Title: PhotoStory
1(No Transcript)
Noreen Strehlow
PESD Teachers
3This is the opening screen of Photo Story
We will choose Begin a new story and click on
Next gt
4To make a movie you will need digital photos
These should be stored on your hard or flash drive
5Go out to where they are stored and select them
Hold the CTRL down till you have them all and
click OK
6When you bring in the photos they will show up
The one selected will be in the large editing
7You may change the order of the photos
Select a photo and move it with the arrow keys
8You may narrate your movie by hooking up a
Make sure you have the correct photo selected
9You may add custom motion by clicking on this
button or
Click on a selected photo to give you these
nested menus
10You may add motion to the movie by
Zooming in or out of the photo just where you want
11Set the start and stop postions
Then set the timing for how many seconds it will
12Like most multimedia, there are various
Beginners tend to use too many of these. Keep it
13There are a variety of photographic effects you
may add
You may also add a title or caption for the photo
14You may preview your movie while you create
You may choose the lt Back button to change things
15One of the most fun things to do is to add music
Photo Story gives you two ways to do this
16You may bring in wma, mp3, or wav files you have
Import from the hard drive or flash drive
17You may also create your own music from many
You may increase the tempo and intensity of the
18The music will start with the slide chosen
You may use more than one music clip for your
19You will have to choose how you want to save the
For class use you will choose playback on your
20This is what the movie looks like in the Media
You may choose to watch full screen but it wont
be as clear
21Lets watch the finished product!
Now its your turn!