Title: Ravi Ratnayake Director Poverty and Development Division UNESCAP
1A Future Within Reach Achieving the Millennium
Development Goals in North and Central Asia
Ravi RatnayakeDirectorPoverty and Development
2Snap Shot Asia-Pacific region
The region progressing well to achieve the MDGs
- No country is performing badly on all 18 targets,
- Not a single country will achieve all MDG targets
- The largest numbers of people affected by
economic and social deprivation still live in
Asia and the Pacific
3Goal 1 in North Central Asia
Most countries are early achievers for the
poverty reduction target Rising inequalities in
some countries
Poverty hunger
Concerns around the proportion of the population
undernourished in North and Central Asia
4Goal 2 in North Central Asia
CIS Asia has achieved a high primary enrolment
ratio CIS Asia also has the highest primary
completion rate in Asia and the Pacific region
Primary Education
Progress is mixed however for the education goal
at the country level
5Goal 3 in North Central Asia
Equal girls enrolment in primary school
achieved High share of women in non-agricultural
wage employment Still low representation in
national parliaments
Promote gender equality and empower women
6Goal 4 in North Central Asia
CIS Asia not expected to reach the child
mortality goal by 2015 CIS Asia has a
comparatively high under-five mortality rate in
Asia and the Pacific
Reduce Child Mortality
7Goal 5 in North Central Asia
- Overall, CIS Asian countries have a lower
maternal mortality ratio than other countries in
Asia and the Pacific - They also have the higest proportion of births
attended by skilled health personnel
Improve maternal health
8Goal 6 in North Central Asia
Low and moderate prevalence rates of HIV/AIDS and
tuberculosis Still, CIS Asia not expected to
reach the target for these two diseases
HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
9Goal 7 in North Central Asia
Almost all countries in CIS Asia  on track or
 early achiever for the proportion of land
area covered by forest indicator CIS Asia not
expected to reach the targets on water and
10Goal 8 in North Central Asia
- Partnerships needed to be developed at the
- National level
- Regional level
- Global level
Global Partnership
MDG 8 also calls for an increase of the ODA
11- Fundamental change required in
- Growth policies
- Institutions
- Service delivery
12Rethinking service delivery
- Bottlenecks
- Supply constraints
- Access barriers
- Institutional constraints
13Supply constraints
- Lack of service delivery in rural areas
- Not accessible to women
- Poor quality of services
14 Access barriers
- Financial barriers
- Affordability (supplementary fees, hidden and
opportunity costs) - Socio-cultural barriers
- Ethnic minorities, people with HIV/AIDS, drug
users, disabled - Gender discrimination
15Access barriers (continued)
- Legal barriers
- Lack of vital registration, land titles
- Political barriers
- Those with greater voice have better leverage
- Rights for all far from fulfilled
16Institutional change for improved services
Broadening the range of providers
- Governments main providers
- Involve private sector community groups
- Widening combinations of providers, servicing the
most vulnerable
17Regional MDG Road Map
Objective, Priority countries, Multiple Tracks
- Objective add value to national-level strategies
and processes - Priority countries off-track countries and
those below the Asian average - Actions at different levels A 3-track approach
18Products and Services
- Knowledge and capacity development
- Expertise
- Resources
- Advocacy for MDGs
- Regional cooperation in delivering regional
public goods
19 Regional Partnership Products and Services
20Thank you!