Title: My Crazy Idea
1My Crazy Idea
- Web2.0 and student-centered learning for Students
with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
2Who Am I?
- Patrick Black
- pblack00_at_gmail.com
- http//teachingall.blogspot.com
- Twitter _at_teachntech00
- ATIA2009
- Full presentation available at
- http//prezi.com/2m4fcv7ml2xi/
- Nine years teaching experience
- Students with Autism, Multiple Disabilites,
Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities - Trained in Visual Supports - Heartland TEACCH
4Current Placement
- Currently I teach at Mt. Prospect SD 57
- Fairview Elementary
- 2nd 3rd grade students
- Classroom of students with significant cognitive
disabilities - Both verbal and non-verbal students in the class
- Many different ability levels
5Where did this start for me?
- Council for Exceptional Children Conference
- Dr. Diane Browder
- Teaching Language Arts, Math, and Science to
Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities - NCLB
- Understanding that students with significant
cognitive disabilities are required to have
access to the general education curriculum
- Personal Learning Network
- Listserv (i.e. QIAT, Boardmaker Yahoo Group)
- Twitter
- Blogs
- Social Bookmarking (i.e. Diigo, Delicious)
7PLN - Listserv
- Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology
- http//natri.uky.edu/assoc_projects/qiat/
- Boardmaker Yahoo Group
- http//groups.yahoo.com/group/boardmaker
- Group of professionals and parents all working
together to make accessible curriculum materials
8PLN - Twitter
- http//twitter.com
- Instant collaboration
- Global reach
- Learning community
- A conversation
9PLN - Blogs
- Teaching All Students
- http//teachingall.blogspot.com
- All Together We Can
- http//alltogether.com
- Teaching Learners with Multiple Special Needs
- http//teachinglearnerswithmultipleneeds.blogspot.
com - Free Resources From the Net for (Special)
Education - http//paulhami.edublogs.org
10PLN Social Bookmarking
- Diigo
- http//diigo.com
- Social bookmarking tool
- Link sharing
- Tagging
- Collaboration tools
- Classroom accounts
- Delicious
- http//delicious.com
- Social bookmarking tool
11My Crazy Idea
- Was interested in getting students more involved
- Saw 1st Grade reports on Animals
- And my next thought was My kids could do this!
12Research Project
- Students I teach are mostly non-verbal
- This needed to be their project
- Needed a way to get students involved in the
research - Non-verbal communication boards
13Research Project
- Student lead project
- Topics picked by student
- Non-verbal communication board
- Allowed students to participate in reading above
their level - Students given ownership of project
14Research Project
- Research materials provided to students
- Diigo.com - http//groups.diigo.com/fairviewsoar/b
ookmark - Diigo allows you to create a group
- All links shared with students
- Could sort by tag (animal, desert, etc)
- Books
- Materials were read to students
- Allowed to pick whether it was a fact about their
animal and whether they liked it
15Research Project
- All facts that students liked were written down
- First students were asked if it was a fact about
their animal - Then, they indicated whether they liked it or not
- Once students had done some research, they were
asked to use the liked facts to complete a
worksheet about their animal - If they did not have the fact to answer a
question, they had to go back and do more
16Research Project presentation resources
- Tar Heel Reader
- http//tarheelreader.org
- Students can write publish their own books
- Easy interface
- Very accessible
- VoiceThread
- http//voicethread.com
- Create student narrated slideshows
- Used single switch devices to allow students to
say the narration
17Research Project - VoiceThread
- Once students had completed the worksheet, I used
their answers to make sentences. - These sentences were read to students, and they
picked 5 to create a simple presentation - Student read or used a simple switch to record
their presentation into VoiceThread
18Research Project Tar Heel Reader
- Using Tar Heel Reader, students wrote books about
the desert - This was a group activity to help students
remember the facts they had learned about the
desert - As well as what animals were in the desert
19Preparing to present to our peers.
Bulletin board of our animals
20My Crazy Idea
- VoiceThread Presentations
- Jenna - http//voicethread.com/share/436265/
- Eugene - http//voicethread.com/share/435125/
- Tar Heel Reader Books
- http//www.diigo.com/list/teachntech/desertanimalb
21Conclusions - Positives
- Students enjoyed the process
- Really got into their animal
- They learned quite a lot about the desert
- Given sentences about their animal and
distractors - Students were able to pick the sentence about
their animal at about 80 accuracy - Empowered the students to create create a
presentation that was theirs!
22Conclusions Changes
- Expand to other topics
- Was a great idea for science, possible uses with
social science - Not sure if students learned about the other
animals in the project - I know they learned about their animal, but not
about animals other students researched - Allowing students more opportunity to pick/edit
photos used in presentations - Possible use of Glogster.com to present too
23My Crazy Idea
- Thank You for attending
- Please email me questions
- pblack00_at_gmail.com
- Check out my blog
- http//teachingall.blogspot.com
- Follow Me on Twitter
- _at_teachntech00
- Full presentation available at
- http//prezi.com/2m4fcv7ml2xi/
24Thank You!
Thank you for attending this session at ATIA 2009
Chicago! Watch for us in Orlando this
January! Please help us improve the quality of
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evaluation form. Completed evaluation forms
should be submitted as you exit the room or to
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