Title: ASPNET 2'0 Internationalization
1i18n (Internationalization)in ASP.NET 2.0
Mark FrederiksenABLE Innovations
- Describe the Internationalization issues related
to ASP.NET 2.0 applications - Define technical approaches
- Suggest strategies for Internationalizing ASP.NET
2.0 applications (and WinForms, too)
3Assumptions Environment
- ASP.NET 2.0 development environment
- Using Visual Studio 2005 C
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005
- Typically, single or clustered server environment
supporting multiple languages simultaneously - Unicode as default code set
- Likely Using ASP.NET 2.0 Membership/Profile
4Assumptions Users
- Using browsers
- Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows and Mac??)
- Firefox 1.5 (Windows and Mac)
- Safari 1.3.2 (Mac)
- Languages initially supported
- Unicode as default code set
- English (default)
- Western European languages
- Asian Japanese, Korean, Chinese
(simplified (PRC), traditional (Taiwan, other
areas) - Discussion will NOT include bi-directional
language - Only Gregorian calendar system will be considered
- Most Users are not on local LAN - not dependant
upon AD
5Primary Steps
- Enable International options (SQL Server)
- Establish the users preferred culture
- Respond to the users culture
- Resources and Formatting
- Resource translation
- Test and Maintain system
6SQL Server Issues
- Enable Unicode
- Establish the Collate options
7SQL Server 2005 Default Internationalization
- Default internationalization behavior is
determined by - SQL Installation
- Install asks for default Character set and
Collation - Affects System database
Choosing Unicode would double system
databases - - Hard to change after SQL Server is installed
- Suggest using DEFAULTS Windows Latin-1
char. Set Latin1_General collation
- Defining a new database
- Defaults to model database
- - which defaults to SQL Installation Char
set/Collation unless model database has been
altered - Suggest using DEFAULTS
8SQL Server 2005 Data Columns
- Use Unicode datatypes in Table columns,
CONVERT() and CAST() operations - nchar
- nvarchar
- nvarchar(max)
- ntext
- Catalog view sys.types reports length in bytes,
not characters - Substitute ASCII() and CHAR() with UNICODE()
and NCHAR() - Define variables and parameters of Stored
Procedure and triggers in Unicode - Prefix Unicode string constants with the letter
N - Important even if the column name being
references is Unicode e.g. EXECUTE Product_Info
_at_name NChain
9SQL Server 2005 Unicode
- SQL Server 2005 uses UCS-2
- Some characters not included Additional
Chinese characters - SQL Server stores these as supplementary
characters - stored as two unified Unicode
character - Supplementary characters sorted in 90 series
collations - Japnese_90
- Korean_90
- Chinese_PRC_90 Chinese_PRC_Stroke_90
- Chinese_Taiwan_Bopomofo_90 Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_9
0 - Chinese_Hong_Kong_Stroke_90_CI_AS
10SQL Server 2005 Collation
- SQL Server 2005 uses two collation Types
- Windows Collation
- Defined to support Windows locales
- Uses the same code pages, sorting, comparisons as
an application on a Windows system - Recommended if you mix Unicode and non-Unicode
columns in the database applies Unicode based
sorting rules to both Unicode and non-Unicode
data (internally converts non-Unicode data to
Unicode for comparison operations), unlike SQL
Collations - Default setting Latin1_General supports 33
locales - SQL Collations Legacy for prior SQL versions
- Sorts Unicode fields as Unicode, and non-Unicode
as non-Unicode
11SQL Server 2005 Sorting Order
- Sort order concepts
- Three sort values
- Primary value basic character ignoring case
and accents - Secondary value A a
- Tertiary value - typically accents
- Options
- Case Sensitive
- Accent Sensitive
- Kana sensitive distinguish between Japanese
Kana and Hiragana - Width sensitive - distinguish between half-width
and full-width chars. - Binary Binary Code
12SQL Server 2005 SQL statements
- Specifying Collation in SQL
- Collate clause
- Example
- SELECT name FROM customer ORDER BY name COLLATE
Japanese_Unicode - Append options
- _CS _CI Case sensitive Case insensitive
- _AS _AI Accent sensitive Accent inensitive
- _KS Kana sensitive, if omitted, Kana
insensitive - _WS Width sensitive, if omitted, width
insensitive - Examples Latin1_General_CI_AS
13Establish the Users preferred culture
- Description of a language, and OPTIONALLY a
region - System.Globalization.CultureInfo class
- Culture string representation based on RFC 1766
languagecode2-country/regioncode2-script - Examples en represents neutral English
en-GB represents UK English - CultureInfo object
- Invariant absence of culture (may be
English) - Neutral en Language NOT specific to
a particular region - Specific en-GB Language in a specific
region, and region info, e.g.,
15Default International behavior
- Default internationalization behavior is
determined by - - CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture
- Determined from either
- CultureInfo class, or the current thread
- Assigned only from the current thread
- CurrentCulture must be a SPECIFIC
culturedefault culture for System.Globalization
affects culture specific formatting (date/time,
number,currency, AND display of Calendar
control) - CurrentUICulture Can be neutral or specific
culturedefault culture used by ResourceManager
16Setting the Culture
- Web.config
- ltglobalization enableClientBasedCulturetrue
uicultureen /gt - Or, lt_at_ Page Cultureautoen-GB
UICultureautoen . gt - Page
- Automatic (browsers first requested culture)
with default lt_at_ Page Cultureautoen-GB
UICultureautoen .
gt - Programmatically
- Analyze complete list of browsers culture
requests - Based upon setting in the Users Profile
17Setting the Culture Collation
- SQL Server 2005 Collations
- Two types
- Windows Collations recommended
- Based upon Windows locales attempt to match SQL
Server 2005 and Windows localesDefault
Latin1_General - SQL Collations -- Legacy with prior version of
SQL Server - Called very early in the page life cycle -
before ALL page events - during the
FrameworkInitialize method
before controls are created - Can set culture based upon LCIDinstead of
Culture Name - useful for
alternative Sort Orders
18Set Culture reviewing all culture requests from
the browser
- Matching browsers culture requests
- Automatic method lt_at_ Page
Cultureauto .only uses browsers FIRST
request - Iterate through the browsers requested cultures
- Browsers cultures are listed in Priority order
(there are actually weight information) - Strategies
- Find the first valid culture
- Find the first culture that is supported by
resource code - Differentiate between Culture and UICulture
19Set Culture reviewing all browser requests
CODE Sample
- Iterate through the browsers requested cultures
Part 1 of 2 (Sample taken from .NET
Internationalization book, pp 148-9) - protected override void InitializeCulture() if
(Request.UserLanguages ! null
Request.UserLanguages.GetLength(0) gt
0) foreach (string userLanguage in
Request.UserLanguages) CultureInfo
cultureInfo GetCultureInfo(userLanguage,
true) if (cultureInfo ! null) Thread
cultureInfo Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCultu
re CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(cultu
reInfo.Name) break
20Set Culture reviewing all browser requests
CODE Sample
- Iterate through the browsers requested cultures
-- Part 2 of 2 (Sample taken from .NET
Internationalization book, pp 148-9) - protected virtual CultureInfo GetCultureInfo( st
ring userLanguage, bool useUserOverride) int
semiColonIndex userLanguage.IndexOf("") if
(semiColonIndex ! -1) userLanguage
userLanguage.Substring(0, semiColonIndex) try
return new CultureInfo(userLanguage,
useUserOverride) catch (ArgumentException)
return null
21Set Culture Using Culture Information from User
- User Profile
- Store users preferred culture information in the
ASP.NET 2.0 Membership/Profile system - For each page, or using a new base class for
all pages (Except the Logon-on pages) - See Core Internet Application Development with
ASP.NET 2.0 page 971
22Respond to the Users preferred culture
23Resource Code
24Setting the Culture - Page
- InitializeCulture method for a page
- Method is new to ASP.NET 2.0
- Called very early in the page life cycle -
before ALL page events - during the
FrameworkInitialize method before
controls are created - Can set culture based upon LCIDinstead of
Culture Name - useful for alternative Sort
25Resource code Managers
- ASP.NET Built-in System.Resources.ResourceM
anager - Uses standard .resx format
- Easily handled by localization firms
- Directly supported in VS 2005
- Built-in tool to generate .resx filesfrom
non-localized ASP.NET project - Cached good performance
- Custom resource managers
- Directly use SQL Server
- Slower performance
26Creating Resource Files VS 2005 Tool
- Visual Studio 2005 tool Generate
Local Resources - Generates resource file for a particular page
-- from Design view Tools gt Generate Local
Resoruces - Automatically creates .resx file that includes
all properties marked Localizable(true) - By default, most Webcontrols Text, Title,
ToolTip - NOT HTLM controls, except HtmlAnchor, HtmlImage
HtmlInputImage, HtmlTitle - Automatically modifies the page source
- Does NOT work with raw HTLM, e.g. ltpgttextlt/pgt
can substitute Localize control
27Resource File Hierarchy
- The Generate Local Resource tool only creates the
default page resource files.You must copy the
default resource files and rename then to create
the language resource hierarchy.
28Generate Local Resources
- Generate Local Resources Example code BEFORE
using tool lt_at_ Page Language"C"
AutoEventWireup"true CodeFile"Default.aspx.cs"
Inherits"_Default" gt - lttablegt
- lttrgt
- lttd style"width 100px"gt
- ltaspLabel ID"Label1" runat"server"
- Text"User name"gtlt/aspLabelgtlt/tdgt
- lttd style"width 100px"gt
- ltaspTextBox ID"TextBox1" runat"server"gt
- lt/aspTextBoxgtlt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/tablegt
29Generate Local Resources
- Generate Local Resources Page SourceExample
code, before using tool - lt_at_ Page Language"C" AutoEventWireup"true
CodeFile"Default.aspx.cs" Inherits"_Default" gt - after using tool
- lt_at_ Page Language"C" AutoEventWireup"true"
- CodeFile"Default.aspx.cs" Inherits"_Default"
- Culture"auto" metaresourcekey"PageResource1"
UICulture"auto" gt
30Generate Local Resources
- Generate Local Resources Example code, after
using tool - lttablegt lttrgt
- lttd style"width 100px"gt
- ltaspLabel ID"Label1" runat"server"
- Text"User Name"
- metaresourcekey"Label1Resource1"gt
- lt/aspLabelgtlt/tdgt
- lttd style"width 100px"gt
- ltaspTextBox ID"TextBox1" runat"server"
- metaresourcekey"TextBox1Resource1"gt
- lt/aspTextBoxgtlt/tdgt
- lt/trgt lt/tablegt
31Resource Code GenerationDemo
32Generate Local Resources
- Generate Local Resources Example Resource file
33Generate Local Resources
- Generate Local Resources
- Original TEXT attribute is retained
- Not used at Runtime
- Shown at design time
- Property Windows - shown with pink icon
34Preventing localization
- When using the Generate Local Resources tool
- Can prevent a control from being included in
Generate Local ResourcesltaspLabel ID"Label1"
runat"server" - Metalocalizefalse Text"User name"gt
- lt/aspLabelgt
35Localize control
- Generate Local Resource tool Does NOT work with
static text, e.g. ltpgtThis is an example.lt/pgt - Can substitute Localize control (derived from
Literal), but must contain ONLY static text (no
ASP.NET controls) ltpgt ltaspLocalize IDlocEx
runatServergt This is an example.
lt/aspLocalizegt lt/pgtGenerate Local Resources
will transform this to ltpgt ltaspLocalize
IDlocEx runatServergt metaresourcekeylo
cEx TextThis is an example.gt
lt/aspLocalizegt lt/pgt
36Explicit Expressions
- Generate Local Resource tool generates IMPLICIT
expressions for controls with properties marked
internally as Localizable(true) - Explicit Expressions useful for binding
resources to ANY property such as color, or
ImageURL of ImageControl - - use in HTML Attributes
- StepsCreate string resource entry
e.g. WarningColor - Using Controls Expressions select .
Select the control, Expression Type choose
Resources Select the resource entry,
property, resource
37Explicit Expressions contd
- Explicit Expressions
- Syntax lt Resources resource-file,
resource-key gt" - If resource-file is not specified, then looks
for resource-key in local resource - Cannot combine Explicit resource
expression for a local resource
and Implicit resource expression within
same control - Can combine Explicit resource
expression for a GLOBAL resource
and Implicit resource expression within
same control
38Global Resources
- Global Resources
- Reduces duplication All pages may share access
to the same set of resources - Necessary for Explicit resources where in control
that also uses Implicit resources - Compiled into a strongly typed class
- MUST be in folder App_GlobalResources
- MUST use explicit resource references
39Programmatic Resource Access
- Global Resources
- Can use compiled classname labMessage.Text
Resources.GlobalColors.WarningColor - Local Resources
- User the GetLocalResourceObject labMessage.Text
41Formatting - Overview
- Formatting
- Default setting dictated by CurrentCulture
- Or, you may specify a particular culutre
- Culture senstitive Requires an SPECIFIC Culture
- E.g., en-GBNOT en
- Always use the Globalization class
- Consider Invariant for data exchange
42Formatting Overview contd
- Formatting
- Implications for
- Text Comparison, case conversion, string length
Sorting - Numbers/Currency
- Date/Time
- Issues is the method sensitive to
43Text comparison
- String comparison
- Culture Insensitive/Case Insensitive
(equality operator) String.Equals(String,String)
- Culture Sensitive String.Equals(String,String,S
tringComparison) String.CompareTo(String) Str
ing.Compare(String,String) String.Compare(String
,String,Boolean) case-T/F String.Compare(Strin
- StringComparison - Enumeration
- CurrentCulure
- CurrentCultureIgnoreCase
- InvariantCulture
- InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
- Ordinal
- OrdinalIgnoreCase
- Ordinal comparison based upon numerical values
of the Char objects in each string
45Case conversion
- Case Conversion
- Many language scripts do not have have a concept
of case e.g., Japanese, Chinese - Culture Sensitive String.ToUpper() String.ToUppe
r(CultureInfo) String.Lower() String.ToLower(Cul
tureInfo) Char.ToUpper() Char.ToUpper(CultureI
nfo) Char.ToLower() Char.ToLower(CultureInfo) - Culture Insensitive
- -- Use CultureInfo overload and specify
- CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
46Domain Name Processing
- International Domain names
- Originally only 7-bit ASCII characters
- 2003 IETF specifies interim solution until full
use of Unicode - Encoding system Unicode to ASCII domain names
- .NET 2.0 idnMapping class idnMapping.GetAsci
i idnMapping.GetUnicode - Strategy
- Display (and accept) URLs and e-mail addresses in
Unicode - Store and utilize URLs and e-mail addresses in
Ascii Encoded form
47Sorting Collation in .NET
- Sorting Issues
- Distinction (CompareOptions enumeration)
- Word sort weights on characters
e.g., coop sorts close to co-op - String sort all non-alphanumeric sort before
alphanumeric - Ordinal sort based on the numeric value each
Char object - Some Unicode characters can have multiple binary
representations composite characters dual-width
- Unicode has four different normalization
algorithms to normalize a string - Precise way of sorting/comparison in .NET
- Normalize strings System.String.Normalize -
used Unicode normalization to map to standard - Use Ordinal option on Compare to compare strings
48Sorting/Collation - LCID
- Sorting Issues contd
- Most cultures have multiple sort orders e.g.
Spanish Modern/International -
Traditional the culture es-ES uses the
default Modern/Intl sort - .NET 2.0 allows creation for alternative
sorting - CultureInfo cultureInfo new CultureInfo(es-ES_t
radnl) - .NET 1.1 and 2.0 allow using Local ID (LCID)
- CultureInfo cultureInfo new CultureInfo(0x000004
- Numberic .ToString
- Culture formatted using NumberFormatInfo class
- Can be created for Specific or Invariant
culture, but NOT created for a neutral
culture - Default set by CurrentCultures NumberFormat
Property - Standard number format Specifiers
- Uses NumberFormatInfo class
- c, C Currency f, F Fixed Pointn,
N Number p, P Percent - Does NOT use NumberFormatInfo class
- d, D Decimal e, E Exponential x,
X Hexadecimal g, G General r, R Round-trip - Can specify a particular culture
- Val.ToString(N, new CultureInfo(fr-FR))
50Numbers/Currency Parsing Input
- Numeric .Parse method
- Uses the CurrentCulture by default
- Can specify a particular culture
- NOTE Formatting characters throw an exception
UNLESS specify NumberStyles enumeration - Any all styles except for Hex
- Currency - all styles except for Exponent and
Hex - None - all styles except for Exponent and Hex
- Number, Integer
- Example
- CultureInfo MyCultureInfo new
CultureInfo(en-US) - String MyString 123,456
- Int MyInt int.Parse(MyString, All,
51DateTime - Output
- DateTime .ToString method
- Culture formatted using DateTimeFormatInfo class
- Can be created for Specific or Invariant
culture, but NOT created for a neutral
culture - Default set by CurrentCultures DateTimeFormat
Property - Uses CurrentCulture by default
- ToString() ToShortDateString() ToLongDateString()
ToShortTimeString() ToLongTimeString() - Specify particular culture
- ToString(string)
- ToString(string, IFormatProvider)
52ASP.NET Calendar Control
- ASP.NET Calendar control
- Automatically localized
- Defaults to the CurrentCulture
- NOTE Not CurrentUICulture
- Issue If CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture
are different,then the Calendar control will
appear in the LANGUAGE of the CurrentCulture
53DateTime Parsing Input
- DateTime.Parse related methods
- .Net Framework 1.1, 2.0 Parse ParseExact
- .Net Framework 2.0 TryParse TryParseExact
- Example CultureInfo MyCultureInfo new
CultureInfo(de-DE) - String MyString 12 Juni 2002
- DateTime MyDateTime DateTime.Parse(MyString,
54Suggested References
- Books
- Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005 The Storage
Engine pp 11-14 by Kalen Delaney
ISBN 0735621055 - .NET Internationalization -- by Guy Smith
ISBN 0321341384 - Core Internet Application Development with
ASP.NET 2.0 by Randy Connolly ISBN
55Contact Information Mark Frederiksen Consultant,
ABLE InnovationsPhone (301) 948-8895Email
localization doesn't HAVE to be ugly!