Title: Chap'3 : BirthDeath Queueing Systems in Equilibrium
1Chap.3 Birth-Death Queueing Systems in
2General Equilibrium Solution
- In equilibrium case it is clear that flow must be
conserved in the sense that the input flow must
equal the output flow from a given state.
4conservation of flow across any closed boundary
5M/M/1 The Classical Queueing System
- All birth coefficients equal to a constant
- All death coefficients equal to a constant
- Average number of customers in the system
- Average time spent in the system
- The probability of finding at least k customers
in the system
8Graph of the Average Number of Packets in the
M/M/1 Queue
9close clear x00.0010.980 y(x)./((1-x)) pl
ot(x,y) grid on xlabel('Utilization') ylabel('A
verage number in queueing system')
10System State Distribution for the M/M/1 Queue
11close clear x0120 for i020 y1(i1)
PrSystemSizeisX(0.2,i) y2(i1)
PrSystemSizeisX(0.4,i) y3(i1)
PrSystemSizeisX(0.472,i) y4(i1)
PrSystemSizeisX(0.6,i) y5(i1)
PrSystemSizeisX(0.8,i) end semilogy(x,y1,'d'
,x,y2,'s', x,y3,'v', x,y4,'',x,y5,'o') grid
on xlabel('Queue size') ylabel('Probability') l
function yPrSystemSizeisX(rho,x) y(1-rho)(rho
12Average waiting time for M/M/1 Queue(ATM case)
13close clear for i0950 x(i1) i/1000
y1(i1) MM1tw(x(i1),2.831) y2(i1)
MD1tw(x(i1),2.831) y3(i1) 2.831
end plot(x,y1,x,y2,x,y3) plot(x,y1,x,y3) gri
d on xlabel('Utilization') ylabel('Average
waiting time (in microseconds)') legend('M/M/1','
1 cell time1/u2.831us, STM-1 case',2)
function yMM1tw(rho,s) y(rhos) / ((1-rho)eps)
14Estimate Loss Probability for the M/M/1 Queue
15close clear k 24 for i200980 x(i1)
i/1000 y1(i1) PrSystemSizeisX
(x(i1),k) y2(i1) PrSystemSizeisGTX(x(i1),k)
end semilogy(x,y1,x,y2) semilogy(x,y2)
grid on xlabel('Utilization') ylabel('Probabil
ity') legend('Queue size k24', 'Queue size
16Discouraged Arrivals
- Birth and Death Coefficients
17M/M/Infinite Responsive Servers
- Birth and Death Coefficients
18M/M/m The m-server case
- Birth and Death Coefficients
19M/M/1/K Finite Storage
- Birth and Death Coefficients
20M/M/m/m m-server Loss System
- Birth and Death Coefficients
- The fraction of time that all m servers are busy.
21M/M/1//M Finite Customer Population Single Server
- Birth and Death Coefficients
22M/M/Infinite//M Finite Customer Population,
Infinite Number of Server
- Birth and Death Coefficients
23M/M/m/K/M Finite Population, m-Server, Finite
- Birth and Death Coefficients
- Queueing Systems Volume I Theory, Leonard
Kleinrock, 1975, JWS http//www.lk.cs.ucla.edu/ - Introduction to IP and ATM Design and
Performance, 2nd Edition, Pitts Schormans,
2000, JWS http//www.elec.qmw.ac.uk/ipatm/ - Lecture Notes from http//vega.icu.ac.kr/bnec/
written by Professor J.K. Choi.