Title: Slinky inflation
1 Slinky inflation
Gabriela Barenboim University of Valencia and IFIC
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10- The Lagrangian for a scalar field is given
by - L ½ ?mf ?mf V(f)
- using Noethers theorem
- rf ½ f2 V(f) pf ½ f2 -
V(f) - In general kinetic and potential energy evolve
with time. However.. - for a free field V0
- negligible kinetic energy (slow roll case)
- coherent oscillations
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12 A new ( quite bizarre) equation of state
13 A new ( quite bizarre) equation of state
w - Cos ( Log (1z) )
- Cos ( Log (a ))
14 A new ( quite bizarre) equation of state
w - Cos ( b Log (1z) )
- Cos ( b Log (a ))
15 The thermal history of the Universe
ri rR rDE
16How to get this pattern ?
17courtesy of Chris Quigg
18How to get this pattern ?
plus a weak perturbative coupling to light
fermions (friction)
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Dark energy and inflation can be explained both
by the evolution of a single scalar field.
It needs only three parameters to agree with all
available data
The thermal history of the Universe is far from
being known