Title: Network Necessities and GradeQuick Revisited
1Network Necessities and GradeQuick Revisited
Welcome to. . .
2Dont forget
3New Technology in the Building
- Televisions (newer/older TVs)
- VCRs (tune to channel 3)
- DVD/Modulator (2 DVDs in lab to broadcast to any
classrooms) - Amplifier (boosts signal to ends of the building)
- Cable in the Classroom/Access to Learning (45
minute workshop next week) - Wire molds in the primary wing (juice for PCs)
- T1 line for Internet service on campus network
(coming next month) - In the background (switches, backup tape drives,
snap server, updated filtering software on
student network)
4Your New Dells
- Dell, Pentium 4 computers with Windows 2000
operating system - Junior High classrooms and the Art Room have
CDRWs (CD burners) - W2K OS is more secure than Windows 98. A guest
can no longer bypass the log on screen by
pressing the Escape key. - As in the past the correct user name and password
(case sensitive) must be keyed in to access your
e-mail account and folders on the server. - What still needs to be done on your PC (install
local printer drivers, map drives to server) - Installing your own software on your PC
- Whats on your PC?
5Your New Dells
- Taking care of your PCs
- Log off every night before you leave the
building. - Leave the PC on each night. Properly shut down
the PC on Friday. - Turn off the monitor every night before you leave
the building - Keep the PCs free from dust (as much as
possible). Ill make computer care kits with some
of the students with Swiffers, etc.) - Regarding student PCs in the classroom, its a
good idea to appoint one student to be the
computer kid. I can work with these kids to
help them troubleshoot printer problems,
preventative maintenance, etc.
6Internet ExplorerWindows ExplorerOutlookAdobe
AcrobatWinZipBelarcAd AwareInspirationKidspir
ationTimeLinerMS Office (Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Publisher, Access)GradeQuick
Curriculum DesignerSkills ConnectionNCA
SoftwareFrameworks for IN Academic Standards
Trend Anti Virus
7My Target
The MyTarget Web-based self-assessment tool
allows Indiana teachers to answer a series of
questions. Then, with the click of a button, the
tool calculates results and recommends
professional development resources to fill the
Please log onto MyTarget from the Teacher Page on
Gab from the Lab. Complete the following
sections Basic Concepts and SkillsPersonal/Pro
fessional Productivity SkillsCommunication/Liter
acy SkillsInformation LiteracyClassroom
Instruction SkillsEducational Leadership
SkillsIntegration of Technology into the
8Dont forget! Basic PC and Network Protocol
- Your programs (applications) are stored on YOUR
local PC, sometimes called C or the C drive.
Programs include Word, Excel, GradeQuick, etc. - Your GradeQuick files should be kept on your
LOCAL drive in the GQWIN folder. - After you enter significant data in GradeQuick,
COPY your gradebook files on the C drive in
GQWIN to your teacher folder on the USERS drive
on the server. This is backed up daily. - Use Windows Explorer to copy, delete, create
files and/or folders. - Three drives on the server GradeQuick, Users,
9Dont forget! (continued)
- Check your school e-mail daily.
- Let me know about problems by writing them down
on paper. That way, Im less likely to forget. - Ask 3 before me. Try to troubleshoot problems
on your own, or ask at least three other people
before you report a problem. - Together we have the whole thing figured out.
Share what you know! - Dont get discouraged and dont be afraid to make
mistakes. YOU are in control of the computer, it
doesnt control you.
Well continue using GradeQuick for Progress
Reports this year with special emphasis on
- Making sure specials teachers provide
electronic grades for Progress Reports. - Bringing intermediate on board with printing
Progress Reports. Last year we beta tested
GradeQuick in 4th/5th. This year were ready to
go live. - Bringing resource teachers on board with printing
Progress Reports. This is totally new for them
this year. Can we just do it? - Providing meaningful information to parents on
Progress Reports through the use of student memos
on Progress Reports. I think this is CRITICAL! - Continue to meet deadlines for dumping
GradeQuick files on the server. Last year Junior
High teachers did an EXCELLENT job! I may need a
little more lead time this year since well be
printing Progress Reports for 4-8.
11GradeQuick, (contd.)
Please dont leave today unless you are SURE you
know how to use Windows Explorer to transfer
files. Two things are required
- Copy files from your LOCAL drive in the GQWIN
folder to your teacher folder on the server (to
backup your gradebooks) - Copy files from your LOCAL drive in the GQWIN
folder to the GradeQuick folder on the server (to
dump files for Progress Reports)
- Other special GradeQuick considerations
- Weighting
- Fudging
- What else?
12(No Transcript)