Title: This Week
1This WeekPolar Stratospheric Chemistry
READING Chapter 10 of text SPADE Data Analysis
Pt 1 Due Tuesday Nov 13
2TodayOzone Hole Part 1
- Characterization of Ozone Hole
- Finding the Smoking Gun With Human Fingerprints
3Polar Ozone Loss
Severe depletion of stratospheric O3 occurs every
spring (since 1980s) over the poles (especially
South Pole).
- Example of
- far reach of human activities
- environmental catastrophe and political blame
game - scientific process and ability of humans to
4Discovery of Antarctic Ozone Hole
5Antarctic O3 Hole A Springtime Event
Ozone Watch Web Page
2006 Ozone Hole Movie From Satellite Observations
6Vertical Extent of Ozone Hole
Chlorine from CFCs predicted to be most effective
40 km. So why is depletion at 15 20 km?
7Discovery of Antarctic Ozone Hole
The Conundrum
- Known catalytic reactions with chlorine not fast
enough to explain near complete depletion in
couple months. - Why only in spring?
- Why only between 15 25 km?
- Why only in polar region?
8Debate Over Causes of Ozone Hole
There was also a real scientific debate over the
relative roles of chemistry and
meteorology. Turns out to be both (of course!)
9Chlorine The Smoking Gun?
ClO and O3 certainly anti-correlated. But how
is there so much ClO? What is the mechanism for
ClO to destroy ozone so fast? Cant be ClO O
1. Where in the stratosphere (altitude) would the
ClO dimer mechanism be most important? 2. If
CFC concentrations were to double, how much
faster would ozone loss by the ClO dimer
mechanism occur? Â
11Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs)
12PSC Formation Starts on S.A.L
Stratospheric Aerosol Layer
15-30 km
- Extends vertically from 15 to 35 km
- Aerosol composition primarily H2SO4-H2O
- Typical particle radius 700 nm
- Typical particle number density 10 cm-3
13Sunrise over Texas From Space Shuttle
Stratospheric Aerosol Layer
Tropospheric Clouds
14PSC Formation and Types
From stratospheric aerosol layer
Crystalline HNO3-3H2O (NAT) containing particles
HNO3/H2O/ H2SO4 Type Ia PSC
197 K
Supercooled Ternary Solutions (STS) H2SO4/HNO3/H2O
Type Ib PSC
185 K
Mainly H2O- ice particles Type II PSC
15PSC Formation Requires Very Low T
Arctic T
Color shows westerly wind speed
Antarctic T
Polar Vortex cuts off warm, ozone/NOx rich
mid-latitude air
16Heterogeneous Chemistry on PSCs
PSCs convert inactive Cly to active ClOx
Turco, 1987
17Chlorine Activation in Polar Vortex
18Antarctic O3 Hole A Springtime Event
Ozone Watch Web Page
2006 Ozone Hole Movie From Satellite Observations
19Antarctic Ozone Hole Key Points
- Why only in spring?
- Why only between 15 25 km?
- Why only in (south) polar region?
Wintertime processing on PSCs needed for active
chlorine production and denitrification. Sunlight
required to generate Cl atoms from Cl2 and
Where PSCs form (on aerosol layer), and where the
ClOOCl mechanism is fastest.
PSCs are required and only form under cold
conditions achieved during polar winter (and
mainly only Antarctic winter).
20The Solution Montreal Protocol
The persistent observations of the ozone hole
from 1984 1987 led to legally binding
international agreements. The Montreal Protocol
and its amendments eventually called for a near
complete ban on the production and use of
CFCs. A suitable and easy replacement for CFCs,
known as HCFCs, made these acts easier to swallow.
21Ozone Recovery
- Computer model predictions
- Antarctic ozone will recover to pre-1980 values
by 2040. - Extra-polar ozone should recover by 2020-2040.
- Predictions assume strict adherence to Montreal
- Large volcanic eruptions can inject sulfur and
particles into the stratosphere. How would that
affect stratospheric ozone at present? - How might eruptions in the distant past affect
stratospheric ozone? - 3. Increasing greenhouse gases in the troposphere
lead to a cooling of the stratosphere. How might
global warming affect stratospheric ozone levels?
23Effect of N2O5 Aerosols? 2HNO3
Only gas-phase chemistry
Including Heterogeneous Chemistry
HOx becomes most important catalyst in aerosol