1The Living Companyby Arie De GeusHarvard
Business Review (March 1997)
Presented ByTakbir Ahmed BiswasLynn
BlankensteinLexi GrayNorawit (Travis)
VirunkitkosonYixiong (Kyle) Zou
2What is a corporation?
- Defined as
- a large company or group of companies,
recognized by law as a single unit.
Oxford Dictionary
3What is a living company?
- Described as
- An organization that is viewed as a community
of human beings that is in business any
business to stay alive.
De Geus
4Life Expectancy of a corporation
- Average life span is less than 20 years
- Examples that show that a corporation can be in
business for as long as several hundred years
5Why is there such a discrepancy?
- Living companies produce goods and services to
earn their keep in the same way that individuals
have jobs in order to live - De Geus
6Living Companies
- Very good at managing for change in the
marketplace - Understand
- Who they are
- How they fit into the world
- The value of new ideas and people
7Conservatism in Financing
- Why do they survive so long?
- Concern about Safety of Capital
- Avoidance of unnecessary expenses
- Belief in the Value of money in Old fashioned way
- Tendency of saving extra cash as back-up to avoid
8Sensitivity to the World Around Them
- Adaptable to changes
- Forecasting of future
- Comparison of Past, Present and Future
- Reaction to Whatever was going on.
9Awareness of Their Identity
- Employees felt like Parts of a Whole
- Fleet of Ships
- Managers in the Living Companies were chosen
mostly from within - The First Priority To maintain the companys
10Tolerance of New Ideas
- The Manager must
- Understand the values and traditions of the
company - Keep the company alive
- Let people grow within the community
- Place commitment to people before assets
11Valuing People, Not Assets
- 27 long lived companies changed business at
least once - Scuttle assets to survive
- Assets and Profits are necessary, but not
purpose of life
12Valuing People, Not Assets (2)
- Companies with different model
- Scuttle people to survive
- Purpose to make profits for shareholders
- If in trouble, get rid of people
13Loosening Steering and Control
- Managers must
- Heed opinions and practices of other people
- Give people space to develop ideas
- Take risks with people
14Loosening Steering and Control (2)
- Metaphor of Rose Gardening
- Prune roses hard or long ?
- Hard have the biggest roses in neighbourhood in
June (high risk) - Long have roses in every June
15Why learning is essential
Organizing for Learning
- Circumstances change
- Living companies also change
16Conditions of organizational learning
Organizing for Learning (2)
- Numerous individuals
- Some of whom are innovative
- System supports
17 How living organizations learn
Organizing for Learning (3)
- Birds that flock learn faster
- Developing programs
18The Human Element
- It is a choice
- Focus on going from one generation to the next
- Level of involvement and a sense of belonging
are important
19Puddles or Rivers?
- A company must focus on smooth transitions
between generations - People need to enter and exit the company with
the right understanding - Need to be able to let go and understand fit
20Passing the Baton
- Strict exit rules
- Stewardship is important as one person exits and
another comes in - Important to understand the nature of the company
- Mobilizing the disposable intelligence
- High levels of tolerance are important
- Important to brain-rich and asset-rich companies
- Corporate death causes many to feel a loss