Title: Audit Preparation
1MIKUNDA, COTTRELL CO. Certified Public
Accountants and Consultants 3601 C Street,
Suite 600 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 278-8878
2Items for Discussion
- Key procedures for keeping the books
- Audit prep packages
- Effects of the risk assessment auditing standards
- Reports and documentation commonly requested by
auditors - Key sources of information
- New standards that will affect financial
statement audits
3Critical Year-End Procedures
- Reconcile its a matching thing
- Balance sheet and footnote items
- Does the beginning balance agree with the prior
year financials? - Detail or ledger reports vs. general ledger
- Grants
- Expenditures in the GL vs. grant reports
- Revenues and expenditures
- Differences due to matching requirements,
revenues based on student counts, overspent
grant, etc. - Other revenues
- Agree beginning fund balance to prior year
financials - Add up the due to and due from accounts net to
zero - Add up transfers in and transfers out net to
zero - Watch the 70 rule obtain a waiver if you dont
meet this
4Audit Prep Packages
- Prepare binders to speed up the audit
- Work on the prep package after year-end
procedures - Prep package wont take very long
- Remember the risk assessments - not everything
will be listed on the prep package
5Audit Prep Packages, continued
- Items to send your auditor before the audit
- Confirmations send them ASAP
- Trial balance can be preliminary
- Items your auditor really wants before the audit
- Federal and State Schedules
- Ranges of numbers for random selection
- Updated internal control documentation
6Effects of the Risk Assessment Standards
- From substantive approach to risk-based
- Substantive testwork must be done after risk
assessments - Planning required to assess risks
7Single Audit
- Federal and State Schedules
- 500,000 of Federal expenditures Federal Single
Audit - 500,000 of State Expenditures State Single
Audit - Current year expenditures for individual or
clustered programs determine major programs - Guidance in A-133 and State Single Audit Guide
for major program determinations - Watch out for American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act awards high risk
8Reports and Documentation Commonly Requested
- Balance sheet detail reports what makes up the
ending balance? - Bank reconciliations
- Inventory
- Accounts receivable
- Fixed assets
- Accounts payable
- Accrued payroll
- Accrued leave
- Deferred revenue
- Fund balance restrictions and reserves
- Dont forget the 10 rule
9Reports and Documentation Commonly Requested,
- Grant Items
- Grant analysis worksheets must agree to Federal
and State schedules - Grant awards
- Grant expenditure reports
- Other Items
- Bank statements for the whole year
- Check register starting the day after year-end
through the first day of the audit
10The PERS Situation
- SB 125 effect on financial statements
- Write-off of NPO
- On-behalf for PERS and TRS and the GASB 24
- Alaska school districts directed to record the
full on-behalf in the operating fund - Allocate on-behalf expenditures to functions
based on covered payroll follow DEED guidance - Provide documentation to DEED
11GASB 34 and Footnote Items
- Schedules for the following must have beginning
balance, additions, deletions, and ending balance
by function - Capital assets
- Capital project funds - identify costs not
capitalized and note the function they belong to - Depreciation by function
- Capital leases
- Debt
- Accrued leave
- Show hours and rates for beginning and ending
12GASB 34 and Footnote Items, continued
- Interfund activity
- Self insurance
- Contingencies
- Subsequent Events
- Review prior year financials for any other items
- Provide information for any new disclosures
13New Standards
- Effective this year
- GASB 49
- SAS 115
- Coming soon
- GASB 54
Websites Governmental Accounting Standards
Board www.gasb.org Government Finance Officers
Association www.gfoa.org CFDA.gov www.cfda.go
v Office of Management and Budget www.whitehous
e.gov/omb American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants www.aicpa.org Alaska
Association of School Business Officials www.alasb
o.org State of Alaska Department of Education
and Early Development www.eed.state.ak.us