Title: The Metric Wars: EVA versus Cashflow measures
1The Metric Wars EVA versus Cashflow measures
2Competing value added approaches
- promoted by
- Stern Stewart Co
- Cash Flow Rate of Return on Investment
- promoted by
- Holt Value Associates (Chicago)
- BCG Boston Consulting Group
3CFROI egenskaper side 383
- CFROI beregnes som IRR (internrenten)
- CFROI blir beregnet utelukkende på grunnlag av
kontantstrømmer - CFROI blir inflasjonsjustert
- Kan ikke bli fortolket som internrenten
- Fjerner seg fra Accrual accounting, dvs
regnskapsbaserte tall - Realrente, ikke nominalrente
- Similarity to EVA
- CFROI is normally calculated on an annual basis
and is compared to an inflation-adjusted cost of
capital to determine whether the company has
earned returns superior to its cost of capital
and thus created shareholder value for its
shareholders. - Both methods assume that management creates value
by earning returns on invested capital greater
than the cost of capital.
5Steps in CFROI calculationsFigure 9-2 page 387
- Step 1 Estimate economic life of depreciable
assets of the company - Step 2 Estimate the gross cashflows, inflation
adjusted - Step 3 Estimate gross cash investment
- Step 4 Calculate the non-depreciating assets
(such as land and inventories) . Calculate the
terminal value of such assets at the end of the
horizon - Step 5 CFROI as IRR of the real cash flow
investment project
6The CFROI Valuation Model
- Value of the firm
- Value of existing assets
- Value of future investments
- Formula page 389
- Formula page 390
7 3 Components of Market Value
- Market value
- Invested capital
- Present value of future EVAs from assets in place
- Present value of future EVAs from future
- EVA terminology
- COV Current Operations Value
- FGV Future Growth Value
8Rest of Ch 9
- A case study of CFROI (9 pages)
- The CFROI fade (5 pages) The evidence isnt
- Harnischfeger Industries (4 pages)
- Does a predictable fade really exist?
9CFROI and Inflation
- Adjusting for inflation is one of the distinctive
selling features of CFROI - illustrated in 4 steps
- page 405-406
- numeric example
- Inflation affects CFROI in three major ways
- 1) Gains/losses from monetary assets/liabilites
- 2) Inflation adjustment for fixed assets
(gjenanskaffelsesverdier) - 3) Inventories
10 EVA or CFROI? Authors conclusion from the
- EVA has flexibility in deciding which accounting
adjustments to make (if any). - .
- EVAs relative simplicity gives it important
advantages over CFROI as a divisional performance
- The CFROI metric requires a comprehensive set of
adjustments, some of which are complex and
difficult for line managers to understand
11The Holt/BCG critique of EVA
- EVA is biased against growth
- EVA ignores dividend payments
- EVA is biased by size and difficult to interpret
or benchmark - EVA is not adjusted for inflation
- Pga lineær avskrivning This practice results in
understating EVA in early years - EVA based on the firm as a separate entity MM
- Dollar measure versus
- Nominal dollar measure
12Authors conclusionson the Holt Critique
- With proper depreciation (sinking fund!) EVA is
pro-growth - EVA does not ignore dividends (Holt confusion)
- EVA is not biased by size (Holt confusion)
- Inflation?
- Implicitly they admit that inflation might be a
problem - but ..
- .
- This might be adjusted for if it is important
- by the cost-benefit test
13Appendix The Cost of Capital under CFROI
- The Holt CFROI approach assumes that
company-specific risk is a function of financial
leverage and size, two risk factors that cannot
be eliminiated through diversification and
therefore should be reflected in discount rate
- Interesting views!
- Why?
- CAPM too simple for practical use?
- Practical integration of insights from Arbitrage
Pricing Theory