Title: Formative Assessment in Science
1Formative Assessment in Science
Often in education we start out with the
intention of making the important measurable and
end up making the measurable important
Unsworth 2000
2What do you do with the pupils in your class that
you consider to be formative assessment?
3Theory Where are the pupils? Where do they need
to go? How are they going to get there?
Formative assessment helps learning if evidence
is collected and the information is then used to
identify appropriate teaching and learning
activities that will lead to progression.
4Summative Assessment
Takes place at the end of a piece or unit of work
Tells us where the pupils are but does not lead
to improvement
but it still has its place!
5Formative Assessment
Permeates class work
Sharing criteria Gathering evidence Feeding
back Adapting the learning path
Formative assessment requires a supportive
classroom climate safe to fail. How do we
create this ethos?
Used to collect evidence- what do the children
know, partially know or not know?
Base initial questions on broad learning
outcomes What do I know already?
Questions open up the dialogue.
On your own, sort the green question cards into
types you use frequently, sometimes and rarely,
placing them on the card provided.
Look at the large yellow card with the headings
that classify questions. In your group, place the
small yellow cards under the appropriate headings.
Consider how often you use each class of question.
8Types of Question
Blooms Taxonomy
9(No Transcript)
10Tips for effective questioning
Use responses, even incorrect ones
Key questions
Fewer and better questions
Encourage pupils to ask questions
Appropriate language and content
Listen to and acknowledge responses
Distribute questions around the class.
Use questions to make progressive cognitive
Allow thinking time
Use cues and prompts
11Fat questions (Rich questions)
Need to use smaller questions as prompts and cues
Cannot be answered immediately
What is meant by renewable energy?
What types of renewable energy do I know?
Why are some forms of renewable energy more
suited to some areas of the country than others?
What conditions are needed for the different
forms of renewable energy?
How might different parts of the UK differ in
relation to these conditions?
Properties and Uses of Energy P41 Attainment
target Classify materials as electrical
conductors or insulators and describe how these
are related to safe use of electricity. Big
question A manufacturer wants to design an
electrical cable to power an aquarium heater. You
have been asked to advise the company on suitable
materials to use in making different parts of the
cable. The materials they have asked you to
consider include plastic, copper, gold, sponge,
glass and graphite.
Possible smaller questions What parts are there
to the cable? What is a conductor /
insulator? Which materials are conductors? What
parts of the cable need to be conductors and
insulators? What parts need to be
waterproof? What are the cost implications?
Each group will now be given a particular
attainment target. You should generate a big or
rich question based upon that attainment
target. Write the big question in the appropriate
place in your record sheet. Now identify the
smaller questions needed to answer your big
question and write these on your record
sheet. One person writes this on flipchart and
pin it up. There will be a chance to look at
other groups flipcharts over coffee.
15Different ways of gathering evidence
Verbal question
Piece of extended writing
Card Sort ?
Odd one out and justify ?
Concept cartoon based ?
Making diagrams
Creating graphic organisers ?
Building models
Pupils generate own questions
16Activity In your group, look at your attainment
target. Choose one activity from the Active
Assessment book that you can adapt to suit the
attainment target you worked on. You might also
wish to refer to the green document. Draw or
write this on your flipchart and post it up. You
can look at other groups work at your leisure.
You have about 20 minutes for this activity and
five minutes to look around.