Title: How%20Did%20Don%20End%20Up%20Working%20At%20Xerox?
1How Did Don End Up Working At Xerox?
Well, turns out its a long story that goes way
2Most newborns get a pacifier and a rattle.
3Most newborns get a pacifier and a rattle.
4Most newborns get a pacifier and a rattle.
5Most newborns get a pacifier and a rattle.
6Most newborns get a pacifier and a rattle.
7but Don got his first magnifying glass and eye
8but Don got his first magnifying glass and eye
9but Don got his first magnifying glass and eye
10but Don got his first magnifying glass and eye
11but Don got his first magnifying glass and eye
12Around one most kids start to play with blocks
13and Don got his first calculator.
14And as kids get older they get more toys
15and Don started to collect HIS toys
16While most kids get a backpack for school books.
17Don got his first briefcase at age 11.
18..And eventually Don ended up at
19Where he got his first desk..
with his own TWO file drawers!
20Unfortunately, Don quickly found that his
original briefcase was just not quite big enough
21But after carrying around two or three briefcases
he discovered the.
22- The Holy Grail - A Catalog Briefcase !!!
23Don really got excited when desktop computers
first came into the office.
24He then moved to the SUN OS running GlobalView.
But Jane was probably a little upset when he got
this first laptop and could bring work home easier
25But Don didnt come into his True Glory until he
got his first real Microsoft PC and
26This allowed him to do cut-and-paste just like in
the good old days. And make complex technical
slides like
27But for Don It was really all about the toys.
and Don was always able to acquire some great
ones over the years, including
28Finally, with all the print sample and reports
Don was doing, he quickly found he needed more
and more filing space every year.
29And every once and awhile he would actually
cleanup things.
30But the Doom Loop continued
31Looping again.
32And again and again.
33And again and again.
34Until one day it came time to retire and Don
had accumulated
- 16 upright file cabinets in 280W
- 11 vertical file cabinets in the hallways of 129
- ??? In places we dont even know about yet.
- 244 linear feet of shelving
- 4.3 tera-bytes of Microsoft mail files
- 12 2-Gb Jazz disks, and 283 CDs burned
35SoTo answer the original question How Did
Don End Up Working At Xerox?
Very simple.. Because its THE DOCUMENT COMPANY
36And of course I need at least ten
Backup Slides
In honor of Donbecause. He always had back-up
slides (curiously, he seem to rarely ever have
enough time to present them -)
37Ooh! And we cant forget the Geodex day planner.
and all around ISK (Imaging Survival Kit)
38- magic Velcro Tape
39So the last question Why Did Don Decide to
Retire From Xerox?
40Reasons Don Lehmbeck Retired from Xerox..
- Lifetime allowable limit of weekly staff meeting
hours has been used up quicker than expected. - Ran out of 0.5 mm pencil lead and erasers.
- Hes in final negotiations for replacing Donald
Trump in the TV sequel "The IQ Apprentice - Tore out both biceps and his rotator cuffs
carrying overloaded brief cases and requires
surgery. - Geodex went out of business and he cant get any
replacement planner sheets.
41Reasons Don Lehmbeck Retired from Xerox..
- Finally got Auto-Windowing into a product!
- EDS cut him off from more disk-space for his
email.and he couldnt function without it. - Cherie got marriedand couldnt stay late
anymore. - While Don was on vacation, Roger used his
temporary authority to sign Don's retirement
request. - Paul Walker took over the Security Coordinator
job from Don and hes run out of warnings.
42There are many other people who wished they could
have joined us tonight but were unable. Here is a
list of just a few who of expressed their regrets
and wish Don the best in retirement.
- Steve Bolte
- Paul Butterfield
- Randy Hube
- Dan Fleysher
- Bill Jacobs
- Jim Stoffel
- Hari Prasad
- David Lieberman
- John Elter
- Stu Schweid
- Barb Wahl
- John Rhodda
- Jim Maryniack
- Greg Hoffend
- Gene Nitschke
- Pat Butterfield
- Ying-Wei Lin
- Wei-Chen Lu
43So in closing. it looks like Don really did
because you know what they say ..Whoever
leaves the most TOYS behind wins.