Title: Radiation Processes
1Radiation Processes
- High Energy Astrophysics
- emp_at_mssl.ucl.ac.uk
- http//www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/
2Absorption Processes
- So far, considered the production of X-rays.
- Now, will consider X-ray absorption.
Emission processes Recombination Inverse
Compton e-/p annihilation synchrotron emission
Absorption process Photoionization electron
scattering e-/p pair production synchrotron self
Atom, ion or molecule
Cross-section (s) characterized by edges
corresponding to ionization edges.
4Example of photoelectric absorption
- eg. soft X-rays from a star absorbed by ISM
interstellar cloud
5How much passes through?
- Take a path of length dl (metres)
- is the number density ( ) of element
Z. - Cross-section offered by element Z at energy E is
given by
dl (m)
6- The fraction of volume dV which is blocked by the
presence of element Z is - Thus the fraction of flux lost in volume dV is
- or
7Integrating over length from source...
Including all elements in the line of sight
8Optical depth
This is t, the optical depth, which has no
This is the effective cross-section, weighted
over the abundance of
elements with respect to hydrogen
9Column density
- The column density is given by
- Column density is measured from the 21cm atomic
hydrogen line - but not foolproof. There is a
factor of 2 uncertainty, wide beams, molecular
hydrogen contamination...
10Clumping of the ISM
- Take an example at low energies, eg at ...
At a distance, d100 pc
Average ISM density
11Smooth versus clumpy
Cold dense clouds
Hot medium
12Numerical example
- Through the smooth medium -
- Through the clumpy medium -
13Electron scattering
- Thomson scattering
- the scattering of a photon by an
electron where the photon energy is much less
than the rest mass of the electron. - Compton scattering
- photons have a much higher energy in
this case and lose some of their energy in the
scattering process.
14Thomson Scattering
- low-E photon scattered by electron -
- Thomson cross-section is given by -
, where
15Thomson scattering cont.
- If N number of particles per
then fraction of area blocked by a square metre
of path
If R is the extent of the absorbing region along
the line of sight,
( optical depth)
16Compton scattering
- In Compton scattering, the photon wavelength
increases, ie its energy decreases.
frequency change
17Compton scattering cont.
18Electron-positron pair production
e-/e photon
Two photons, one of which must be a g-ray,
collide and create an electron-positron (e-/e)
pair. This is therefore a form of g-ray
19Minimum g-ray energy required
- Must first demonstrate that
is a relativistic invariant.
Rest energy of particle,
20And this is a relativistic invariant
21- Total initial momentum,
- thus
22 23Calculating the minimum energy
- Assuming e and e- have no momentum
- and since
Which gives us this expression for the energy of
the g-ray photon
24And this is...
- found by simply making the denominator as large
as possible, ie when cos(q)-1, ie when q180
e-/e photon
And the minimum g-ray energy is given by
25Minimum energy for mm-wave photon
- g-ray photon interacts with mm-wave
- First converting to eV
- l1.2mm corresponds to hn10 eV
26Photon-nucleus pair production
- In the laboratory, it is more usual to consider
photon-nucleus production. So why do we
ignore it in space? - Photons and nuclei have a similar cross-section,
and the g-ray does not differentiate much between
another photon or a nucleus. - Then we must compare the photon density with the
particle density in space.
27Photon versus particle density
- eg., for 3K m-wave background photons -
Corresponding to about 10 photons / m
No of nuclei in space is about 10 / m
28Synchrotron Self-Absorption
Relativistic electrons moving in a magnetic field
29Synchrotron Spectrum
- Flux emitted as a function of frequency
30Blackbody turnover
- Assume power-law cut off, n , is given by
- And assume each electron emits absorbs only at
this peak frequency. Then, we will replace this
with the mean energy per particle for a thermal
source, kT.
31On the Rayleigh-Jeans side...
Rayleigh-Jeans approximation to blackbody...
32Total flux at Earth...
- So total energy flux at Earth is given by
33SSA spectrum
34Source distance
- For dsource distance and Rsource size,
35 and SSA frequency
36SSA in Compact X-ray sources
- X-ray frequency, n10 Hz
- Assume F 10 J m s Hz
- d 10 kpc and B 10 Tesla
- (the field for a neutron star)
- This gives a maximum for R of 1 km for SSA of
X-rays to occur (ie for n to be observable in
the X-ray band). - - but a neutron star diameter is 10 to 20km -
37Radiation processes (summary)
- Thermal - Bremsstrahlung
electron energies photon energies
to produce X-rays, b v/c 0.1 - Non-thermal - Synchrotron and Inverse Compton
38Electron energies required
- Synchrotron emission
depends on the magnetic field strength
assuming equipartition of energy - starlight,
cosmic rays magnetic fields have all the
same energy density in Galaxy - from , gt B6x10
Tesla To produce X-rays,
39Inverse Compton Scattering
- Consider starlight lthngt 2eV (l6000A)
- or 3K background photons, lthngt 3x10 eV
- then
- for stars
- for the 3K background, to produce
X-rays. We need cosmic rays!!!
40Non-thermal process (cont.)
- Energy distribution of cosmic ray particles
within a unit volume has the form - (over at least part of the energy range)
- We use this to determine the relative importance
of synchrotron and IC processes
41- Power radiated in the two processes is about
equal in the case of equipartition of energy - ie when
- ie an electron with a given g loses energy
equally rapidly by the two processes -
- However, it does not mean that X-rays are
produced at the same rate in the two cases.
42Ratio of IC to Synchrotron Xrays
- For example
- Galactic X-rays require
(stars) -
(3K) - but for synchrotron
43Ratio IC to Synchrotron (cont.)
- Ratio (no of electrons with )
- (no of electrons with )
- But
44Ratio IC to Synchrotron (cont.)
- Thus
- So which is more important for producing
- X-rays via IC starlight or 3K background?
45X-rays from IC scattering
- (no. X-rays produced from starlight per )
- (no. X-rays produced from 3K per )
46IC - starlight versus 3K
- We know that
- and
- Thus ie 3K photons more important!
47IC or synchrotron for X-rays?
- Remember
- assuming for
- thus synchrotron dominates over IC in Galaxy
48Synchrotron emission
- Synchrotron emission requires very high energy
particles however - and electron energy
distribution may well have tailed off if there is
no continuous re-supply. - Also 3K radiation extends outside our Galaxy.
- Extragalactic radiation depends on whether
- there are enough electrons to produce IC.