Title: Gods questions to Adam and Eve
1Gods questions to Adam and
Eve Gen. 31-13
2Gods questions to Adam and Eve
First question, where are you? Gen. 39
Obviously God knew where Adam was. Ps. 1397-12
So why ask such a question?
Where are you? in terms of your own situation?
This question no one else can answer for you, 2
Cor. 510
3Gods questions to Adam and Eve
First question, where are you? Gen. 39
Where are you? Are you a faithful Christian?
Where do you stand in your obedience to God?
If you have need of improvement, will you improve
or will you just ignore it?
We can know, for the Scriptures where made for
that purpose, 1 John 513
4Gods questions to Adam and Eve
Second question, who told you that you were
naked? Gen. 311
No doubt that God knew, Heb. 413,
Ps. 3313-14
Lets look again at the question, who told you
that? and apply it to many of todays teachings
Well, such and such seems like its right, Isa
5Gods questions to Adam and Eve
Second question, who told you that you were
naked? Gen. 311
No doubt that God knew, Heb. 413,
Ps. 3313-14
Lets look again at the question, who told you
that? and apply it to many of todays teachings
One can be saved by faith alone
James 224
6Gods questions to Adam and Eve
Second question, who told you that you were
naked? Gen. 311
No doubt that God knew, Heb. 413,
Ps. 3313-14
Lets look again at the question, who told you
that? and apply it to many of todays teachings
Baptism is not essential for salvation Mk.
1616, Acts 238, 1 Pet. 321
7Gods questions to Adam and Eve
Second question, who told you that you were
naked? Gen. 311
No doubt that God knew, Heb. 413,
Ps. 3313-14
Lets look again at the question, who told you
that? and apply it to many of todays teachings
A preacher is ought to be called reverend Ps.
1119, Mt. 232-10
8Gods questions to Adam and Eve
Second question, who told you that you were
naked? Gen. 311
No doubt that God knew, Heb. 413,
Ps. 3313-14
Lets look again at the question, who told you
that? and apply it to many of todays teachings
You dont need to partake of the Lords supper
every first day of the week? Acts 207
9Gods questions to Adam and Eve
Third question have you eaten from the tree of
which I commanded you not to eat?
Getting people to see their own sins is very
difficult. Prov. 212, 2612
We need to examine ourselves,
2 Cor. 135
Those who recognize their own sin and turn away
from it, live. Eze. 1825-29
10Gods questions to Adam and Eve
Last question what is this you have done? Gen.
Eve probably thought, well, its just a little
fruit off the tree, how bad can that be
Sin is terrible! Much more expensive than what
you can think! Rom. 623
One sin, any sin, will lead to death if you do
not make things right with God