Title: Key Aspects at Cherry Orchard
1Key Aspects at Cherry Orchard
- Fiona Wilson
- Leadership task BASS with colleague.
- Excellence and Enjoyment - next step for us to
focus on the Key Aspects planned a focus week
based around a key aspect. - Assess what the children knew about the Key
Aspects already for a baseline to measure any
impact. - The results highlighted areas that the children
knew little about. - Spoke to SMT arranged focus week based on a Key
Information regarding some of this can be found
on the Bgfl plus.
2Key Aspects definitions
Key aspect Definition
Communication To be able to speak, listen, read and write effectively for different audiences.
Creative thinking To use your imagination to think about your work.
Empathy Seeing things from another persons point of view and thinking about your response.
Enquiry Answering questions and setting your own questions.
Evaluation Think about the work that you and other people completed.
Information processing Finding information from a range of sources.
Managing feelings To understand how you feel and to think about feelings. To stop and think before acting.
Motivation To take pride in your learning and to learn because you want to achieve a goal.
Problem solving To have strategies to solve a problem.
Reasoning To give reasons for your opinions and actions.
Self awareness To think about the choices you make and why you are making them.
Social skills Play and learn cooperatively. Respect other children and adults.
We asked 33 chn to define these and say when they
had heard of them in school.
3Result of audit
Empathy 3/33 chn PSHE/RE/Assemblies
Motivation 5/33 Assemblies / ethos
Self awareness 7/33 PSHE / Assemblies / ethos / PE / Music
Problem solving 28/33 After focus week
4What do we do with the information?
- We then had to decide how to move forward?
- Initially our plan was quite small
- Chart with definitions to go in classrooms.
- Whole school push on Motivation, Empathy and Self
Awareness through assemblies and general ethos. - Staff trained and encouraged to refer to Key
Aspects when relevant. - A focus week planned around a key aspect every
year. - Staff to pick one scheme in Summer term that a
key aspect links well with, and teach a lesson
through a Key Aspect based objective. - This then led to staff identifying a lesson in
every scheme they could teach through a Key
Aspect based Learning Objective.
5Focus Week
- At Cherry Orchard we have a Focus Week every
term. We try to plan - all areas of the curriculum around a common
topic. Sometimes the - focus is Science, Creative Arts or Black History.
- Because of our findings and analyses from QCA and
SATs results - indicated we could improve in areas such as
problem solving, we - decided this to be our focus for a week in the
Summer term, 2006. - As this is also a Key Aspect we could be
addressing this as well. - Staff were asked to base their week around a
curriculum area they - enjoyed or specialised in and to plan it relating
to problem solving. - Directed Time was allocated to plan the week in
6Focus Week plans
- Problem Solving
- PSHE/Inclusion - Disabilities
- Life skills Plan a holiday
- Drama Dilemmas (Toy Story)
- Maths planning a birthday party
- Technology Special box
- Science - Recycling
7Life Skills Planning a holiday Y6
Maths calculating prices of hotel, flights, car
parking, getting to airport, converting money.
Given x amount to take 4 people on holiday.
Geography finding places to visit using certain
ICT researching weather
currency flag capital
language spending money
Present to the rest of the class.
From research, plan what to take in your suitcase
and hand luggage.
Complete passport forms Post Office gave them
to us.
8Year 6 project
- The focus weeks were so exciting and stimulating,
we decided to do something similar - after SATs last year. We planned a project around
the Key Aspects. - The Year 6 children worked in groups to plan and
deliver a set of lessons to every other class in
the rest of the school. - They each chose the Year group they were going to
teach and the Key Aspect they were going to focus
on. There are 12 Key Aspects and 12 classes, so
each Key Aspect was covered. - We spent 2 weeks of afternoon lessons planning
and making resources. - The teachers helped to plan and advised the
children. - The children presented their ideas to the rest of
the year group before teaching, evaluating and
amending their ideas. - One afternoon, all the groups of children went
their chosen class and taught their lesson. - The teachers from the rest of the school
evaluated the childrens lesson and spent time
giving them feedback. - The children also evaluated their own lessons and
suggested improvements for next time. - Not only were the children teaching the rest of
the school about the Key Aspects, but - they were using most of them during this project
as well.
9Key Aspects through the curriculum
- The focus week and Year 6 project were so
successful for us and the - children that we decided to identify a lesson in
each foundation scheme - that we could teach the key aspects through. For
Geography Y6 study Mountains and create a
PowerPoint presentation. The content of the
scheme was still taught, and the end product was
still the same, but one of the lessons was based
around Communication. L.O. To identify
features of good communication and use these in
our presentation.
10Where next? 18 months later
- Audit children again measure impact so far and
identify areas to promote. - The chart with the definitions of the Key Aspects
on is on display in every classroom R Y6. - We are going to continue to use our focus weeks
or projects with Year 6 to teach the Key Aspects
through. - The Key Apsects was one of our School Improvement
Priorities. We have been developing links to
these wherever possible. - By the end of this academic year we will have
identified one lesson in all of our foundation
schemes to teach through a Key Aspect based LO. - All of our staff have had training on the Key
Aspects over the last 18 months. The new
curriculum we are in the process of designing
links to them where possible and has a column
where staff identify these links on our planning