Title: Wisconsin
1Wisconsins Passenger RailDevelopment Program
2Existing Service
3Milwaukee-Chicago Hiawatha Service
4Hiawatha Service
- Chicago-Milwaukee Hiawatha service supported
since 1989 by Wisconsin and Illinois - Hiawatha carried over 430,000 passengers in 2003
up 9 over 2002 - Ridership in February was 32,808 -- highest
February total in 10 years - Double digit increases in ridership and revenue
for last 9 months 2002-2003
5Hiawatha Service
- On-time performance continues to be the best on
the entire Amtrak system - 95.5 percent 12 months ending in Sept.
6Recent Initiatives
7Recent Initiatives
- Hiawatha frequency increased from 6 to 7
roundtrips in October 2002 - Greatest number of frequencies outside of
Northeast Corridor and California - 600 a.m. departure from Chicago and 730 p.m.
departure from Milwaukee - Allows full day in Milwaukee
- Facilitates future air connections at GMIA
8Recent Initiatives
- Hiawatha marketing program
- 500K CMAQ grant announced Dec. 15
- 2 year program beginning July 04
- Until recently, no Hiawatha-specific marketing
- Ridership surveys Dec. 02 and July 03 showed
word-of-mouth as primary information source - Co-op opportunities with Amtrak, Midwest
Airlines, GMIA and Wisconsin Tourism Division
9Milwaukee Amtrak Station Rehab
10Milwaukee Amtrak Station Rehab
- Redevelop Milwaukee Amtrak Station as an
intermodal terminal gateway to downtown --
7.37 million - 1.4 million purchase of existing station using
Milwaukee-Madison bond funds - 2.6 million FTA grant and state match -- Kohl
earmark - 1.4 million from developer Milwaukee
Intermodal Partners - 2.9 million CMAQ grant for platforms and train
shed announced December 15 - 470,000 land purchase for Greyhound facilities
and parking
11Milwaukee Amtrak Station Rehab
- Developer will design, build, lease, manage, and
operate facility - Greyhound Bus will also occupy facility
- Other operators possible
- Development contract executed October 2003
- Final design 2004
- Construction Spring 2005
- Project completion Spring 2006
12Milwaukee Intermodal Terminal
13Site Plan
14Gateway to Downtown Milwaukee
15Train Shed and Platform Rehab
16Passenger Rail Station at General Mitchell
International Airport
17General Mitchell Intl Airport Station
- Amtrak, Midwest Express Airlines, GMIA, CP Rail
and WisDOT - Interline air-rail ticketing transfer
- Midwest Express Chicago as a destination
- Additional revenue for passenger rail service
- 145,000 Preliminary Engineering and
Environmental Study Parsons-Brinckerhoff - 6.5 million Kohl earmark for design and
18General Mitchell Station
19General Mitchell Station
Remote B
20GMIA Passenger Rail Station
- Environmental Assessment and PE completed
- FONSI signed by FRA
- CP Rail track construction underway
- Final design completed bids to be opened May 20
- Station and platforms under construction June
2004 - Construction to be completed November 2004
21Sturtevant Station
- Replace and relocate current station 1 mile north
in Sturtevant Industrial Park - 2.1 million -- 1.69 million CMAQ -- local funds
for remainder - Village of Sturtevant approved funding May 11
- Construction will start this summer
22Midwest Regional Rail Initiative in Wisconsin
Rail service, top speed 110 mph
Rail service, less than 110 mph
Feeder bus service
23MWRRI Phase 1 Madison-Milwaukee-Chicago
24Incremental Approach
- Madison-Milwaukee-Chicago Phase I Service
- Infrastructure 227 mil.
- Equipment 89 mil.
- Total Capital Cost 316 mil.
- Federal funds required before proceeding
- 20 State Share 63 mil.
25Rail Alignment and Roadbed Improvements Watertown
to Madison Roadbed
Bistro car
Modern Equipment Technology
27Implementation Activities Milwaukee-Madison
- 3.01 million Milwaukee-Madison Corridor
Environmental Assessment and Preliminary
Engineering Study - Final public hearings held
- FONSI document prepared
- 4.2 million HSR grade crossing improvements
state line to Madison
28Implementation Activities Milwaukee-Madison
- 7 million corridor purchase Watertown to Madison
- 32 miles purchased from WSOR/CP Rail -- December
2003 - 5.2 million initial installment, remainder 2004
- 2.0 million positive train control project
- Advanced technology signal and control system
- Freight and passenger collision warning and
protection - Cooperative project with CP Railway
29Wisconsin Investment
- 4.8 million Milwaukee-Madison EA/PE
- 1.4 million purchase Milw. Amtrak Station
- 470,000 land for intermodal bus facilities
- 4.0 million Station Renovation
- 2.9 million train shed and platform improvements
- 6.5 million GMIA Station
- 2.1 million Sturtevant Station
- 4.2 million for HSR crossing improvements
- 7.0 million purchase of HSR corridor Madison to
Watertown - 2.0 million PTC project Milwaukee to Madison
30Wisconsin Investment
- Wisconsin has committed 35.5 million for
intercity passenger rail development projects
31Next Steps
- Federal funding is essential
- Testimony by WisDOT Secretary Busalacchi, Senate
Commerce Committee, October 2, 2003 - The Milwaukee-Chicago Corridor can serve as an
anchor for future high-speed rail development in
the Midwest - A high-speed extension of Amtraks Hiawatha
Service to Madison would be an effective
demonstration of state-of-the-art passenger rail
service - Wisconsin has taken the first steps
- A Federal funding partner is required
32Congressional Action is Still Needed
- A passenger rail funding program has not been
included in Senate and House TEA 21
reauthorization bills - Limited rail funding may be included in the
conference committee bill - Congressman Young, TI Committee Chair, indicated
his continued support for rail in the House mark
up - TEA 21 reauthorization is not assured
- A separate rail funding bill may have to be
pursued next year
33Questions or Comments?