Title: A Counselors Journey into Technology'''
1A Counselor's Journey Into Technology
A PowerPoint Presentation by Terri A.
2A Counselors Journey into Technology...
- From Technology--Go Away
- to
- Technology--The Way to GO!
3Todays Travels
- Charting the course of the journey
- Discoveries made along the way
- Utilizing the acquisitions
- Next Stop??
4Where the Journey Began...
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Dr. Claire
- Technology Intensive Experience???
5The First Stops...
-Convenient communication -Dr. John D.
Krumbholtz -Wide reaching network of
collegues -Now as common as the telephone
-Right Now communication -Networking at its
extreme -Learn about others discoveries of useful
6Steadily I moved Forward...
-Administrative task help (I.e. scheduling,
credit checks, case notes, etc.)
-Career Guidance (Career Data Bases,
Self-Searches Interest Inventories)
-Choices, COIN, Discover
-PowerPoint and other generalized software
7...And then came The Web
- Seemingly endless information on topics
- Ability to get information from anywhere
- Significantly cuts down on research time
- Assistance in researching
- Share your work with others
- Market your services and expertise
- Visual stimulation - not just black white
- Interactive
Super-Star Career Page
An Informational Guide for Counselors Based on
the Career Developmental Theory of Donald Super
8From There... It Just Took Off
- Second class Counselors Technology
- In-depth, intensive and
- Developed a Learning Contract consisting of 3
ONE -- This PowerPoint Presentation and
submission of it for presentation
at this conference.
9TwoResearch into Distance Education
- Specialized Classroom equipped to host and
receive classes and programs from other sites
The Learning Community Network
Academic classes, trainings workshops, and
10THREE A Web Page
Highlands High School Guidance Department Web Page
Lets take a look...
11Who can we help with these discoveries?
Co-workers Administrators...
- Start in elementary with career interest software
- On-going Self-Searches and Interest Inventories
- Monitor Records
- Direct toward resources
- Teen Issue Information
- Remember
- A computer can not replace the one-on-one
relationship with a trained and caring
counselor.. - It only enhances the assistance you can provide
the student!
- May not be as technologically advanced as their
children, so help them catch up - Provide time assistance to introduce software
they can use - Programs on finding GOOD internet sites (quality
and family friendly) - How to get help, information and support on
parenting teens and teen issues - For those advanced -Quality sites you use
14Co-workers Administrators...
- Promote the Guidance Program
- Make their life easier - scheduling, credit
checks, transcripts at fingertips - Identify and share quality sites on common issues
(guidance lesson plans, etc) - Permits regular and easy communication on students
- Make our life easier
- Stay current, up-to-date, and informed
- Share ideas and encourage one another
- Provide quality services to students
- Serve as role models for students on keeping
current with technology
16??What is needed for the journey to continue??
Support of Board Administration
Financial Resources
Personnel - especially tech.support
Training, training and more training
17Is it all smooth sailing?
- Remember - quantity is NOT Quality
- Avoidance of interpersonal relationships
- Panic when technological problems arise
- Who is it out there - really?
- Keeping up with the pace of advancement (training
and equipment) - On-line counseling - a real debate!
18Still more concerns...
- Cheating and Hacking
- Unnatural communication and not being ones self
- Not equal access
- poor students-much less experience
- low function students-a lot of typing and reading
causes frustration and giving-up
- And so on, and so on, and so on...
19Where do we go from here
- Impossible to speculate, but technology is NOT
going away. - If we want to continue to be a critical
department in the school, we need to advance our
practices as well. - ASCA recognition - standards
- Journal of Technology in Counseling
- Integral part of Graduate Programs
Technology is... The Wave of the Future!
21Thank You and Good-bye!