Subscription Services - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Subscription Services


Descriptive Statistics: ... Increasing prices without reducing sales. Improving response model effectiveness ... their childhood dream car, rather than young ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Subscription Services

Subscription Services Get more customers Get
more business from existing customers Make your
marketing more efficient and effective
  • Subscription Acquisitions and Renewals3
  • Response Modeling.4
  • Financials and Profiles5
  • Test Case Example6
  • Where Do We Go from Here12
  • Optimizing Your Mail and Price Strategy.13
  • Improving Response Model Effectiveness14
  • Test Improving Response through Research and

  • Subscription Acquisitions and Renewals
  • Response Modeling
  • Financials Profiles

Response Modeling
  • DART builds sophisticated custom models that
    generate superior results.
  • Purpose
  • To make your direct mail and telemarketing more
    efficient and effective.
  • Method
  • Our highly experienced modelers predict
    responders with remarkable precision. They
    achieve this by scientifically determining the
    degree to which all of the data contribute to the
    likelihood of response. Models can also be built
    with other objectives in mind, such as maximizing
    revenue or predicting price sensitivity. Using
    which ever form of regression proves most
    effective, variables are reduced to include only
    those contributing to the solution. Data quality
    checks are performed and any problems or
    questions are reported before the model is
  • The standard write-up includes a description of
    the model and a gains chart.
  • The expanded write-up adds 1) Descriptive
    statistics - a basic report summarizing what data
    was used and what the mail file data
    distributions were. 2) Descriptive profiles -
    shows responders versus non-responders. 3) Decile
    Analysis - compares the top three deciles to the
    bottom three for more distinctive profiles. 4) A
    one-page model evaluation and validation summary.
    5) A two-page financial analysis showing expected
    performance by decile and in summary.
  • Results
  • An elegant model that makes sense, will be easy
    to implement, and will greatly reduce mailing

Expanded Write-up Financials and
  • We provide a detailed analysis and an expanded
    write-up, which makes sense out of the numbers.
    Each of these can be provided a la carte as well.
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • A basic report summarizing what data was used and
    what the mail file data distributions were.
  • Descriptive Profiles
  • This analysis describes the attributes of
    responders. For example, Responders are 36 more
    likely to live in large cities than those in the
    mail file. This also reveals targets for your
  • Decile Analysis
  • This analysis profiles the attributes of those
    the model identifies as likely to respond. It
    compares subscribers in the top three deciles to
    those in the bottom three deciles.
  • Model Evaluation and Validation
  • This is the final step in the analysis process.
    We compare actual responders to modeled
    responders to validate the model and screen for
  • Financial Decile Analysis
  • This analysis shows the expected financial
    performance of each decile. The analysis is
    thorough, considering everything from response
    rates to the residual revenue from expected
    future sales.

  • Subscription Response Modeling
  • Test Case Example

Decile Table of Model Performance (Gains Chart)
  • Test Case This is an acquisitions response model
    example (we also build pricing, revenue and
    renewal models). Those mailed in the top three
    deciles were more than five times as likely to
    subscribe as those in the bottom three deciles.
    To provide added precision, we can also divide
    these into ventiles (20 groups) or simply use a
    raw score to allow selection of the desired
    number of names.

Descriptive Profiles, Decile Analysis and Model
  • Description
  • This table compare profiles of actual responders
    to the modeled responders.
  • The Descriptive Profiles are on the left, the
    Decile Analysis is on the right.
  • The full version of this write-up includes
    charts. The Decile Analysis also includes brief
    descriptions identifying statistically
    significant findings.
  • Model Validation of the Test Case
  • The similarity in the indexes shows that the
    model is doing an excellent job of assigning
    responders to the top three deciles for each

Financial Decile Analysis
Financial Summary
  • Description
  • This table shows the expected results from one
    mail effort.
  • Key Findings
  • Mailing only the top half of the list generates
  • 83 of the responders,
  • 86 of all revenue, and
  • 98 of residual revenue.
  • Given a mail file of 747k names, mailing only the
    top half saves 187k per mail effort.

  • Where Do We Go from Here?
  • Optimizing your mail strategy
  • Increasing prices without reducing sales
  • Improving response model effectiveness
  • Improving response through research and

Where do we go from here?
  • Get more subscriptions at higher prices for less
    money using services designed to pay for
    themselves through the value they return.
  • Test, monitor, and evaluate
  • We guide you through this process to ensure
    consistent improvement in direct marketing
  • Optimize your pricing strategy
  • Statistically determine who is willing to pay
    what price. Once the results from the mailing are
    in (about 3-4 weeks worth of responses are
    adequate), we can fine tune pricing strategy by
    decile. Requires structured prices tests during
  • Optimize your mail strategy
  • Financial modeling increases precision by
    measuring the affect of offers and mailing
    different audiences the right number of times.
    Set your plan and test what-if scenarios.
  • Improve the effectiveness of the response model
  • Database Enhancement Research with Cost/Benefit
  • Other ways to improve response rates
  • Custom Segmentation I am not the median.
  • Pre Mail Research Understanding purchase
    motivation and behavior, and desirable product
    attributes leads to better targeted creative and
    better response.
  • Post Mail Research Understanding the why
    leads to more effective offers.

How do we optimize our mail strategy and pricing
  • Pricing Analysis and Financial Modeling
  • Purpose
  • Sell more magazines, at higher prices, for the
    least amount of money.
  • Method
  • We statistically determine who we can raise
    prices to, by how much, and on which products.
  • Follow up with a custom financial model, further
    customized to consider timing and list fatigue
    from multiple mail efforts, different packages
    and prices. Predict with relative certainty the
    results of the mailing.
  • Audiences and Packages - Allow for mailing only
    cherry picked audiences and packages within a
    decile, factoring in segmented performance.
  • Timing and List Fatigue - Allow what-if scenarios
    by each mail effort.
  • Multiple Prices - Evaluate the impact of changes
    in price on the fly. For best results, a
    structured price test or a long history of prices
    and response rates is required. The price test
    can be non-invasive and not significantly alter
    the results of any campaign. In absence of a
    price test, a linear price to response index is
    used in its place for each target audience.
  • Results
  • Expect more responses at higher prices for less

Are we missing data that will improve model
performance cost effectively?
  • Database Enhancement Research with Cost/Benefit
  • Purpose
  • Examine the value of adding additional
    demographic and other variables to your database,
    and evaluate whether the benefits from increased
    model performance out weight the costs.
  • Method
  • Establish baseline - start with a model you
    already have (or build a new model) and include
    the variables currently available on your
  • Test additional data - append a large number of
    variables from a company like Experian or
    Donnelley to a small sample of your customer and
    mail files to minimize data costs.
  • Identify cost effective contributing variables -
    examine the new variables to see if they add
    efficiency to the model and include only those
    that make economic sense to add (either due to
    decreased mail cost or increased response).
  • Results
  • The value in this analysis is particularly
    evident long term. A residual benefit is any new
    information that leads to better targeting your

How can we improve response rates among those we
finally choose to mail?
  • Custom Segmentation I am not the median.
  • Purpose
  • Identify distinct target audiences within your
    subscriber base.
  • Method
  • Segmentation can be achieved either through
    obvious customer groups or through sophisticated
    statistical clustering techniques. Market to each
    segment individually with distinct creative,
    rather than treating everyone as if they were the
    median subscriber.
  • This technique is often coupled with pre mail
    market research to deliver highly informative
    creative and increase acceptance rates
    significantly within each target audience.
  • Results
  • Better targeting leads to better response rates.

How can we improve response rates among those we
finally choose to mail?
  • Pre Mail Research Understanding purchase
    motivation and behavior, and desirable product
    attributes leads to better targeted creative and
    better response.
  • Purpose
  • Gain customer intelligence and understand
    purchase motivation by target audience. This
    leads to better targeted messages in your direct
    mail creative, increasing response rates.
  • Method
  • Through market research, find out what attributes
    of the magazine appeal most to the each target
    audience and which behavioral characteristics
    link to likelihood to buy. It may boil down to
    one or two key attributes that indicate whether
    someone is a good prospect and one or two key or
    behavioral characteristics that indicate why they
  • Results
  • For example, Corvette buyers like to drive fast
    not to drive through winding scenic roads. It
    turns out that need for speed is different from
    need for performance. And, Corvette buyers are
    more likely to be middle aged men nostalgic for
    their childhood dream car, rather than young men
    dreaming of this car.

How can we do better next time?
  • Post Mail Research - Understanding the why
    leads to more effective offers.
  • Purpose
  • Companies generally judge whether or not an offer
    worked solely by the response rate to the
    mailing. If the response was low they increase
    the offer, if it was high they do it again or
    reduce the offer. But, to learn why the offer
    did what it did, follow the mail with surveys
    designed to get additional detail about their
    thought process, purchase consideration, and the
    value they placed on the offer.
  • Method
  • Implement three surveys as follows 1) awareness
    and readership, 2) buyers, 3) non buyers. It
    could be condensed to remove the awareness and
    readership part, but experience indicates that it
    is worthwhile.
  • Results
  • This will lead to a better offer next time, that
    will not be more expensive, just more effective.

Getting Started
Contact us today! Learn more about how we can
help you achieve better response rates for less
  • Craig Tomarkin
  • DART Marketing, LLC
  • 2333 Congress St.
  • Fairfield, CT 06824
  • 203-259-0676
  • Fax 419-858-8545
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