Title: Huisstijltemplate voor overheadsheets prints
1AlterrAqua, a regional GIS based modelling system
Gerrit Hendriksen1, Frank van der Bolt1, Pim
Dik1, Piet Groenendijk1, Paul van Walsum and Ab
- Introduction AlterrAqua
- The toolbox AlterrAqua enables users to implement
regional hydrological models using a set of
standard databases (such as soil, land use and
elevation maps) and local data, for instance
derived from water boards. - Based on the hydrological model chosen AlterrAqua
is set up with a set of predefined forms and
tools that control data consistency checks, model
schematization, output presentation. - Models as SIMGRO, multi-SWAP, Animo and SOBEK can
be provided with specific input necessary to run
the model.
- Introduction SIMGRO
- Integrated water resources management often
requires an integrated model to predict
interactions between plant-atmosphere, soil
water, groundwater and surface water. - SIMGRO supports the evaluation of water
management, climate change impacts, policy
options and real time control. - SIMGRO is an advanced rainfall-runoff model based
upon a number of modules - Modelling of surface water
- Modelling of the unsaturated zone
- Modelling of the saturated zone
Geographical data
Import schematised models
Consistency Checks, parameterisation,
Post Processing Impact Scenario study
Hydrological model
- Applications
- prediction of changes in groundwater tables
- prediction of fluctuations in surface water
discharges - prediction of effects of (water) policy on
inundation frequencies
- prediction of crop damage related to climate or
policy - testing flood risks related to land use and
water policy
climate variant
present situation
differences in inundation frequencies due to
climate change
1) Alterra, Green World Research, Centre for
Water and Climate, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA
Wageningen, The Netherlands. 2) Multi-SWAP
simulates integrated water and solute transport
at catchment scale 3) Animo models nutrient
leaching to ground - and surface water