Syntax and Semantics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Syntax and Semantics


A metalanguage for programming languages. W. Maloles. 11. 9/1/09 ... of a metalanguage is BNF. W. Maloles. 12. 9/1/09. BNF Basics. It is a metalanguage used to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Syntax and Semantics

Chapter 3
  • Syntax and Semantics

Issues of a programming language
  • The language description must be concise yet
  • The language description must be understood by a
    diverse group of people
  • The language itself must define both structure
    and meaning of various constructs such as
    expressions, statements and program units
  • Language users must be able to write programs by
    referring to the languages reference manual

Properties of programming languages
  • Syntax the form of the languages expressions,
    statements and program units.
  • Semantics the meaning of the languages
    expressions, statements and program units.

  • Given a language L that uses the alphabet, ?, of
    character, what are the ways to define a
    programming language?

Ways to define programming languages (1)
  • Language recognizers
  • Use a recognition device, R, to
  • Read strings of characters from ? and determine
    whether the string is in the language, L, or not
  • Separate correct sentences from incorrect
  • - Language recognizers performs the syntax
    analysis of a compiler

Ways to define programming languages (2)
  • Language generators
  • Use to generate sentences of a language
  • Use generators to determne the correct syntax of
    a statement by comparing it with the structure
    provided by a generator.

  • Terms associated with programming languages
  • Sentences statement or strings of a language
  • Lexemes lowest level of static units which
    includes identifiers, literals, operators and
  • Tokens category of lexemes

index 2 count 17
  • Lexemes
  • index
  • count
  • 2
  • 17
  • Tokens
  • identifier
  • identifier
  • int_literal
  • int_literal
  • equal_sign
  • mult_op
  • plus_op
  • semicolon

  • What is grammar?
  • grammar is a formal method to describe syntax
  • Two classes of grammar used in programming
    languages (Chomsky)
  • Regular grammar used to describe tokens
  • Context-Free used to describe the programming
    language itself as a whole

What is BNF?
  • Acronym for Backus-Naur form
  • Used initially to describe ALGOL 58, it is a
    formal notation for specifying programming
    language syntax
  • Developed by John Backus in 1959 and later
    amended by Peter Naur in 1960
  • Nearly identical to Chomskys context-free
  • A metalanguage for programming languages

  • A metalanguage is a language used to describe
    another language.
  • An example of a metalanguage is BNF

BNF Basics
  • It is a metalanguage used to describe another
  • It is a collection of rules or productions of the
  • LHS -gt RHS
  • where LHS (left-hand side) is the rule being
  • RHS (right-hand side) is the definition
    of the rule and consists of tokens, lexemes or
    references to other rules.
  • A rule is made up of terminal (T) and nonterminal
    (NT) symbols
  • Example of a rule ltassigngt ? ltvargt

BNF Basics (cont.)
  • Nonterminal symbols can be further defined by two
    or more distinct rules of the language whereas
    terminal symbols can only be defined by lexemes
    and tokens of the language.
  • From the previous example, assign, var and
    expression are nonterminal symbols and is a
    terminal symbol

BNF Basics (cont.)
  • BNF is used to describe lists of similar
    constructs, ordering which different constructs
    must appear, nested structure, operator
    precedence, and operator associativity.
  • BNF is a generative device for defining
    languages. This means that sentences of the
    programming language defined by BNF are generated
    through the application of the grammars rules.

  • Ex. Grammar 1
  • ltprogramgt ? begin ltstmt_listgt end
  • ltstmt_listgt ? ltstmtgt ltstmtgtltstmt_listgt
  • ltstmtgt ? ltvargt ltexprgt
  • ltexprgt ? ltvargt ltvargt ltvargt - ltvargt ltvargt
  • ltvargt ? a b c

Anatomy of Grammar 1
  • ltprogramgt ? begin ltstmt_listgt end
  • ltstmt_listgt ? ltstmtgt ltstmtgtltstmt_listgt
  • NT T NT NT T
  • ltstmtgt ? ltvargt ltexprgt
  • NT NT T NT
  • ltexprgt ? ltvargt ltvargt ltvargt - ltvargt ltvargt
    NT NT
  • ltvargt ? a b c
  • NT T T T

  • A program that uses ex. grammar 1
  • begin
  • a bc
  • b c
  • end
  • How do you derive the program above using
    grammar one from the previous chart?

Grammar and Parse Trees
  • Grammars naturally describes the hierarchical
    syntactic structures, i.e., parse trees, of
  • Ex. grammar 2 for an assignment statement
  • ltassigngt ? ltidgt ltexprgt
  • ltidgt ? abc
  • ltexprgt ? ltidgt ltexprgt
  • ltidgt ltexprgt
  • ( ltexprgt )
  • ltidgt

Grammar and Parse Trees
  • ltassigngt ? ltidgt ltexprgt
  • ltidgt ? abc
  • ltexprgt ? ltidgt ltexprgt
  • ltidgt ltexprgt
  • ( ltexprgt )
  • ltidgt
  • Use the grammar 2 to parse the statements
  • A B A C
  • A B A C
  • What can you say about operator precedence?

Ambiguous vs. Unambiguous Grammar
  • Ambiguous grammar a grammar that generates a
    sentence for which there are two or more distinct
    parse trees.
  • Unambiguous grammar a grammar for which a
    sentence generated can be represented by only one
    parse tree.

Ambiguous Grammar
  • Ex. grammar 3 for an assignment statement
  • ltassigngt ? ltidgt ltexprgt
  • ltidgt ? abc
  • ltexprgt ? ltexprgt ltexprgt
  • ltexprgt ltexprgt
  • ( ltexprgt )
  • ltidgt
  • Example statement A B C A
  • Based on the above example why is the grammar

Grammar 4 correct version of Grammars 2 and 3
  • ltassigngt ? ltidgt ltexprgt
  • ltidgt ? A B C
  • ltexprgt ? ltexprgt lttermgt lttermgt
  • lttermgt ? lttermgt ltfactorgt ltfactorgt
  • ltfactorgt ? (ltexprgt) ltidgt
  • Example statement A B C A
  • Is the operator precedence still enforced with
    grammar 4 with this statement?

  • Left recursive
  • grammar rule is left recursive if it has its LHS
    appearing at the RHS,
  • Left recursive rule specifies left associativity
  • Right Recursive
  • grammar rule is right recursive if it has its LHS
    appearing at the right end of RHS
  • right recursive rules specify right associativity

Right associative operator exponent operator
  • ltfactorgt ? ltexprgt lt factorgt ltexprgt
  • ltexprgt ? (ltexprgt) id
  • Example statement abc
  • What does the parse tree look like?
  • Is operator precedence enforced?

Grammar Requirements
  • It must be unambiguous
  • It must enforce operator precedence
  • It must enforce operator associativity

Extended BNF (EBNF)
  • Extensions to BNF to improve readability and
  • Extensions include
  • to mean optional
  • to mean none or infinite repetitions
  • n with n as the maximum number of
  • to mean one or more repetitions
  • ( ) to mean multiple choice

Notational Symbols in BNF, EBNF
  • lt gt used for nonterminals (BNF, EBNF)
  • ? rule assignment (BNF, EBNF)
  • selection (BNF, EBNF)
  • optional (EBNF)
  • repetition (EBNF)
  • ( ) used with for selection (EBNF)

Attribute Grammar informal definition
  • An attribute grammar is an extension to a
    context-free grammar to allow for the description
    of more structure in a programming language than
    is possible with BNF. It allows for the
    description of static semantics such as
    variable-type compatibility

Static Semantics
  • language syntax rules that cannot be defined by
    BNF. Typically, these are related to variable
    type constraints. Static semantics rules are
    resolved at compile time, not execution time.

Examples of static semantics
  • A floating point values cannot be assigned to an
    integer-type variable.
  • For some languages such as Ada, if the end
    statement of a subprogram is followed by a name,
    the name must match the name of the subprogram.

Attribute Grammar formal definition
  • An attribute grammar is context-free grammar with
    the following additional features
  • Associated with each grammar symbol are sets of
    inherited and synthesized attributes.
  • Synthesized attributes are used to pass semantic
    information up the parse tree from the nodes
  • inherited attributes are semantic information
    passed down the parse tree from the nodes parent
    and siblings.
  • Associated with each grammar rule is a set of
    attribute computation function and predicate
    function (optional) over the attributes of the
    symbols in the rule.

Other definitions
  • Fully attributed parse tree
  • if all the attribute values of a parse tree have
    been computed.
  • Intrinsic attributes
  • synthesized attributes of leaf nodes whose values
    are determined outside the parse tree. An
    example would be the attributes of an identifier
    taken from the symbol table.

Example 5 Attribute Grammar
  • ltassigngt ? ltvargt ltexprgt
  • ltexprgt.expected_type ? ltvargt.actual_type
  • ltexprgt ? ltvargt2 ltvargt3
  • ltexprgt.actual_type ? if (ltvargt2.actual_type
    int) and (ltvargt3.actual_type int)
  • then int
  • else real
  • end if
  • ltexprgt.actual_type ltexprgt.expected_type
  • ltexprgt ? ltvargt
  • ltexprgt.actual_type ? ltvargt.actual_type
  • ltexprgt.actual_type ltexprgt.expected_type
  • ltvargt ? A B C
  • ltvargt.actual_type ? look-up(ltvargt.string)

Steps to building a fully attributed parse tree
  • Step 1 From the given grammar, derive the parse
    tree using the grammars production rules as
    discussed previously.
  • Step 2 Get the intrinsic attributes of the leaf

Steps to building a fully attributed parse tree
  • Step 3 Calculate the attributes of the
    intermediate nodes, starting with the leaf node
    and using the attribute computation functions,
    possibly the predicate function and the intrinsic
    attribute values of the leaf nodes.

Sample Parse Tree of Grammar 4
  • Use the attribute grammar 4 and the steps
    outlined above to create a fully attributed parse
    tree of the expression
  • A A B

Dynamic Semantics
  • A description of what expressions, statements,
    and program units actually do when executed.
  • Three methods to define a languages dynamic
  • Operational Semantics
  • Axiomatic Semantics
  • Denotational Semantics

Operational Semantics
  • defines the meaning of a program written in some
    language by the changes that occur in the state
    of the computer that runs the program.
  • As each statement is executed, examine the
    contents of the registers and memory cells
  • Needs a low-level virtual computer

Operational Semantics (cont.)
  • Advantages
  • Provides an effective means of describing
    semantics as long as the description is simple
    and informal.
  • Intuitive and easy to implement.
  • Disadvantages
  • Depends on algorithms, not mathematics therefore
    the semantic descriptions are inexact.
  • Can lead to circular definitions.
  • Limited to simple language constructs.

Axiomatic Semantics
  • defines the meaning of a program by proving that
    it executed correctly through the use of
    assertions before and after each statement.
  • An assertion is a logical expression that defines
    the constraints in the statements variables.
  • Precondition - assertion before the statement
  • Postcondition - assertion after the statement
  • The weakest precondition is the least restrictive
    precondition that will guarantee the validity of
    the postcondition.

Axiomatic Semantics (2)
  • Advantages
  • Powerful tool for research into program
    correctness proofs.
  • Provides excellent framework with which to reason
    about programs both before and after development.
  • Disadvantages
  • Limited in describing the meaning of programming
  • Requires that an axiom or inference rule be
    defined for each statement type in the language.
    Note that this has been proven to be a difficult

Denotational Semantics
  • defines the meaning of a program by mapping each
    language entity with which the program is written
    to a mathematical object.
  • The idea is that mathematical objects can be
    rigorously defined using classical mathematics.
    If a language entity can be mapped using some
    function to a mathematical object, it follows
    that the language entity mapped to this object is
    also defined.

Denotational Semantics (2)
  • Advantages
  • Provides a framework for thinking about
    programming in a highly rigorous way.
  • Can be used as an aide in language design.
  • Limited use in automatic generation of compilers.
  • Provides an excellent method of concisely
    describing a language
  • Disadvantages
  • Too complex to be useful to language users.
  • Difficult to create mathematical objects and
    mapping functions.
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