Title: Jails: Detention and ShortTerm Incarceration
1Chapter 7
- Jails Detention and Short-Term Incarceration
2Detention and Short-Term Incarceration
- The Contemporary Jail Entrance to the System
- Origins and Evolution
- Population Characteristics
- Administration
- The Influence of Local Politics
- Regional Jails
- Pretrial Detention
- Special Problems of Detainees
- Release from Detention
3Detention and Short-Term Incarceration
- The Bail Problem and Alternatives
- Release on Recognizance
- Preventive Detention
- Pretrial Diversion
- The Sentenced Jail Inmate
- Issues in Jail Management
- Legal Liability
- Jail Standards
- Personnel Matters
- Jail Crowding
- The Jail Facility
4Americans jailed annually
5Characteristics of Adult Jail Inmates in U.S.
- A facility authorized to hold people before court
appearance for up to 48 hours. Most lockups (also
called drunk tanks or holding tanks) are
administered by local police agencies.
7getting out of jail -- free?
methods of release
(ROR) release on recognizance
pretrial release granted on the defendants
promise to appear in court, based on defendants
ties to the community
sum of money specified by judge to be posted by
the accused as condition of pretrial release, to
ensure defendants appearance in court
bondsman independent businessperson who charges
fee, usu. 5-10 for bail money
10 cash bail (reform) D. deposits 10 of bail
amount with court 90 returned at trial
8Type of pretrial release
9 Myths in Corrections
- Myth Jail sentences are more for misdemeanants
than they are for felons. - Fact Nearly 40 of felony defendants are
eventually sentenced to jail, a rate that is
almost the same as prison sentences for felonies.
10preventive detention
- detention of an accused in jail to protect the
community from crimes the accused is considered
likely to commit if released from jail while he
awaits trial
- authorized by Comprehensive Crime Control Act,
1984 - upheld in US v. Salerno, 1987
- an alternative to adjudication in which the
defendant agrees to abide with conditions set by
the prosecutor in exchange for the withdrawal of
charges(e.g., counseling, drug treatment) - reasons for diversion programs
- criminal justice system is not well equipped to
handle some problems - vagrancy, alcoholism,
juveniles - keep less dangerous offenders from being labeled
treated as hard-core criminals - diversion costs are less
12widening the net
- increasing the scope (i.e., reach) of corrections
CJS by creating diversionary program then
sending people to that program for offenses that
are much less serious than those the program was
originally intended for. - diversion programs thereby ensnare persons who
would otherwise not have come under the
jurisdiction of the justice system (except for
availability of the diversion program)
13new-generation jail
- a facility of podular architectural design and
with management policies that emphasize
staff-inmate interaction and the provision of
services to inmates
14podular unit
- self-contained living area for from 12 to 24
inmates, composed of private, individual cells
open areas for social interaction - each jail has two or more pods
- a method of correctional supervision in which
staff have direct physical interaction with
inmates throughout the day
16regional jail
- facility operated under a joint agreement by two
or more governmental units (e.g., city county),
with a jail board made up of representatives from
participating jurisdictions and having authority
over policy, budget, operations, and personnel
17fee system
- a system in which jail operations are to be paid
on the basis of a flat allocation per prisoner
per day - problem creates an incentive for poor jails
inadequate services, since the allocation remains
the same, irrespective of the level of service
18pay as you go jails (user fees)
some jails are experimenting with directly
charging inmates (who can afford it) at least
some of the costs of their keep
daily room and board
co-pay for nurse sick call
co-pay for medical specialist
19special problems of jail detainees
jail issues
mental health problems
rights of pretrial detainees
substance dependency
legal needs
medical needs
20problems of jail administration
jail management issues
jail facilities (outmoded expensive)
legal liability 42 USC 1983
jail crowding (crisis in 90s)
jail standards(ACA)
personnel matters (, training, conditions)