Title: Mimi Lufkin
1The Five Step Program Improvement Process Step
One Document Performance Results Tuesday,
April 21, 2009
- Mimi Lufkin
- Chief Executive Officer
- National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity
Education Foundation
2The Five Step Process
- Who is participating in todays webinar?
- School Administrator
- Teacher
- Counselor
- Program Coordinator
- State Agency Staff
- Other
4Perkins Act Accountability
- Core Indicators on Nontraditional CTE
- Participation in CTE programs preparing students
for nontraditional fields - Completion of CTE programs preparing students for
nontraditional fields
5Nontraditional Fields
- Occupations or fields of work, including careers
in computer science, technology, and other
current and emerging high skill occupations, for
which individuals from one gender comprise less
than 25 percent of the individuals employed in
each such occupation or field of work.
6Document Performance Results
- GOAL Understand the problem completely before
you seek solutions
How do you analyze performance data? What
questions should be addressed? What tools and
methods can be used to present and analyze
data? How should data quality problems be
considered in analyzing data?
7Perkins Accountability Measure
- Participation Rate
- underrepresented students participating in NT
CTE - all students participating in NT CTE
- OR
- of females enrolled in pre-engineering
- All students (males and females)
- enrolled in pre-engineering
8Perkins Accountability Measure
- Completion Rate
- underrepresented students completing NT CTE
- all students completing NT CTE
- OR
- of females completing pre-engineering
- All students (males and females)
- completing pre-engineering
- Select the statement that best describes your
familiarity with the Perkins Act accountability
measures ? - This is the first time I have heard about this
- I am familiar with the measures but have no idea
about how the data is collected at my school - I have been involved in collecting and reporting
the Perkins data at my school - I have seen our Perkins annual report but have
never used the information - I have used our Perkins data to help us make
decisions to improve our CTE programs
10Data CollectionDisaggregation required in
Perkins IV
- Special Population
- Underrepresented gender students in a
nontraditional CTE program - Single Parent
- Displaced Homemaker
- Limited English Proficiency
- Individuals with a Disability
- Economically Disadvantaged
- Race/Ethnicity
- American Indian or Alaskan Native
- Asian or Pacific Islander
- Black, non-Hispanic
- Hispanic
- White- non-Hispanic
11Recommended Analyses
- Trends
- At least 2 years
- Prefer 3-5 years
- Site specific
- Statewide
- District
- School/College
- Programs
- State performance level
- Best performer in state
- National program benchmark
- Selected peer benchmark
- Set your own benchmark
13National Program Evaluations
- Project Lead the Way
- Annual Assessment Report for 2006-07
- Report 17 female enrollment nationally
- Cisco Networking Academy Gender Initiative
- Set a benchmark for programs at 30 female
enrollment - National Center for Women in Information
Technology - Report on the Status of Women in IT
14Other Data Sources
- Career Technical Education Data
- Peer Collaborative Resource Network
- Oklahoma Dept. of Career Technical Ed.
- Southern Regional Education Board Data Library
Data Library - State and Local Participation and Achievement
Data - Oklahoma Dept. of Education
15Perkins Consolidated Annual Report Data
- State, School, and Program
- Level Analysis
16State Level Perkins Nontraditional Data Analysis
17Schools Included in Statewide Analysis
- Caddo Kiowa Tech Center Fort Cobb
- Canadian Valley Tech Center El Reno
- Gordon Cooper Tech Shawnee
- Great Plains Tech Center Lawton
- Meridian Tech Center Stillwater
- Metro Tech Oklahoma City
- Moore Norman Tech Center Norman
- Red River Tech Center Duncan
- So. OK Tech Center Ardmore
- Tulsa Tech - Tulsa
18Statewide Secondary Participation Data
19Statewide Secondary Participation Data
20Statewide Secondary Participation
21Statewide Adult Participation Data
22Statewide Adult Participation Data
23Statewide Adult Participation
24Statewide Secondary Nontraditional Program
25Statewide Secondary Nontraditional Program
26Statewide Adult Nontraditional Program
27Statewide Adult Nontraditional Program
28School Level Analysis
29School Secondary Participation
30School Secondary Participation
31School and State Secondary Participation
32School Adult Participation
33School Adult Participation
34School and State Adult Participation
35School Level Data
- How has the school performed on the participation
measure? - How has the college performed as compared to the
state average on the measure? - What happened to the results over time?
- What questions arise from this data?
36School Level Perkins Worksheet
37(No Transcript)
38(No Transcript)
- Were you able to complete the calculations on the
school spreadsheet for FY 04-05 - YES
- NO
40 41 42Poll
- Were you able to calculate the correct
participation rate for programs nontraditional
for females and males for FY 04-05 - YES
- NO
43Program Level Perkins III Analysis
44School Secondary Nontraditional Program
45School Secondary Nontraditional Program
46State and School Secondary Nontraditional Program
47School Adult Nontraditional Program Participation
48School Adult Nontraditional Program Participation
49State and School Adult Nontraditional Program
50Program Level Data
- What does the data say or suggest?
- How has the state performed in each measure?
- What happened to the results over time?
- What questions arise from this data?
51Program Level Perkins Worksheet
52(No Transcript)
53(No Transcript)
54 55 56Poll
- Were you able to calculate the correct
participation rate for the drafting program for
FY 04-05 - YES
- NO
57 58What does the data tell us?
- Indicates trends over time
- Highlights potential data quality issues
- Identifies gaps in performance between
- Student groups gender, race/ethnicity, special
populations - Programs
- Generates additional questions that need to be
answered before implementing a solution
- What do you think you can do?
- I am going to take a look at my own program data
to identify trends over time - I am going to go find our local Perkins data and
try to compare our nontrad programs - I am going to find our state Perkins data and see
how are school compares to others - I am going to see what additional data sources I
can find to inform our program - I dont know yet what I might do with this
605 Step Process Resources
- STEM Equity Pipeline
- Virtual Learning Community
- Professional Development Menu
- The Five Step Process
- www.stemequitypipeline.org/ProfessionalDevelopment
61(No Transcript)
62The Five Step Process
635 Step Program Improvement Process Training
- Thursday, May 28, 20099 am - 4 pm
- Moore Norman Penn Campus
- Main Ballroom
- 13301 S. Pennsylvania Ave.Oklahoma City, OK
- Wednesday, May 27, 20099 am - 4 pm
- Tulsa Lemley Campus
- Career Services Section E
- 3420 S. Memorial Drive
- Tulsa, OK
Register at http//www.stemequitypipeline.org/Stat
- Get program enrollment data from your school
- Do an analysis of the participation rates of
females and males in programs nontraditional for
their gender. - Select a few programs and chart their
participation rates for the underrepresented
gender - Bring this information with you to the training
in Tulsa or Oklahoma City in May!!
National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity
- Mimi Lufkin
- Executive Director
- P.O. Box 369
- Cochranville, PA 19330
- 610-593-8038 phone
- 610-593-7283 fax
- mimilufkin_at_napequity.org