Title: Unions and Technology
1Unions and Technology
2Computers in Society
- 1950 2 computers
- 2003 millions
- 2020 billions
3Computer Communication Tendencies
4Computer Communication Tendencies
- Decentralization
- Customization
- Linkages made fragile and temporary
- Hardware translated to software
- everything is connected
- A new biological metaphor
5Computer Communication Effects
6Computer Communication Effects
- De-industrialization
- Globalization
- Virtual Companies
- Dynamic Employer-Worker Arrangements
- Contracting-out
7Computer Communication Effects
8Computer Communication Effects
- The Imaginary Workplace
- A workplace of unlimited resources
- based on creativity
- which can produce full employment
- and is predicated on democracy in the workplace.
9Computer Communication Effects
- Education in the Imaginary Workplace
- workers become Learners
- life-long training and education
- computer-based distance education
- more private educational activity than public
10Predicting Technologies
11Predicting Technologies
- Entertainment and toy industry
- Corporate existence
- Democratic communities
- The Internet
- Linux
12Predicting Technologies
- A period of rapid change
- The 90s Gold Rush
- Fast change means societies are easily deflected
- Same arguments for laissez-faire capitalism
- We have to learn how to confront change
13Predicting Technologies
- The technologies which exists today
are hazy prototypes
of what will
appear tomorrow.
14The Internet will disappear.
15Speaking of the Internet in 2003 is
like speaking about the Electricity in 1903.
16The Internet
- The Internet is an enabling, multi-purpose
technology. - This means many more technologies are headed our
17The Internet
- The book enabled
- Literacy
- Grammar
- The Reformation
- National borders
- Capital markets
- The Industrial Revolution
- Unions
18The Internet
- Electricity spawned
- Telegraph
- Light bulb
- Telephone
- Movies
- Radio
- TV
19What will the Internet bring?
20We are not building the Internet.
21We are buildinga new Electronic Society.
22Will unions be part of this New Electronic
23Will unions be part of this New Electronic
Society?Yes. If they participate in the design
of new technologies.
24The Internet CourseReader
- An educational computer communications program
- Designed by unionists for group work
- Helps solves problems due to
- High Internet costs
- Undependable electricity
- Expensive telephone connections
25The Internet CourseReader
26The Internet CourseReader
27The Internet CourseReader
28The Internet CourseReader
29The Internet CourseReader
30The Internet CourseReader
31The Internet CourseReader
32Union Web Sites
33The Internet CourseReader
- Developed as Open Source Software
- Free of charge
- Source Code available for programmers
- Translatable
- Freely distributable
- Foundation of an international
union-owned, union-designed
computer communications network
34Union Web Sites
35Union Web Sites
36Union Web Sites
- Web Page Creation Software
- Mozilla
- Open source free software
- Available in Belarusion, Bulgarian, Czech,
Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian,
Sorbian, Slovak, Slovenian, and Ukranian.
37What is YOUR Project?