Title: Welcome to 2ndYear Computer Engineering
1Welcome to 2nd-YearComputer Engineering
- Professor Manoj Sachdev
- Department Chair
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of Waterloo
- January 20th, 2009
- Youve finished 1st year
- Only another
- 10 terms
- 32 courses
- 41 months
- 1263 days
- to Convocation!
- Welcome to ECE!
- We will look at
- What is Computer Engineering?
- Your Department
- Undergraduate Web Site
- Your Program
- Your Responsibilities
- Your Opportunities
4What is Computer Engineering?
- Computer Engineers apply algorithmic and digital
design principles to design, build, and test
computer software or hardware components used for
information processing, communication, and
storagetypically embedded in larger engineered
systems and in distributed, networked environments
5What is Computer Engineering?
- Computer Engineers apply algorithmic and digital
design principles to design, build, and test
computer software or hardware components used for
information processing, communication, and
storagetypically embedded in larger engineered
systems and in distributed, networked environments
6What is Computer Engineering?
- Computer Engineers apply algorithmic and digital
design principles to design, build, and test
computer software or hardware components used for
information processing, communication, and
storagetypically embedded in larger engineered
systems and in distributed, networked environments
7What is Computer Engineering?
- Computer Engineers apply algorithmic and digital
design principles to design, build, and test
computer software or hardware components used for
information processing, communication, and
storagetypically embedded in larger engineered
systems and in distributed, networked environments
8What is Computer Engineering?
- Application areas include
- Communication
- Automation and robotics
- Power and energy
- Health care
- Business
- Security
- Entertainment
- And many more...
9What is Computer Engineering?
- By your choice of electives, you may specialize
in the following broad domains - Systems for communications, control, or power
- Digital hardware design and embedded computation
- Software systems and software engineering
10Your Department
- Your cohort is joining the ECE Department
- 1700 undergraduate students
- 500 graduate students
- 75 faculty
Prof. Manoj Sachdev Department Chair
11Your Department
- The University was founded in 1957
- First and Largest Co-op program in the world
- Electrical Engineering was one of five founding
programs - Computer Engineering introduced in 1985
12Your Department
- Waterloo has 25 000 students in 110 programs
Operations Research Pure Mathematics Software
Engineering Statistics Biochemistry Biology Biome
dical Sciences Biotechnology/Chartered
Accountancy Biotechnology/Economics Chemistry Comp
utational Science Earth Sciences Environmental
Sciences Honours Science Life Sciences Mathematica
l Physics Physical Sciences Physics Psychology Sci
ence and Aviation Science and Business Optometry P
harmacy Social Work
- Health Studies
- Kinesiology
- Recreation and Business
- Recreation and Leisure Studies
- Therapeutic Recreation
- Accounting and Financial Management
- Anthropology
- Arts and Business
- Classical Studies
- Computing and Financial Management
- Cultural Management
- Digital Arts Communication
- Drama
- Economics
- Literature
- Literature and Rhetoric
- Rhetoric and Professional Writing
- Fine Arts
- French Studies
Philosophy Political Science Psychology Religious
Studies Russian and East European
Studies Sexuality, Marriage, and Family
Studies Social Development Studies Sociology Spani
sh and Latin American Studies Speech
Communication Women's Studies Architecture Chemica
l Engineering Civil Engineering Computer
Engineering Electrical Engineering Environmental
Engineering Geological Engineering Management
Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics
Engineering Nanotechnology Engineering Software
Honours Arts Human Resources Management Independen
t Studies Church Music and Worship Cognitive
Science East Asian Studies Environmental
Economics Fine and Performing Arts Human
Resources Management International Studies Jewish
Studies Legal Studies and Criminology Management
Studies Mennonite Studies Peace and
Conflict Studies in Spirituality and Personal
Development International Trade Italian
Studies Legal Studies Liberal Studies Medieval
Studies Music Peace and Conflict Studies
Systems Design Engineering Environment and
Business Environment and Resource
Studies Geography Geography and
Aviation Geomatics International
Development Knowledge Integration Planning Actuari
al Science Applied Mathematics Bioinformatics Busi
ness Administration and Mathematics Combinatorics
and Optimization Computational Mathematics Compute
r Science Computing and Financial
Management Mathematical Physics Mathematics Mathem
atics/Business Administration Mathematics/Chartere
d Accountancy Mathematics/Financial Analysis and
Risk Management Mathematics Teaching Option
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Nanotechnology Engineering
Software Engineering
13Your Department
- Largest Faculty of Engineering in Canada
- 6 departments, one school, one centre
- 13 undergraduate programs
- Largest department on campus
- 7 of all undergrads
- 75 faculty members
- 20 of all graduate students
14Your Department
- ECE provides and nurtures leadership
- Last two Deans of Engineering
- Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies
- Other current and former Associate Deans
15Your Department
- A premiere ECE department in Canada
- Excellence in teaching and research
- Very entrepreneurial
- 20 of all Canadian spin-offs
- Many spin-offs are from students
- 4th-year design projects
16Your Department
- We have a full Undergraduate Office
- Prof. Jim Barby, P.Eng.
- Associate Chair
- Undergraduate Studies
Prof. David Nairn, P.Eng. Academic
Advisor Computer Engineering
Douglas Wilhelm Harder, M.M. Academic
Advisor Electrical Engineering
17Your Department
- And an excellent support staff
- Vacant
- Supervisor Records and Communications
- Undergraduate Studies
Dawn Gosse Undergraduate Advisor/Co-ordinator Comp
uter Engineering
Irena Baltaduonis Undergraduate
Advisor/Co-ordinator Electrical Engineering
Deborah Perchaluk Receptionist
18Your Department
- For personal academic issues
Step 1. Read and search the ECE
Undergraduate Web site and the
Undergraduate Calendar
Step 3. Arrange an appointment with
your Academic Advisor
Step 2. Contact your Undergraduate
All email must be from
19Your Department
- For your cohort issues
- Talk to your class representative
- They should take appropriate actions
- Numerous other resources available
- Engineering counselling
- Study Skills Centre
- Office for Persons with Disabilities
20Undergraduate Web Site
- After the UndergraduateCalendar, your
primarysource of information - http//ece.uwaterloo.ca/Undergrad/
21Undergraduate Web Site
- Become familiar withthis web site
22Undergraduate Web Site
23Undergraduate Web Site
- About Us gives overall information
- Welcomes from the Associate Chair
- Stories from previous students
- Contact information
24Undergraduate Web Site
- Most students here should not be too
keenly interested
in these pages
25Undergraduate Web Site
- Become familiar with this web site
- Degree requirements
- Program summary
- A Class of 2012 (4S) sequence term-by-term
26Undergraduate Web Site
27Undergraduate Web Site
- And a link to a full schedule
28Undergraduate Web Site
- Many issues relevant to students are here
- General resources includes
- Who Do I Talk To?
- When Things Go Wrong
- Enrollment
- Dropping Courses
- Forms
29Undergraduate Web Site
- Many issues relevant to students are here
- The Forms page is most relevant
- List of most forms
- Step-by-step instructions for filling in various
forms - Course Override Forms
- Plan Modification Forms
- Sequence Change Forms
30Undergraduate Web Site
- Many issues relevant to students are here
- Cohort issues
- Time tables
- Progression of all related programs
31Undergraduate Web Site
- Many issues relevant to students are here
- Includes program, course, and milestone
32Undergraduate Web Site
- Many issues relevant to students are here
- Other issues
- Exchange
- Switching streams
33Undergraduate Web Site
- Some links related to Student Life
- On-campus organizations
- Engineering-related clubs
34Undergraduate Web Site
- And the Undergraduate Office
- Includes various coordinators
- Work-term reports
- 4th-year Design Projects
- International exchanges
- ECE 499 Project Course
35Undergraduate Web Site
- The most important feature?
- The search box
- A question about a course in particular?
- Or a degree requirement?
36Undergraduate Web Site
- The next important feature?
- The site map
- Alphabetical
- Easily searchable
37Your Program
- Beginning with ECE 100 and four core mathematics
courses, you will take - Four Academic Terms of core courses
- Two Academic Terms of technical electives
- In your last year, you will do a 4th-year design
project - Your masterpiece and moment of glory
38Your Program
- Your core program is carefully designed
- You have exposure to all aspects of electrical
engineering - From your core, you may choose technical
electives in one of many fields
39Your Program
- The 2nd digit in each course number indicates the
field e.g., ECE 250 - A 5 refers to Computer Software and Software
Engineering - The 50s courses
40Your Program
41Your Program
42Your Program
43Your Program
44Your Program
45Your Program
46Your Program
47Your Program
48Your Program
- In just two years, you will take ECE 391
- The start of your 4th-year Design Project
- In 4A you will
- Develop
- Implement
- Test
- Demonstrate
- your project
49Your Program
- In January of each year, the 4th-year students
present their design projects in the DC ... - Plan to attend!
- Three years ago, those graduating students having
the same pizza welcome you are having today - Will move to March in 2010
50Your Program
- In 2012, this will be your moment of glory...
51Your Program
- TV, parents, professors, friends, etc. will be
52Your Program
- You get to justify almost five years of study
- Most of these students started in 2003
53Your Program
54Your Program
- And in June of 2012, you will become
- The Graduating Class of 2012
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
55Your Responsibilities
- Engineering at Waterloo is an accredited program
- Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board
- Each and every course, milestone, elective, etc.
you take satisfies some requirement of the CEAB
56Your Responsibilities
- You must clear all requirements to graduate
- No student will be permitted to graduate who
does not meet these requirements because this
would jeopardize accreditation for the program - The Undergraduate Calendar
57Your Responsibilities
- You must clear
- Six more academic terms with 60 averages
- All core courses
- 5 Complementary Studies Electives
- 6 Technical Electives
- 2 Technical Breadth Electives
- The TPM
- 5 Co-op Work Placements
- 4 Work-term Reports (1B, 2B, 3A, 3B)
- 5 PDEng courses
58Your Responsibilities
- To this point, you have cleared
- The 1A and 1B Academic Terms
- At least one Co-op Work Placement
- Check Quest!
- You should clear failed courses as soon as
possible! - Through a supplemental examination (if you got 40
or above), or - Retaking the course or an equivalent course
59Your Responsibilities
- Your academic promotion responsibilities
- You may not carry more than two un-cleared failed
courses at any time - Includes work-term reports
- Does not include PDEng or other milestones
- You carry a full course load each academic term
- You must achieve a term average of 60 in each
Academic Term
60Your Responsibilities
- We will communicate with you through your engmail
account or UW-ACE - Your responsibility to read these daily
- You must communicate with us through your engmail
61Your Responsibilities
- You must watch your Quest account
- Keep your contact phone numbers and addresses
up-to-date - Read your Unofficial Undergraduate Transcript
after each fully-graded date - Watch for Service Indicators
- Looks like
- Click it to determine the problem!
- Links to a contact UWUserID
62Your Responsibilities
- All your ECE mid-term examinations will nominally
be scheduled in the 2nd month of the term from
now to 4B - Do not ignore your other courses while preparing
for mid-term examinations
63Your Responsibilities
- You must write all final examinations when
scheduled - Missing an exam is an academic offence
- Without a Verification of Illness Form or other
suitable documentation, you will be Required to
Withdraw from Engineering
64Your Responsibilities
- If you miss an examination
- You must contact your Academic Advisor and the
instructor as soon as possible - Before and by phone or e-mail
- Documentation must be at the ECE main office
within 24 hours (unless hospitalized) - You must be available the full exam period
- The Department may reschedule missed examinations
at any time during the exam period
65Your Responsibilities
- Plagiarism will not be tolerated
- All cases will be reported to the Associate Dean
of Undergraduate Studies - Penalties
- 0 on project/lab/examination and -100 off of the
final grade - Four extra courses in ethics to be completed
before graduation - suspension
- expulsion
66Your Responsibilities
- Finally, it is your responsibility to read the
Undergraduate Calendar - Ignorance is not an excuse
- The relevant sections could be read in one
67Your Opportunities
- The Co-op Program
- Allows you to secure your future employment
before you finish your studies - Takes one year off your accreditation
- Some 4th-year design projects are patented
- All Intellectual Property (IP) remains in the
hands of the students!!!
68Your Opportunities
- Other opportunities include
- Taking an option
- Management Science requires no extra courses
- Many other possible options
- Work with a professor
- URAs and USRAs
- Combined B.A.Sc.-M.A.Sc.
- Get a head start on your graduate studies
- Graduate studies at Waterloo
- M.A.Sc. M.Eng. Power M.Eng.
69Your Opportunities
- Join an engineering-related club
- ASIC Design Team
- Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
- Engineering Society
- Women in Engineering
- The Iron Warrior
- Midnight Sun Solar Race Car Team
- Engineers Without Borders
- Alternative-Fuels Team (UWAFT)
- Waterloo Aerial-Robotics Group (WARG)
70Your Opportunities
- Where are our grads?
- Many are here!
- Welcome to ECE
- What is Electrical Engineering?
- Your Department
- Undergraduate Web Site
- Your Program
- Your Responsibilities
- Your Opportunities
72Questions and Answers