Title: 4'2 Discounted Promissory Notes
14.2 Discounted Promissory Notes
2Discounted Promissory Notes short-term loan
(30, 60, 90 days usually)
- Bank Discount pay interest up-front on
short-term loan, so promissory note does not show
an interest rate (non-bearing note) - Bank Discount (principal) (rate) (time)
- Proceeds principal bank discount
Proceeds is amt of borrower gets to take home
3Example 1
- A lender discounted a 3500 note for Risa DeWitt
at 15 interest for 3 months. Find the proceeds
of the note that Risa receives
4True Rate of Interest
Bank Discount
5Example 2
- Find the true rate of interest, rounded to the
nearest tenth of a percent, on Risa DeWitts note
in Example 1
6Wrap It Up