Title: Development Theories
1Development Theories
2Discussion Four Governance and Political
- Â
- I. Golden Oldies
- Â
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- II. Literary Map-
- Â
- Â
- III. Synthesis Themes-
- Â
3Overall Theme for the Week
- Â
- Â
- Political Development is a pre-requisite for
Social and Economic Development - Discussion Political Development as a
Pre-requisite? - Â
- Institutionalization
- Role of Civil Society
- Economics and Politics
- Systems Theory/Structural Functionalism
- Corporatism
5Two Quotes
- "...there is a close link between respect for
human rights and democracy, on the one hand, and
the ability to sustain economic and social
development on the other." - Â
- John Martinussen
- Â
- "...states will necessarily remain central
actors in development policy." - Â
- Milton Esman
- Â
6 Antithesis Maybe Not
- NGOs and Civil Society?
- Â
- "Although development studies once had a love
affair with the model of a strong democratic
state and its capacity to plan change
comprehensively with technical staff, states are
increasingly maligned for consuming excessive
societal resources in an inefficient, bungling,
even abusive manner. - Kathleen Staudt
- Obama Administration Abandons Development for War
in Afghanistan (NYT- 1/28/09
7The Economic Model China
- Â
- Â
- Counter-argument Asian model of Development
8Samuel P. Huntington
- The Huntington Model Political
Instititutionalization - Â
- Huntingtons Theory of Institutional
Development Suggests stability over participation - Fear ethnic, ideological and religious based
9The Huntington Matrix
- Â
- Institutionalization
- Participation
- High Low
- Â
- Â
- Â
- Â
10Huntingtons Formula
- Â Order and Civilization
- Â
- Institutionalization should equal Mobilization
- Â
- or
- Â
- Institutionalization should be greater than
mobilization - Â
- but not
- Â
- Institutionalization should be lower than
11Huntington Summary
- Key Loss of Equilibrium and Violence (David
Apter with Huntington) - Political Order is Culture Bound
- Clash of Civilization Theory?
12Â Political Development and Governance
Alternative Models
- Identity
- Legitimacy
- Participation
- Penetration
- Distribution
- Leonard Binder Sequential Crises
13Classic Political Science Theories
- Systems Theory (David Easton) and Structural
Functionalism (Almond and Verba, The Civic
Culture (1957) - Â
- Â
- Origins of contemporary Civil Society Model
- Â
- There is a civic culture which is the most
developed political form. - Â
- Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba
14Systems Theory
15General Systems Theory
16Structural Functionalism Gabriel Almond
- Inputs
- interest articulation
- Interest aggregation
- The Black Box (With-inputs)
- Outputs- Policies
- Feedback
17Cultural Debates Reminder
- Disjointed Modernization (Gusfield and Susan
Rudolph) - Â
- Â
- Misplaced Polarities Theory
18Problems with Bureaucracy
- Civil Society Collapse and the Impact of
Colonialism (Crawford Young) - Â
- The Administrative State (Picard)
- And the Organizational Bourgeoisie (Leonard
19(No Transcript)
20Debates About Bureaucracy
- State centric vs. social centric Development
- Â
- The importance of bureaucracies and Institutional
Change (Esman and Staudt) - Â
- Â
- Strong State vs. Strong Bureaucracy Which
should dominate - Â
- Weak State but Strong Society
- Â
- Weak State but strong (Praetorian) Bureaucracy
- Â
- Â
- Â
21Group Representation Models
- Corporatism and the Scandinavian Model
- Â
- Social Corporatism VS. Polyarchy (Dahl)
- Â
- Fascism
- Â
- Â
- Military Corporatism
- Â
- Â
- Religious Corporatism
- Â
- Â
22What is Fascism?
23Critique of Corporatism
24Debates About Social Class
- Class Analysis (Marx and his Successors)
- Rural vs. Urban
- Agricultural vs. Industrial collectivization
25Class Analysis
- How does it impact Development?
26Mock Comprehensive Question
- To what extent should political issues be
addressed within a developmental context? Why is
political development seen to be a pre-requisite
for social and economic development? What are the
counter-arguments? Are there alternative models
for a developed polity than the "representative
democracy" model? Refer specifically to the
literature on development in your response.
27Development PolicyDiscussion
- Deconstruction Exercise
- Comprehensive Exam
- Groups
- Do deconstruction- Brief, two minute presentation
28Development Theory
29Discussion of Comprehensives