Title: Developing a Comprehensive Performance Assessment
1Tina Marshall-Bradley, Dean School of
Education tmarshallbradley_at_claflin.edu Kevin
Wilson, Database Manager School of
Education kwilson_at_claflin.edu
Developing a Comprehensive Performance Assessment
2Claflin University Assessment System
- System was developed in conjunction with the
adjustment of the conceptual framework - Assessment measures were evaluated for content
complexity, and integration with the conceptual
framework and other professional standards.
3Claflin University Assessment System
- Unit Assessment Committee is a standing committee
designed to monitor the unit assessment system,
and to evaluate the quality of data related to
candidate performance and unit operations. - A report based on data from all internal and
external candidate measures is completed annually
using data from the School of Education database.
4Claflin University Database Manager
- In the summer of 2004 we hired a database manager
specifically for the School of Education - The database manager
- provides support in the development and
maintenance of administrative technology systems
for the School of Education for the express
purpose of managing candidate data and data for
unit operations.
5School of Education Database Manager
- Created a data management system based on the
needs of the professional education unit. - Monitors candidate performance data from other
areas in the professional education unit - Adjusts the database based on changing reporting
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12 Tina Marshall-Bradley, Dean School of
Education tmarshallbradley_at_claflin.edu And Kevin
Wilson, Database Manager School of
Education kwilson_at_claflin.edu Claflin
University Orangeburg, South Carolina
13END.Questions, Comments?
Visit us on the web www.claflinsoe.org