Title: ASCA Observations of NLS1s
1ASCA Observations of NLS1s
- BH Mass from X-ray Variability
- and X-ray Spectrum
- K. Hayashida, K. Mori
- (Osaka University)
2Narrow Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1)
- Seyfert Type 1 whose Broad Emission Line Width is
Narrow. (???)
3Statistical Properties
Narrow Hb Width
Rapid / Large Ampl. X-ray Variability
Steep Soft X-ray Spectrum
4BH Mass Estimation of NLS1
- X-ray Variability
- Application of the Method developed in Hayashida
et al., 1998,ApJ500,p.642. - Black Body Fit to Soft Component
- Classical Method in (X-ray) Astronomy
Preliminary Results were appeared in Hayashida,
1998(IAU Sympo 188), and Hayashida, 1999 (Adv. in
Space Res.).
5Mass Estimation from Variability
- Assumptions
- X-ray Variability of BHs (from SBHC to AGNs) is
Similar to Each Other. - Variability Time Scale is Proportional to System
Size, i.e., BH Mass. - Cyg X-1 BH 10 Mo
- Use Normalized Power Spectrum Density (NPSD)
6How to make a Normalized Power Spectral
- Two BGD Subtracted Light Curves
- Short bin size16-256s
- Long bin size5760sec
- Short-gtNPSD for High Freq Long-gtNPSD for Low
Freq. - Normalized by Average Intensity2
- Combine Two NPSDs
- NPSD points are missed around 2x104 Hz.
7Time Scale and NPSD (1/2)
8Time Scale and NPSD (2/2)
Source B
Source A
fp(f)-plot Power per Log Frequency
9fP(f)-Plot BLS1 Cyg X-1
Cyg X-1
10Lx vs Mvar for BLS1s
H0 75km/s/Mpc Lbol/Lx(2-10) 27.2 Is assumed
- Similarity between AGN and SBHC (White, et al.,
1984, Inoue, 1989) - NPSD of Cyg X-1 is stable at higher frequency
part (Knee Frequency shifts.) (Belloni and
Hasinger, 1990.) - NPSD of GBHCs coincide at higher frequency parts.
(Miyamoto et al., 1992) - NPSD of X1608
12Constancy of NPSD
13NLS1 ASCA Sample
- 14NLS1
- Zw1, Ton S180, PHL1092, PKS0558-504, 1H0707-495,
RE103439, NGC4051, PG1211143, Mrk766,
PG1244226, IRAS13224-3809, PG1404226, Mrk478,
Ark564. - 9BLS1 s for Comparison
- MCG-6-30-15, NGC5548, Mrk841, Mkn509, 3C120,
NGC3227) from ASCA - MCG-6-30-15, NGC4151,NGC5506,ESO-G103,NGC5548
from Ginga
14ASCA Light Curves of NLS1
15NPSDs of NLS1s
161H0707-495 (1995Mar-gt1998May)
- Intensity Drop by factor of 6.
- NPSDs unchanged.
17f P(f) Plot NLS1 (ASCA)
18Lx vs Mvar (NLS1)
19 Hb FWHM vs Mvar
BLS1 107-108Mo NLS1 105-107Mo
20Calibration Mass from BL width vs Mvar
Mrev and Mph from Wandel, A. et al., 1999
(astro-ph/9905224) )Mrev for NGC4051 is
preliminary (ct6.5days).
21Mvar v.s. Excess Variance
(Excess Variance from Turner et al., 1999)
- We estimated BH masses of NLS1s from X-ray
Variabiliy. - BH Masses in NLS1s from X-ray variability
distribute from 105 to 107 Mo, while those in
BLS1 range 107-108Mo. - Calibration to Mrev were Shown.
23X-ray Spectrum of NLS1s
2nd Method
24Problems on BB Fitting
- How perfect is the underlying Power Law ?
- Spectral Features / Warm Absorber / 1keV Feature.
- Is Blackbody fit perfect ? (Color Temp/Effective
Temp) - Calibration Uncertainty of ASCA (excess NH?)
- SIS-CCD Degradation Effect (Dark Frame Error etc.)
25kTBB vs Soft Excess Ratio
26BB Fit -gtArea-gtBH Size
27BB area size -gtBH size around 105-106Mo
- The soft component of NLS1s have simiar Emission
Region Size BB luminosity. - The soft component of the BLS1s (if they have
similar one) are difficult to be detected. - Does the BB area really correspond to the central
BH ?
28MBBfit vs Mvar
1st vs 2nd
29MBBfit(0.5Rs) vs Mvar
30Can we reconcile the Contradiction ?
- For MBBfit lt Mvar
- Inclination Effect
- cos Factor MBBfit gives under-estimate
- Tc gt Te Effect
- MBBfit gives under-estimate, too.
31Extreme NLS1 Class/State ?
- For MBBfit gtMvar
- X-ray Variability of Extremely Enhanced Soft
Components gt Variability Amplitude is Also
Enhanced ? - Mvar underestimation
320.5Rs lt-gt Kerr BH lt-gt Slim Disk Solution
ADAF (Slim Disk)
Standard Disk
From Mineshige et al., 1999 see also Abramowicz
- Soft Component of NLS1s was fitted with a BB
model with kT of 0.1-0.2keV. - BH mass estimated about 105Mo (r3Rs) or
105-106Mo (r0.5Rs) . - Lbb exceeds LEdd for r3Rs, but not for r0.5Rs.
- MBBfit was compared with Mvar Contradiction of 2
order of magnitudes was found. Possible
reconciliation was discussed.
34Long Term Variability of NLS1s(1/2)
35Long Term Variability of NLS1s(2/2)
36NLS1s Personal View
- NLS1s have smaller BH of 105-107 Mo.
- In some of NLS1s, high mass flow rate makes near
or super Eddington accretion. - In the extreme high accretion rate
- Variability Amplitude is enhanced.
- Hard X-ray emission is suppressed.
- Mass flow rate changes with time scales of years,
reflecting the smallness of system. - NLS1Evolving Stage of Seyferts to BLS1.