Title: Glacial Sedimentation
1Glacial Sedimentation
2Sedimentation in Polar Settings
3Cold water carbonates
4Glacial Erosion
- Abrasion is a slow process that involves
sandpapering of rock to produce rock flour - Plucking is a much faster means of erosion which
involves freezing and thawing (frost wedging)
which results in large chunks of rock being
rafted from the bed
5Glacial erosion by abrasion and plucking
6U-Shaped valleys are one of the most diagnostic
geomorphic features of glaciation
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8The Glacial Buzz saw
Equilibrium Line Altitude ELA
9The Antarctic Peninsula
11Variable accumulationrates with changing
12The Ice Sheet Conveyer Belt(Deforming
Beds)Perhaps the dominantmechanism in
sedimentdelivery to the margin
13Strike view of shelf showing unconformities with
cross-section profiles similar to modern troughs
14Cross-shelf seismic profile showing landward
sloping glacial erosion surface
16Basal Debris Transport
17Lodgement Mechanism(Pressure-regelation)
18Lodgement Till
- Stiff (high shear strength)
- Lack of sorting
- Textural and mineralogical homogeneity
- Till provenance
- Pebble shape and fabric
19Seismic Facies
- Till tongues are wedge-shaped seismic units with
chaotic reflection patters - Glaciomarine deposits are characterized by more
stratified seismic facies
20Tills (lodgement and deformation)are
characterized by a lack of sorting
21Particle Shape andSurface Textureleft-large
clasts eroded from tilllower left-boulder with
facets and striationslower right-striations on
22PebbleShapeClasts transported at baseof
glacier are more rounded than englacial and
supraglacial clasts
23Pebble FabricElogate pebbles aligned in
direction of ice flow
24Silt grains with facets, striations, and
concoidal fractures
25Till Composition - homogenization of sediment
results in uniform grain size and mineralogy
within a till unit
26Glacimarine Sedimentation
27Glaciomarine Sedimentation
28Iceberg Concentrations
30Crude stratificationand sorting
31Sedimentation Models
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33Using glacial sedimentology to solve some
important problems
34History and mechanisms of ice sheet retreat
35Sedimentary record of slow ice sheet retreat
versus decoupling
36Glacial response to climate change in the
Antarctic Peninsula
37Polar Versus Temperate Glaciers
38Climate control on fjord sedimentation
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