Title: Supplemental Material
1Supplemental Material
- Use only if you will be using a Detailed Budget
for your Grants.gov/NIH submission
2Remember-Do NOT use a Modular Budget and a
Detailed Budget (Research Related Budget)
- You must choose 1.
- Detailed budgets are required when Direct Costs
are gt 250K per year.
3In Optional Documents Choose Research Related
Budget not PHS 398 Modular Budget
4RR Budget
5Research Related BudgetPlease refer to handout
- Duns will auto fill from form SF424 (RR)
- Budget Type click Project
- Name of organization will auto fill from SF424
- Start date will auto fill from SF424-you must add
End Date for Budget Period 1. - A. PD/PI will auto fill from SF424
- Base can be 0 if necessary
- New salary cap is 191,300
- FAQs and a Calculator available at
faqs.htm - If gt8 use Add Attachment
- B. remember Grad student limitation on
compensation. - The maximum amount NIH will award for
compensation of a graduate student receiving
support from a research grant is tied to the
zero-level Kirschstein-NRSA stipend in effect
when NIH issues the grant award (see current
levels posted at http//grants.nih.gov/training/nr
sa.htm). - Payments made for educational assistance (e.g.,
scholarships, fellowships, and student aid costs)
may not be paid from NIH research grant funds
even when they would appear to benefit the
research project.
- C. Lump together gt10 and Add Attachment
- D. Usual entries
- E. Rarely used-even for training grants
- F. Watch for any specific instructions
- 5. Total of all subcontracts here
- 8. Tuition
- 9. Participant costs
- G. Total direct costs will auto calculate
- H. Type is MTDC or Modified Total Direct Cost
- Rate is usually 50
- Cognizant Federal Agency is from Fact sheet
- K. Upload budget justification in single PDF file
for ALL YEARS. This must be done before future
Budget Periods will become active. - When complete click Next Period at top right to
enter additional Budget Periods.
9For Every subcontract PI sends the RR Subaward
Budget Attachment to any subcontractors for
completion it is returned to the PI then PI
attaches the PureEdge form to this page. If
subcontractor does not have a DUNS put 9 0s in
the form. Do Not convert it to PDF. If more than
10-put in Main Budget Justification
10Dealing with Subcontracts
- Subcontracts should be submitted to ORCA from the
sponsored project office (SPO) of the
subcontractor ONLY. - The SPO should confirm to Drexel ORCA in writing
they have reviewed the details of the project,
dates and budget for accuracy. - A complete package should include the Puredge
subcontract file, a detailed project budget, and
a confirming e-mail from the subcontractor SPO. - ORCA will not accept subcontracts solely
generated by PIs from other institutions.
11When completed
- Move both forms to the right side of the