Title: Implementation of marketing strategy: Marketing communications
1Implementation of marketing strategy Marketing
2Marketing process
- Target your market
- Position your product
- Communicate to your target audience
- Communication
- Advertising
- Personal selling
32 main goals of marketing communication
- Brand advertising aim is to build awareness of
a product by putting the brand name and product
benefits in front of users - Develop positive attitudes prior to purchase
- Direct-response advertising seeks to motivate
action BUY!
4Online communications media types
Medium Advantages Disadvantages
Website / personalized website Communicate rich, detailed information that users can navigate at will can track users and customize site accordingly Narrow reach
Banner ads Link directly to buying opportunity easy to measure effectiveness wide reach potential for effective targeting Low attention and click-through rates short life limited pass-along audience very high clutter fleeting exposure
Interstitials Catch users attention link to buying opportunity Can annoy users limited pass-along audience
Rich media Attention getting link to buying opportunity Can annoy users without broadband access
Dynamic ad placement Serves up customized ads to users in real time Difficult to execute well can annoy users and/or other advertisers
Search engines Good credibility high believability guarantee of position available significant audience at major sites High competition information overload limited pass-along
Classified and listings Relatively inexpensive potential for wide exposure qualified audience Clutter
Opt-in email High demographic selectivity high credibility significant flexibility proven high click-through rates absolutely inexpensive some pass-along Requires substantial user base before effective high clutter
Mass email High reach inexpensive flexible Low attention and significant resentment (spam image)
5Marketing communications we will look at over the
next few weeks
- This week online advertising (banners,
interstitials and rich media) - Week after study break search engine marketing
- Following week email and viral marketing
6What difference does the Internet make to
- Traditional form of one-way, one-to-many mass
advertising no longer necessary or appropriate - Web provides a highly targeted, receptive
audience - Web advertising can be interactive, and therefore
by definition, more engaging - Web provides a mechanism for instant action
- Immediate gratification of the consumer not
available with print, TV or radio advertising - Consumers complain more about web advertising
than about other forms of advertising
7Internet advertising
- Advertising is non-personal communication of
information through various media - Usually persuasive in nature about products
- Usually paid for by an identified sponsor
- Paid space on a website or in an email is
considered internet advertising - The process of selling advertising on the
Internet is very similar to offline media web
companies create content then sell advertising
space to advertisers - But also include the situation where a content
provider will pay to include that content on
another firms site (sponsored content
8The importance of Internet advertising
- Began in 1994 with banners on Hotwired.com
- Saw strong growth until 2000-2001 (on a par with
the drop in advertising spending in all media) - Now on the upswing again, as dissatisfaction with
traditional media grows (see link to reading) - The importance of the Internet as an advertising
medium varies across industries. Most advertising
comes from following categories - consumer related advertising (30)
- computing (18)
- financial services (12)
- media (12)
- business services (9)
9How successful is web advertising?
- Banner ad click-through rates are very low
- around 1 of users actually click on a banner ad
- of that 1, around 5 actually follow through
with a transaction - The web is very good at person-to-person
interactive services, and at promoting product
loyalty - Growth has been in interactive ads using rich
media - Said to be twice as effective as traditional
banners - Big payoff is in the capability to track ad
effectiveness and ability to respond to change
very quickly
10Web site advertising formats
- Began as static banners in the mid 1990s, added
animation, then moved to the use of rich media - Interactive formats, including
- Banners
- Buttons
- Skyscrapers
- Pop-ups, pop-unders, interstitials
- Floater ads and Shoshkele (United Virtualities)
- Rich media gallery (Macromedia)
- For examples of all kinds of web advertising, go
to - www.eyeblaster.com Eyeblaster
11Paying for, and measuring usage
Online media have varied payment schemes unlike
traditional media which is usually priced on a
pay for placement basis (based on ratings)
Ad Clicks
- Aggregate number of user clicks on a banner ad
- Number of times a banner ad is downloaded to a
users browser and presumably looked at
Ad Views (Impressions)
- Percentage of ad views that are clicked upon
also Ad Click Rate
- Formula used to calculate what an advertiser will
pay to an Internet publisher based on number of
click-throughs a banner generates
- Cost per thousand impressions of a banner ad a
publisher that charges 10,000 per banner and
guarantees 500,000 impressions has a CPM of 20
(10,000 divided by 500)
Going beyond click-through rates Clickstream
data gives you the whole picture of a consumers
movements before, during and after viewing an
12Complexities of online advertising
- Designing interactive rich media is challenging
- Non-linear consumer can take many paths
- Getting the right balance between intrusive and
engaging - Tracking effectiveness
- Online ads delivered to individuals rather than
to mass markets makes placement and tracking
much more complex - Technical complexity of rich media adverts mean
closer ties between the advertiser and the media
seller - Ad placement
- Disagregated medium means ads must be placed with
several Internet publishers to reach audiences
13Helping marketers deal with these complexities
- Workflow software to help in the buying, selling,
and managing of managing of online ads eg.
Solbright - Macromedia and DoubleClicks joint product to
help manage both the creation and measurement of
ad effectiveness - DART Motif
14Advertising to wireless devices
- Huge growth potential
- PDAs, cellphones, laptops etc now widely used
- Big question is would mobile users rather pay
for content, or will they tolerate advertisements
in exchange for free content - Answer is not clear because of several factors
- low bandwidth
- small screen size
- different techniques needed to track ad
effectiveness - by-the-minute payment for air-time by user
15Viewing advertising in exchange for viewing
- A growing trend as content providers try to make
sense of business realities - www.ivillage.com - view ad before gaining access
to site - www.salon.com - view ad in exchange for getting
access to complete magazine article
16The future of web advertising
- Web technology allows for many interesting
multimedia advertising formats - These catch attention when they first appear, but
quickly become intrusive and annoying - Big backlash against pop-ups
- Marketing fundamentals will prevail
- Success is about reaching the right audience with
the right message at the right time