens
- Special Symbols
- - / . ? , lt ! gt
- Word Symbols
- int, float, char, void, return
- Identifiers
- Identifiers are names of things that appear in
programs, such as variables, constants, and
functions. - Some are predefined others are defined by you,
the programmer.
8C Data Types
- def Data type A set of values together with a
set of operations - simple data type
- structure data type
- pointers
Cs Data types
9Simple Data Types
- The simple data type is the fundamental data type
in C, building block for the structured data
type - Integral, deals with integers or numbers withut a
decimal part - int, bool, char, short, long, unsigned variants
- Floating-point, deals with decimal numbers
- float, double, long double
- Enumeration type, which is a user-defined data
type - e.g. enum olympicSports basketball, volleyball,
diving, swimming, trackAndField, marathon,
10Arithmetic Operators and Expressions
- - /
- Expressions
- 2 5
- 10 6
- x y / z (0.5 w)
- Type Conversion (Casting)
- float x float(24/7)
- Identifier
- Identifier A C identifier consists of letters,
digits, and the under score character (_), and
must begin with a letter or underscore. - C is case sensitiveuppercase and lower case
letters are different. - Some of the predefined identifiers are cout and
cin. - Unlike reserved words, pre-defined identifiers
may be redefined, but it would not be wise to do
12Declaring Variables
- Storing data in the computers memory is a two
step process. - Instruct the computer to allocate memory.
- Include statements in the program to put data
into the allocated memory. - Named constant A memory location whose content
is not allowed to change during program execution - const double conversion 2.54
- const int noOfStudents 20
- const char blank
- Variable A memory location whose content may
change during program execution. - double amountDue
- int counter
- char ch
- int x, y
- string name
- assignment
- variable expression
- x 4
- y 4 5 11
13Declaring Variables
- 1. In C, all identifiers must be declared
before they can be used. If we refer to an
identifier without declaring it, the compiler
will generate an error message indicating that
the identifier is not declared. - 2. A data type is called simple if the variable
(or named constant) of that type can store only
one value at a time. For example, if x is an,
say, int variable. Then at a given time only one
value can be stored in x.
14Putting Data into Variables
- In C there are two ways that data can be placed
into a variable - 1. Using Cs assignment statement, and
- 2. Use input (read) statements.
15Assignment Statement
- The assignment statement takes the form
- variable expression
- The expression is evaluated and its value is
assigned to the variable on the left side. - In C, is called the assignment operator.
16Quick Quiz
- Get out a piece of paper
- Declare 2 integer variables, a character variable
and 2 floating point variables (using correct C
syntax). - Assign the value of 4 to one of your integer
variables. - Write an expression that multiples the previous
integer by 3 and assigns the result to the other
integer. - Assign the character A to your character
variable. - Assign 3.1415 to one of your floating point
variables. - Write an expression to add 1.5 to the previous
variable and assign the result back to itself.
17Quick Quiz Answers
- Declare 2 integer variables, a character variable
and 2 floating point variables (using correct C
syntax). - int x, y
- char c
- float a, b
- Assign the value of 4 to one of your integer
variables. - x 4
- Write an expression that multiples the previous
integer by 3 and assigns the result to the other
integer. - y 3 x
- Assign the character A to your character
variable. - c A
- Assign 3.1415 to one of your floating point
variables. - a 3.1415
- Write an expression to add 1.5 to the previous
variable and assign the result back to itself. - a 1.5 a
18Control Structures
- There are really only three main types of control
structures in standard procedural programming
languages - Sequence steps are normally performed in a
sequential manner - Selection One of several actions is selected and
executed (branch, other actions are not
executed). - Repetition One or more steps is performed
19Control Structures Sequence
- Normally in procedural programs, statements are
executed in a sequential manner. - selection and repetition control structures break
up this sequential execution by introduction
branch points and loops respectively - Procedure/function calls also break up sequential
execution to modularize algorithm into several
small pieces
20Example of a sequence
- int x, y
- char c
- float a, b
- x 4
- y 3 x
- c A
- a 3.1415
- a 1.5 a
21Grouping a Sequence of Expressions
- int x, y
- char c
- float a, b
- x 4
- y 3 x
- c A
- a 3.1415
- a 1.5 a
22Control Structures Selection
- Selection, or branch statements, chose one set of
instructions among 2 or many to execute
conditional on some test. - In C selection control structures are
- if
- if else
- switch
23Relational and Boolean Operators
- C relational an boolean operators basis of
conditional tests for selection control
Relational Operators
Logical (Boolean) Operators
24Selection if and if .. else
- if (expression)
- statement
- if (expression)
- statement1
- else
- statement2
25Compound (Block of) statements
- A compound statement groups a sequence of
expressions - if (age gt 18)
- cout ltlt Eligible to vote. ltlt endl
- cout ltlt No longer a minor. ltlt endl
- else
- cout ltlt Not eligible to vote. ltlt endl
- cout ltlt Still a minor. ltlt endl
26Multiple selections Nested if
- if (balance gt 50000.00)
- interestRate 0.07
- else if (balance gt 25000.00)
- interestRate 0.05
- else if (balance gt 1000.00)
- interestRate 0.03
- else
- interestRate 0.00
27Multiple Selections switch statements
- power to choose from among many alternatives
- switch (grade)
- case A
- cout ltlt The grade is A.
- break
- case B
- cout ltlt The grade is B.
- break
- case C
- cout ltlt The grade is C.
- break
- case D
- cout ltlt The grade is D.
- break
- case F
- cout ltlt The grade is F.
- break
28Quick Quiz
- Give an integer variable named size
- int size
- Write a relational expression to test that
size is between the values of 5 and 10
(inclusive). - Write a selection statement that, when size is
greater than 10 you will output the size
multiplied by 2, otherwise when it is less than
or equal to 10 you output an error message saying
size is too small. - Given a character variable
- char grade
- Write a switch statement that prints out Good
Job if the grade is an A or a B, prints out
Average Job if the grade is a C and prints out
You need to do better if the grade is a D or F. - Determine True or False for each of the
expressions given - int a10, b5
- char cX
- (a gt b) (b3 gt a)
- c lt Z
- a ! (2 b)
- (a lt b) (b lt 10)
29Quick Quiz
- Give an integer variable named size
- int size
- Write a relational expression to test that
size is between the values of 5 and 10
(inclusive) - if ((size gt5) (size lt 10))
- cout ltlt size is in range ltlt endl
30Quick Quiz
- Write a selection statement that, when size is
greater than 10 you will output the size
multiplied by 2, otherwise when it is less than
or equal to 10 you output an error message saying
size is too small. - if (size gt 10)
- cout ltlt 2 size ltlt endl
- else
- cout size is too small ltlt endl
31Quick Quiz
- Given a character variable
- char grade
- Write a switch statement that prints out Good
Job if the grade is an A or a B, prints out
Average Job if the grade is a C and prints out
You need to do better if the grade is a D or F. - switch (grade)
- case A
- case B
- cout ltlt Good Job ltlt endl
- break
- case C
- cout ltlt Average Job ltlt endl
- break
- case D
- case F
- cout ltlt You need to do better ltlt endl
- default
- cout ltlt Unknown letter grade ltlt grade ltlt
endl -
32Quick Quiz
- Determine True or False for each of the
expressions given - int a10, b5
- char cX
- (a gt b) (b3 gt a)
- c lt Z
- a ! (2 b)
- (a lt b) (b lt 10)
33Why is repetition needed?
- cin gtgt num1 gtgt num2 gtgt num3 gtgt num4 gtgt num5
- int sum num1 num2 num3 num4 num5
- int average sum / 5
- vs.
- int sum 0
- int num
- for (int i0 i lt 5 i)
- cin gtgt num
- sum sum num
- int average sum / 5
34Control Structures Repetition
- Repetition is a common activity in algorithms,
and very powerful - Repetition is another way in which we get away
from the simple sequential execution of a
sequence of statements - C looping structures
- while
- for
35While looping structure
- while (expression)
- statement
- i 0
- while (i lt 20)
- cout ltlt i ltlt
- i i 5
- cout ltlt endl
36While looping structure
flag-controlled found false while
(!found) if (expression) found
true EOF-controlled cin gtgt variable while
(cin) cin gtgt variable
- counter-controlled
- counter 0
- while (counter lt N)
- counter
- sentinel-controlled
- cin gtgt variable
- while (variable ! sentinel)
- cin gtgt variable
37for looping structure
- while loop is general enough to implement most
(all?) forms of repetition - for loop is a specialized form to simplify
writing of count-controlled loops (since they are
so common).
38for looping structure
- for (initial statement loop condition update
statement) - statement
- for (i1 ilt5 i)
- cout ltlt Hello! ltlt endl
- cout ltlt ltlt endl
39Quick Quiz
- Write a for loop that prints out the squares of
the first 10 integers (square of 1 is 1 1,
square of 5 is 5 5, etc.) - Write a while loop that inputs an integer from
the user then prints it out and keeps doing this
until the user enter -999 as the number.
40Quick Quiz
- Write a for loop that prints out the squares of
the first 10 integers (square of 1 is 1 1,
square of 5 is 5 5, etc.). - for (int i1 ilt10 i)
- cout The square of ltlt i ltlt is
- ltlt i i ltlt endl
41Quick Quiz
- Write a while loop that inputs an integer from
the user then prints it out and keeps doing this
until the user enter -999 as the number. - int num 0
- while (num ! -999)
- cout ltlt Enter a number (or -999 to stop)
- cin gtgt num
- cout ltlt You entered ltlt num ltlt endl
- A C Program (or any program in a procedural
programming language) - Collection of 1 or more subprograms called
functions - Which is a collection of statements that can
accomplish something useful - sequence, selection, repetition
- Special function called main
43User-Defined Functions
- To solve a problem you must learn to write your
own functions - User-defined functions in C are classified into
two categories - Functions that have a data type, called
value-returning functions - Functions that do not have a data type, called
void functions.
44Value-Returning Functions
- functionType functionName(formal parameter List)
- statements
- return value
- int min(int number1, int number2)
- if (number1 lt number2)
- return number1
- else
- return number2
45Value-Returning Functions
- Once a value-returning function computes the
value, the function returns this value via the
return statement. - When a return statement executes in a function,
the function immediately terminates and returns
control back to the caller. - A value-returning function must return a value,
therefore it must have at least 1 return
statement somewhere in it.
46Non Value-Returning Functions
- called void functions
- void functionName(formal parameter List)
- statements
- void printStars()
- cout lt ltlt end
- cout lt ltlt end
47Reference Parameters
- Normal simple data type parameters in C and C
are passed by value. - Sometimes it is useful to pass in parameters by
reference. - When you want to return more than one value from
a function. - When the value of the actual parameter needs to
be changed. - When passing the address would save memory space
and time relative to copying a large amount of
48Reference Parameters
- Value parameter A formal parameter that receives
a copy of the content of the corresponding actual
parameter. - Reference parameter A formal parameter that
receives the location (memory address) of the
corresponding actual parameter.
49Reference Parameters
- int main()
- int courseScore
- cout ltlt This program computes the course
grade. - ltlt endl
- getScore(courseScore)
- printGrade(courseScore)
- return 0
- void getScore(int score)
- cout ltlt Enter the course score
- cin gtgt score
- cout ltlt endl ltlt Course score is ltlt score ltlt
50Quick Quiz
- Write a function that takes and integer as a
(value) parameter, and returns the integer
multiplied by 5 as its result. - Write a function that takes 2 floating point
values as parameters and returns the smaller of
the two as its result.
51Quick Quiz
- Write a function that takes and integer as a
(value) parameter, and returns the integer
multiplied by 5 as its result. - int multByFive(int num)
- return num 5
52Quick Quiz
- Write a function that takes 2 floating point
values as parameters and returns the smaller of
the two as its result. - float min(float f1, float f2)
- if (f1 lt f2)
- return f1
- else
- return f2
53Next Class
- We are reviewing a bit the structured data type
arrays. - Read the Materials from Ch 9. p 423-450.
- How are arrays and for loops (repetition) related?