Title: Enhancing Conceptual Understanding With Concept Maps and Concept Questions
1Enhancing Conceptual Understanding With Concept
Maps and Concept Questions
- David L. Darmofal,
- Diane H. Soderholm,
- Doris R. Brodeur
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- presented at
- CDIO Wallenberg Meeting June 11, 2002
- ASEE Annual Conference June 17, 2002
2Concept Maps(Mintzes, Wandersee, Novak, 1998
Zeilik, 2000)
- Two-dimensional, hierarchical diagrams that show
the structure of knowledge within a discipline - Composed of concept labels, each enclosed in a
box or oval, a series of labeled linking lines
and general-to-specific organization.
3Concept Maps in Aero/Astro
- Planned key uses in Unified Engineering
- To help faculty organize ideas in preparation for
instruction of the 5-discipline, team-taught
course - To facilitate sharing of ideas in the
collaborative course team of faculty and teaching
assistants - For possible use as graphic organizers in class
to help students understand key concepts and
cross-disciplinary links
4Concept Map Creation
- Faculty-TA teams created single-discipline maps
with Post-it Notes and flipchart paper during a
few weekly course-team meetings - Map creation was bumped off agenda often due to
pressing course issues - maps are still in draft
form - Faculty interest waned as the semester went on
- Creating the maps took time
5Concept Map(Early draft of a concept map for
6Concept Map(Early draft of a concept map for
signals and systems)
Need to know in order to understand
Linear Systems
Useful for application to
Circuit Analysis
Circuit Elements
Kirchoffs Laws
Subset of
Methods of performing circuit analysis
R Networks
Thevinin Norton Equivalent Networks
Loop Method
Energy Storage
Node Method
Fundamental to
Types of
State Space
Sets up knowledge for understanding
Better way to analyze
Are less complex than
Impedance Methods
RLC Circuits
Another way to analyze
7Concept Map(Early draft of a concept map for
8Concept Map Sharing
- Draft maps were shared during a late-term meeting
- Faculty agreed it helped to see all maps together
at one time, helped to know what colleagues were
teaching, though no big surprises in concepts
taught - A few cross-disciplinary links were identified
-superposition, modeling, conservation laws - One important link among all disciplines was
missing from each map-mathematics - Faculty believed showing the maps to students
might help them understand concepts links
9Concept Maps Next Steps
- Will try creating maps again
- with the new team of Unified Engineering faculty
- over summer to increase faculty time available
- starting from existing draft maps to reduce time
- Include mathematical concepts in each map
- Aim to hand out to students near beginning of
term so students can modify them/add their own
notes - Faculty will be encouraged to refer to maps in
class to point out concept relationships
cross-disciplinary links - Students will be encouraged to point out links as
they come up in class/problem sets/projects/labs