Title: Introduction to Prephix
1Introduction to Prephix November, 2001
What is prephix email is on page 3 of this
document. This is the icon that will be placed on
your desktop once Prephix is installed. This will
be used to access the PeopleSoft Databases HRSA
- Human Resources/Payroll Student System and
FSKU- Financials System How to begin 1) Double
click on this icon using your left mouse
button. You will see various messages such as
Loading Prephix profile, Purging Cache, Updating
profile etc. 2) Enter your Operator ID
(generally the first initial of your first name
and your last name - up to a total of 8
characters. If you have multiple Operator IDs
just enter one of them - you have the option to
change in step 4. (HRSA timekeepers have 2 sign
ons.) Then select OK or use the Enter key. The
Operator ID will be inserted for you the next
time you select Prephix - if you want to change
just simply type over it.
2Departmental users will generally have FSKU and
HRSA Production options only. You will see both
of these even if you dont have access to sign on
- step 4 requires a password. Central office
users may have additional options here. This is
the minimum display of options. OPTION
Generally, we will force the purge process
centrally when it is needed- which means that
after step 1 you may see a message purging cache.
If you are having troubles individually you may
manually purge by clicking the left mouse button
on the purge button or we may request for you to
do this. If you manually purge cache you will get
another message box asking if you want to
continue to purge cache. 3) Using your mouse
select the database you wish to sign on and then
click on the left mouse button. If you want to
sign on to both databases you will just do steps
1 to 3 again. You will see this message while it
configures your machine. The sign on box
(PeopleTools box) is then displayed - it has the
database name inserted for you that you selected
in 3 (in this example I selected HRSA) and the
Operator ID you entered in 2. (This is not
displayed on this example but does carry
forward.) 4) Change the Operator ID if needed.
Enter your database password as usual and click
on the OK button or use the Enter key. Only those
with access to the database will be able to sign
3November 7, 2001 Prephix email For those with
access to HRSA (Human Resources/Payroll Student
system) and/or FSKU (Financial system) we are
pleased to announce that beginning 11/15/01
through 12/1/01 your LAN (Local Area Network
Administrator) or LSS (LAN Support Services) will
be installing Prephix on your machine. What is
Prephix? It is a single access software tool
that works with the PeopleSoft databases. This
software will eliminate the need for the manual 4
- step sign on and maintenance process for HRSA
and FSKU. This will also allow updates to the
databases, purging and loading of cache files to
be handled centrally. This should reduce some of
the initial wait time when loading the commonly
accessed panels. Eventually this will eliminate
the current multiple icons and menu items from
your Start menu and any shortcut icons will no
longer be needed and eventually will not work.
This will also eliminate the list serve messages
we send you to clear cache. We are still working
on a resolution for you to be in HRSA and FSKU at
the same time for printing, but until that time,
you will only be able to be signed on to one of
the databases at a time to print reports. The
Computer Center Technical Services is working
with the vendor on this option. An introduction
of how Prephix looks and the new steps to sign
on are located on the Human Resources web site
www.ku.edu/kuhr under Personnel Related Staff,
HRSA/DEMIS section. This document is a guide for
both systems. Once Prephix is installed you may
begin the use of it immediately. Your current
Operator IDs, passwords and security profiles to
these systems will remain the same. If you do
not have Prephix installed on December 2, please
contact your LAN or LSS representative. If you
do have questions or comments about Prephix,
please email us. Thank you, John Wood,
Financials System Administrator
(johnwood_at_ku.edu) Bob Turvey, Student System
Administrator (bturvey_at_ku.edu) Pam Burkhead,
HR/Pay System Administrator (pburkhead_at_ku.edu)