Title: Lasy Oliwsko Darzlubskie Promotional Forest Complex
1 Lasy Oliwsko - Darzlubskie Promotional Forest
2Lasy Oliwsko-Darzlubskie PFC
Established in 1996. It consists of two State
Forest Districts Gdansk and Wejherowo Total
area 40 743 ha.
3- The term Promotional Forest Complex was
officially used in 1994, concerning the
protection and management of Bialowieza Primeval
PFCs in Poland
- PFC is a larger, preferably heavily-wooded area,
within one or more Forest Districts, which has
been established for promotion of pro-ecological
forest policy of the state. - PFC are thus functional units, having no
separate administration, since they are
administrated by the Forest Districts included
within them (under the supervision of Regional
Directoriate of the State Forest)
4 The goals of Promotional Forest Complexes
- the comprehensive identification of the state
of forest biocenoses and the ongoing changes - the permanent preservation or reconstruction of
valuable features applying rational forest
management methods - integration of the goals of sustainable forest
management and nature conservation - promotion of multifunctional forest concept
- support to the research programs
- ecological education of the society, based on
educational centres, trails and organization of
training courses for the Forest Service as well.
5PFC is situated in the direct neighborhood of
over 1 million citizens agglomeration of the
cities Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia and Wejherowo. It
is a source of many problems.
Fragmentation of the forest
Wild visitors
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7Identification of the state of biocenoses
In 2007 we completed the identification of
Natura2000 habitats and species
Nature2000 habitats in District Wejherowo
8Lasy Oliwsko Darzlubskie is a very
interesting area for scientific research. About a
dozen of masters thesis and PhD dissertations
was written here.
Buxbaumia viridis has been found in District
Gdansk by Mr. Bartlomiej Hajek, PhD student from
The University of Gdansk.
9Sustainable forest economy based on ecological
Wide use of the natural regeneration is one of
our priorities, especially in case of beech but
also of more difficult species like oak, pine and
Forest at the Hel Peninsula
Natural regeneration in a beech forest
Special approach to the Hel Peninsula
preserving seaside pine forest (Empetro
nigri-Pinetum), interests of localities,
development of the touristic infrastructure.
10System of the protected areas
Preserved areas Natural Reserves (17)
570ha Landscape Parks 19638ha Nature 2000
areas 10508ha Protective forest
Nature2000 areas (project) PLH220016 Mawra-Bagno
Biala PLH220020 Pelcznica PLB220004 Ujscie
Wisly PLH220019 Orle PLB220032 Zatoka Pucka i
Pólwysep PLH220021 Piasnickie Laki PLH220029 Trzy
Mlyny PLC220002 Bielawskie Blota PLB220007
Puszcza Darzlubska PLH220044 Ostoja w Ujsciu Wisly
PLH220020 Pelcznica Nature2000 habitat area
11Dead wood
Desisting of cuttings is a way of protection for
exceptionally valuable ecosystems.
Symphytocarpus confluens extremly rare fungi,
found by Mr. Marcin Wilga, NGOs activist.
12Water retention programs
Programs of improving water retention abilities
were carried out in the districts of PFC. It is
also a way of increasing a variety of wetland
biotopes. Over a hundred of objects were built
with a financial help of several funds.
13Birds asylum
In Sobienczyce, District Wejherowo, with a help
of Regional Foundation for Environment Protection
we created a place where injured or sick birds
are able to recover in peace.
In both of the districts there are special pens
for recovering of game animals.
14Ecological education of the society - we do it
for free.
Education center Muza in District Wejherowo.
Beside the indoor exhibitions there are trails in
the forest that show many aspects of our economy
and teach about the functioning of the ecosystem.
15- Target groups
- Children
- Students
- Teachers
- Local authorities
- Forms of education
- Classes
- Lectures
- Trails
- Competitions
8000 participants per year
16Tourist development means of promotion
- Rooms and camping houses to rent
- Horse and bicycle trails
- Forest parking places
- Hunters lodgings
- Bird watching towers
- Festivals for society
- Organization of hunts
- Support for the sports events
- Publication of the guidebooks and leaflets
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18Lasy Oliwsko-Darzlubskie Promotional Forest
Complex PFC Lasy Oliwsko-Darzlubskie is a
functional unit, that consists of two State
Forest Districts Gdansk and Wejherowo. It is
situated at the seaside of the Baltic Sea and the
Gulf of Gdansk , in the direct neighborhood of
over 1 million citizens agglomeration of the
cities Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia and Wejherowo. PFC
was established to promote a modern view at the
silviculture and forest management. It emphasizes
the ecological aspects of the forestry. A very
important goal is also the ecological education
introduced to the different groups of the society
(students, teachers, forest service). Both of
the Districts has its educational center with
adequate equipment, various exhibitions and
specially designed classrooms. There are also
several educational trails. We organize classes
for children and students. Since 2003 to 2006 we
took a part in a series of lectures for the
students of the University of Gdansk,
introducing the forest economy. School teachers
are also a group which we are trying to make
familiar to the concept of multifunctional
19Every year since 2004 we have taken a part in the
Baltic Festival of Science, the event that shows
to the society the latest achievements of science
and technology. Since 2001 to 2005 District
Wejherowo successfully carried out the project
of improving the abilities of water retention,
receiving money from the Ekofundusz (foundation
for ecology). A similar project in District
Gdansk was financed in 2004 by National
Foundation for Environment Protection. In 2007 a
new educational center has been opened in the
District Gdansk. For this object we won a
financial help in a competition announced by the
Regional Foundation for Environment Protection
(WFOSiGW). In the Southern Baltic Program we are
finding a chance to develop our tourist and
educational infrastructure, especially by
creating, with a help of a partner, a technical
project of spatial distribution of various
objects, based on the same, coherent rules for
the whole Promotional Forest Complex (topic 4
New topics in forestry education, topic 7
Tourism by coastal areas). We believe this idea
refers also to the issues of nature conservation
and the management of the protected areas (topics
5 and 6), because of the fact that most of the
natural attractions are situated
there. Additionally we are interested in
establishing a platform for the experience
exchange not only for people directly involved in
forestry and ecological education, but also for
other branches of forest economy. It could be
helpful in improving professional skills and
would be a chance to get know to the different
points of view.
20Designed by Izabela Kashyna-Pleskot and Michal
Piwosz Foto W. Konczak J.Mikos, P. Mlodkowski,
I.Pleskot, W. Ciechanowicz