Title: Pharmacodynamic Modeling of an Ordinal Categorical Response
1Pharmacodynamic Modeling of an Ordinal
Categorical Response
- Serum based pharmacodynamic assay generates
continuous response. - Drug inhibits biochemical conversion in serum.
- Initial modeling focused on continuous data.
Less than optimal performance. - Explored categorical methods (logistic regression)
- Plasma concentration-time data and
pharmacodynamic activity-time data collected from
2 Phase II studies and a single Phase III study
(Different Indications) - Phase 3 Study Indication 1
- Phase 2 Studies Indication 2
4Background (Studies/Procedures)
- Drug Administration
- Route IV infusion
- Indication 1 (Phase III Study) 2.0 mg/kg for 10
minutes following by 0.05 mg/kg/hr for 24 hours
starting at termination of 10-minute infusion. - Indication 2 (Phase II Studies) 2.0 mg/kg for
10 minutes followed by 0.05 mg/kg/hr for 20 hours
starting four hours after termination of the
10-minute infusion.
5Background (Studies/Procedures)
- Blood samples collected for analysis of free drug
concentrations in serum and for pharmacodynamic
activity measurements. - Blood sampling paradigm (scheduled times)
- Phase II studies predose (0), 4, 12, 24, 36, 48,
and 72 hours - Phase III study predose (0), 4, 24, 72, and 96
hours - Blood samples analyzed for free drug
concentrations using a validated (250 16000
ng/mL) ligand binding method with
electrochemiluminescence detection (ECL).
- POP PK analysis of free drug concentrations in
serum conducted prior to the PD (2-staged
approach). Derived from 755 observations from
476 patients. - Individual predicted free drug concentrations
(Cij) independent variable in PD analysis. - Initial modeling efforts focused on continuous
- Base model Emax model with baseline component.
- Dataset 2535 observations from 476 patients.
- Patients had at least 1 free drug concentration.
- A Categorical modeling approach implemented due
to problems with continuous data approach. - Pharmacodynamic activity data converted to
Categorical response (ordinal scale). - Placebo patients excluded from analysis. Over
70 of observations would fall into one of the
pharmacodynamic activity categories.
9Results (Continuous Data)
10Results (Continuous Data)
11Results (Continuous Data)
12Results (Continuous Data)
13Results (Continuous Data)
14Test For Normality (Goodness of Fit Tests)
15Test For Normality
16Conclusions Continuous Data
- Visual inspection of diagnostic plots suggested
potential violations of model assumptions. - Population Method robust against violations of
model assumptions - validity of inferences ? - Categorical methods used in place of continuous
data. Continuous data transformed into ordinal
categorical scale (k 3 categories).
17Background (binomial distributions)
- Most basic categorization Binomial random
variable i.e. dichotomous response (success vs
failure or occurrence vs lack of occurrence) - Statistical framework for analysis binomial
distribution - For n independent Bernoulli trials with x number
successes and (n-x) failures, the response is
distributed as EiBin(n,p)
18Background (multinomial distribution)
- Multinomial response (k3 or greater response
categories) - Statistical frame work (multinomial distribution)
- Based on n independent trials with xi (x1, ? ?
? , xk) mutually exclusive occurrences of event
Ei EiMULT(n,p1,p2,1-p1-p2). - Multinomial distribution extension of the
binomial distribution. - Multinomial distribution member of Regular
Exponential Class family of distributions.
19Background (multinomial distribution)
20Methods Categorical Data
- Pharmacodynamic response transformed to ordinal
scale - Activity ? 80 ? Full Activity (Y 0)
- 20 lt Activity lt 80 ? Partial Activity (Y1)
- Activity ? 20 ? Full Inhibition (Y2)
- Pharmacodynamic data analyzed by logistic
regression (multinomial). - Link function logit function
21Methods Categorical Data
- Joint probability density function (Likelihood
22Methods Categorical Data
- The following functions of free concentration
were evaluated (base model).
23Methods Categorical Data
- Explicit relationships for g1(Cij) and g2(Cij)
24Methods Categorical Data
- Continuous covariates BWGT, CLCR, AGE, PTINR.
- Categorical covariates Study (Stdy 1, Stdy 2,
Stdy 3, Race, and Gender).
25Methods Categorical Data
- Modeling Methodology Probability that the
pharmacodynamic activity falls into each
category. - Mixed effect modeling using PROC NLMIXED (SAS)
- Adaptive Gaussian Quadrature method numerically
integrates the likelihood function with respect
to the random effects (generate marginal density
function with respect to fixed effects).
26Methods Categorical Data
- Log-Likelihood expression
- r0 1 when activity falls in category 0 and zero
otherwise. - r1 1 when activity falls in category 0 and zero
otherwise. - r2 1 when activity falls in category 0 and zero
27Methods (Base Model SAS Code)
28Results Categorical Data (Base Model)
29Methods Covariate Screening
- Initial screening Walds approximation to
likelihood ratio test. - Full model comprised of all covariates included
with respect to g1(Cij) and g2(Cij). - Wald method run using original SAS version.
- Best 50 models based upon rank ordered SBC run in
NLMIXED. - Final model corresponded to NLMIXED run with
lowest SBC.
30Results Categorical Data (Final Model)
31Results Categorical Data (Final Model)
32Effect of Dosing Regimen(PK Related)
33Effect of Renal Function(PK Related)
34Effect of Renal Function(PK Related)
35Effect of Body Weight(PD Related)
36Effect of Body Weight(PD Related)
37Statistical Analysis (Simulation Results)
- Physicians Interested in Time to Recover Back to
Baseline Activity. - Initial Analysis ANOVA following transformation
of response variable. - Residuals still violated model assumptions
following transformation. - Performed non parametric analysis of variance
(Wilcoxon Rank Sum).
38Statistical Analysis (Simulation Results)
- Performed pair wise comparisons with baseline
(control) based upon 95 confidence interval
approach. - Overall error rate controlled using Bonferroni
adjustment. - Paired comparisons calculated using the following
39Effect of Renal Function(Recovery Time)
40Effect of Renal Function(Recovery Time)
41Effect of Renal Function(Recovery Time)
42Effect of Renal Function(Recovery Time)
43Effect of Body Weight(Recovery Time)
44Effect of Body Weight(Recovery Time)
45Effect of Body Weight(Recovery Time)
46Effect of Body Weight(Recovery Time)
- Violations of model assumptions observed with
continuous data. - Relationship between pharmacodynamic activity and
free drug concentrations was analyzed using
multinomial logistic regression (generalized
logits approach) following conversion of the
continuous data to an ordinal categorical scale. - A nonlinear equation was the most parsimonious of
the concentration functions used within the
exponentials of the logit expressions and
represented the base pharmacodynamic model.
- Final model included body weight and study
(1999052) with respect to concentration function
g1(Cij) and study (1999052 and 1999053) with
respect to concentration function g2(Cij). - Patients that received a bolus infusion recovered
back to baseline conditions faster (58 hours)
than those that received a bolus immediate
infusion (68 hours) or bolus delayed infusion
(70 hours). - Patients with severe renal impairment (CLCR 30
mL/min) took longer to recover to baseline for
full activity (78 hours) than patients with
normal renal function (68 hours).
- Patients with higher body weight took longer to
recover to baseline for full activity. Patients
weighing 160 kg took 74 hours, while patients
weighing 40 kg took 62 hours to recover to
baseline. - The probability that a patient had full activity
at baseline (conc 0 ng/mL) increased with a
decrease in body weight for CABG patients with
normal renal function for body weights ranging
from 160 kg (probability 0.58) to 40 kg
(probability 0.73).
- The probability that a patient was fully
inhibited at high free drug concentration
(conc 1000 ng/mL) increased with a decrease in
body weight for CABG patients with normal renal
function for body weights ranging from 160 kg
(probability 0.56) to 40 kg (probability
0.68). - The rank order for baseline recovery times for
patients with normal renal function in each study
was 1999052 (66 hours AMI), 2000099 (74 hours
CABG), and 1999053 (84 hours AMI).
51Backup Slides
52Results (Continuous Data)
53Test For Normality (Goodness of Fit Tests)
- Null hypothesis (Ho) residuals follow a normal
distribution. - Empirical distribution function tests (EDF)
Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling, Cramér-von
Mises. - Compare percentiles of ordered residuals
(increasing rank order) versus theoretical
distribution (CDF normal).
54Test For Normality (Goodness of Fit Tests)
- Generate test statistic and determine p-value of
test statistic. Low p-value supports departure
from theoretical distribution. - Caution - Large sample sizes good power to
detect minor departure from theoretical
distribution. Use in conjunction with normal
probability plot (visual inspection/analyst
judgment). - Anderson-Darling test statistic quadratic class
of EDF statistics
55Test For Normality (Goodness of Fit Tests)
where is the CDF for a normal
56Background (multinomial distribution)
- Mean, variance, covariance easily obtained from
moment generating function.
57Background (trinomial distribution)
- Expected value (moment estimator) is a vector of
58Background (trinomial distribution)
- Variance (moment based estimator) of the
distribution is a matrix. Off diagonal elements
are the covariance between p1 and p2.
59Background (trinomial distribution)
- Maximum likelihood estimates of mean
uniformly unbiased minimum variance
estimator. - Maximum likelihood estimate of variance
- is asymptotically unbiased.
60Effect of Dosing Regimen(PK Related)
61Effect of Renal Function(PK Related)
62Effect of Renal Function(PK Related)
63Effect of Body Weight(PD Related)
64Effect of Body Weight(PD Related)
65Effect of Study(PK and PD)
66Effect of Study(PK and PD)
67Effect of Dosing Regimen(Recovery Time)
68Effect of Dosing Regimen(Recovery Time)
69Effect of Dosing Regimen(Recovery Time)
70Effect of Study(Recovery Time)
71Effect of Study(Recovery Time)
72Effect of Study(Recovery Time)