Title: ACTION Registry
1ACTION Registry
- American College of Cardiology Foundation
- Washington, DC
- Duke Clinical Research Institute
- Durham, NC
- Provide an overview of the NCDR and the ACTION
Registry - Learn how to become a participant
- Review data inclusion criteria and patient
identification - Review the Data Collection Form (DCF) and
Electronic Data Capture (EDC) - Describe Quarterly Outcome Reports
- Summarize ACTION Registry participant resources
3ACTION Registry Overview of the
NationalCardiovascular Data Registry(NCDR)
4NCDR mission isTo be the leading provider of
services to improve the quality of cardiovascular
care through the collection, analysis, and
reporting of data and providing educational and
research activities.
5NCDR Overview
- Leader in Cardiovascular Health Outcomes
- 10th year in operation
- Four Registries CathPCI, ICD, CARE, ACTION
- ICD Registry is the largest cardiovascular
registry in the world led by a specialty
organization (1400 enrolled) - 89 abstracts and manuscripts to date
- Forging partnerships with specialty societies
6NCDR Overview (contd)
- P4P - Government, Insurers, Regulators and
Healthcare Providers are relying on the NCDR for
quality data - Meet Pay for Performance Quality Requirements
- CMS - Coverage with Evidence Development
- Meet State/Regulatory Requirements
- Quality Improvement
- New age of Prove It
7ACTION RegistryProgram Overview
8ACTION Registry
- Acute Coronary Treatment and
- Intervention Outcomes Network
9Registry Purpose
- Create a national surveillance system for ACS
(STEMI/NSTEMI) - Facilitate efforts to improve the quality and
safety of ACS care - Optimize the outcomes and management of ACS
patients - Translate evidence-based guidelines into clinical
practice - Investigate quality improvement methods
10Registry Objectives
- Monitor the characteristics, treatments, and
outcomes of patients hospitalized with Acute
Coronary Syndromes (STEMI/NSTEMI) - Improve adherence to the ACC/AHA STEMI and NSTEMI
guidelines recommendations - Explore the association between evidence-based
acute treatment strategies and risk-adjusted
clinical outcomes
11Registry Objectives (contd)
- Assess utilization of diagnostic imaging and
laboratory tests and invasive procedures, and
track hospital/coronary care unit length of stay
data - Assess utilization of evidence-based discharge
medications and risk factor modification
interventions - Assess trends in medication dosing patterns and
improve drug safety through targeted quality
feedback related to medication overdosing
12Registry Objectives (contd)
- Identify barriers to implementing guidelines
recommendations for patients with ACS and develop
effective strategies to overcome these barriers - Provide a valuable resource for research designed
to improve the treatment and outcomes for
patients with ACS - Facilitate data collection for use in JCAHO core
measures reporting requirements and for other
performance measures
Select a Certified Software Vendor or use EDC
Hospital signs a participation agreement
Collect Data
Receive quarterly benchmark reports
Submit data quarterly
14ACTION RegistryEnrollment Process
15Enrollment Process
- Step 1 Download the NCDR-ACTION Registry
enrollment packet - www.accncdr.org
- ACTION Registry.How to Join
- Enrollment Packet includes
- Enrollment Letter,
- Master Agreement,
- ACTION Registry Specific Addendum, and
- Participant Contact Information Sheet
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17Enrollment Process
- Step 2 Complete your enrollment packet and
submit the materials to the NCDR - Allow 10 to 14 business days for delivery of your
enrollment materials. - Please note there is no charge for enrollment
in the ACTION Registry.
18Enrollment Process
- Step 3 Receive welcome kit
- Complete online tool tutorial
- Questions???? Contact NCDR Email
ncdr_at_acc.org - Please include your full name, institution
name, address, phone number and fax number
19IRB Considerations
- Discuss with your IRB whether review is required
- If deemed QI initiative exempt from review
- If deemed observational research eligible for
expedited review, with waiver of consent and
authorization - HIPAA compliance addressed via HIPAA appendix of
site agreement
20ACTION RegistryInclusion Criteria
21Inclusion Criteria
- Ischemic symptoms lasting ? 10 minutes at rest
within 24 hours prior to arrival - Presentation for initial ischemic event (i.e. not
new onset after admission) - If incoming transfer arrival at ACTION hospital
within 24 hours of initial presentation to first
facility - And
22Inclusion Criteria (contd)
- Sustained ST-segment elevation ? 1 mm in two or
more contiguous leads - New left bundle branch block (LBBB)
- Positive cardiac markers in the absence of the
above ECG changes - May exhibit other ECG changes, but not required
for enrollment
23Patient Identification StrategiesRetrospective
vs. Prospective
- Retrospective after patient discharge
- Prospective during hospitalization
- Some methods work with either approach (e.g.
cardiac marker review) - Some methods more effective with one approach
than with another (e.g. ICD-9 codes)
24Patient Identification StrategiesICD-9 Codes and
Patient Billing
- Typically retrospective typically primary dx
- Review admission/discharge diagnosis ICD-9 codes
- Acute MI (specified site) 410.0 - 410.6
- NSTE MI (subendocardial infarction) 410.7
- Other STEMI (non-specified site) 410.8
- Other MI (non-specified site) 410.9
25Patient Identification StrategiesICD-9 Codes and
Patient Billing (contd)
- Review Patient Billing for CCU, ICU, telemetry
unit, cardiac floor, and laboratory charges - Points to consider
- Most common and thorough screening method
- Involves only MR or billing department
- May be done any time
- May be lag time between patient discharge and
availability of chart or billing data
26Patient Identification StrategiesA Note about
Using Codes/Billing
- ICD-9 and billing codes are a means by which to
generate a list of potentially eligible patients - Relevant coding is not enough to indicate
eligibility must review chart to verify
presence of inclusion criteria
27Patient Identification StrategiesLab Results
- Retrospective or prospective
- Screen for patients with elevated cardiac marker
levels (i.e. CK-MB or Troponin) - Points to consider
- Identifies patients with tests specific to
suspected ACS - Patients with ACS may not undergo early cardiac
syndrome testing
28Patient Identification StrategiesCollaboration
within Your Hospital
- Typically prospective
- Review daily ED, chest pain unit, CCU, telemetry
floor admission logs - Chest pain, MI, r/o MI
- Elevated cardiac markers, dynamic ECG changes
- Rapid, bedside troponin assays in the ED
- Manual triggers for unit nursing staff
29Patient Identification StrategiesCollaboration
within Your Hospital (contd)
- Review daily cath lab schedule for urgent/
emergent caths - Work with clinical trials coordinators screening
a similar patient population - Procedures/medications dictated by clinical trial
will not adversely affect adherence scores - Patients excluded from clinical trials due to co
morbidities, etc. likely still eligible for ACTION
30Patient Identification StrategiesCollaboration
within Your Hospital (contd)
- Points to consider
- Narrows number of charts to pull vs.
retrospective review of codes/billing - Logs readily available
- Admission diagnosis may not be accurate
- Would need to ensure that all possible patient
entry points are screened
31ACTION RegistryData Collection Form (DCF)
andElectronic Data Capture (EDC)
32Data Capture Methods
- Currently v1.0 Web-based data entry via DCRI
Registry System - No charge for ACTION participants
- Save records as complete by appropriate data
deadline to submit for quarterly harvest - v2.0 Anticipated release early 2008 (vendors
will be engaged in the process accordingly) - Sites will be able to choose desired data capture
method as options become available
33Web-based Data Collection
- Site responsible for assigning patient numbers,
entering own data via Internet - Data collected include
- Patient risk factors/presenting symptoms
- Use of medications, invasive procedures
- In-hospital clinical outcomes
- Built-in queries fire during data entry and upon
submission of complete record
34Patient Tracking
- Medical record number
- Arrival date
- ACTION patient ID (unique, 4 digits)
- System will not allow duplicate IDs
- Separate admissions for same patient may be
submitted using different patient IDs each
admission must qualify independently - Patient ID should NOT be associated with patient
identifiers (e.g. MR , DOB, SSN)
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41Medications First 24 Hours of Care
- First 24 hours of care is cumulative (i.e.
transferring hospital, EMS, physicians office,
participating hospital) - 24-hour clock starts at beginning of first
encounter - Document all meds given, regardless of patient
location - Meds taken at home and not repeated until the
following day check Yes for both Home Meds
and Meds in First 24 Hours of Treatment
42MedicationsDischarge vs. Transfer/Death/AMA
- Transfers out, deaths
- Discharge meds and recs may be left blank
- Excluded programmatically should not be
recorded as contraindications - Patients signing out AMA
- Allowed d/c teaching and/or accepted rxs
document as usual in DCF - Refused or was unavailable for d/c teaching and
rxs document as contraindication
43MedicationsContraindication vs. Recommended
- A patient not needing a medication or secondary
prevention measure is not a contraindication - Record contraindications as documented in the
medical record - DCRI programming will determine whether or not
the patient is in the recommended population - e.g. Smoking counseling in a non-smoker is deemed
not applicable by programming
44MedicationsInterchangeable Meds
- Patients given one class of med likely will not
be given a similar class also - -- ACE inhibitor vs. ARB -- Statin vs.
non-statin - DCRI programming gives credit in adherence
scoring for use of either class of medication - Documentation of ACEI or ARB fulfills the quality
indicator for ACEI/ARB - Documentation of statin or non-statin fulfills
the quality indicator for lipid-lowering agent
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51Optional DCF Fields
- Appear at the end of the online DCF
- Site may use fields any way they choose
- Recommend using simplified code list to track
data of interest to minimize variance between
records - DCRI does not know how site uses these fields,
will not review fields unless site requests
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53ACTION RegistryData Quality Reports
54Data Quality Reports
- Data Quality Report (DQR) posted at regular
intervals in Reports section of data entry
website - Designed to highlight patterns in data collection
that may or may not be of concern - Site has option of correcting data using itemized
list of potential errors - Corrections made prior to quarterly harvest
improve data reliability for analysis, and are
reflected on subsequent data quality reports
55Data Submission Timelines
- Harvest timing records saved as complete within
one month after the end of the quarter - Corrections based on DQR made prior to harvest
are incorporated into outcomes reports - Saved As
- Quarter Discharge Dates Complete By
- Q1 January, February, March April
30th - Q2 April, May, June July 31st
- Q3 July, August, September October
31st - Q4 October, November, December January
56ACTION RegistryOutcome Reports
57Quarterly Outcome ReportsData Reporting to Sites
- Quarterly Outcome Reports to sites regarding
adherence to ACC/AHA Guidelines - Focused on the ACC/AHA Guidelines treatment
management recommendations - Site confidentiality maintained data supplied
back to sites in a blinded fashion - Provides sites with benchmark performance data
58Quarterly Outcome ReportsGeneration
- Data harvested on quarterly basis according to
data submission schedule - Analysis performed at DCRI
- Paper and electronic copies produced
- Electronic copies sent to ACCF for posting on
NCDR participant website (password-protected)
59Quarterly Outcome ReportsContents
- Dashboard Summary of aggregate (average)
adherence scores over previous 12 months - Trend graphs Summary of adherence scores over
previous 12 months, plotted quarterly - Descriptive tables All data collected on DCF
- Subgroup tables Medication quality indicators
over previous 12 months, by subgroup
60Quarterly Outcome ReportsDashboard/Executive
61Quarterly Outcome ReportsTrend Graphs
62Quarterly Outcome ReportsDescriptive Tables
63Quarterly Outcome ReportsSubgroup Tables
64ACTION RegistryD-2-B Alliance
65D-2-B An Alliance for Quality
- American College of Cardiology (ACC)
- American Heart Association (AHA)
- National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
66D-2-B An Alliance for Quality
- Goal Hospitals treating STEMI patients with
emergency PCI should reliably achieve a
door-to-balloon time of 90 minutes or less - Guidelines Applied in Practice (GAP) program
- Provides hospitals with six key evidence-based
strategies and supporting tools needed to begin
reducing their door-to-balloon times. - Focuses on reducing the door-to-balloon times in
U.S. hospitals performing primary PCI.
67D-2-B An Alliance for Quality
- Improve on CMS/JCAHO core measure results.
- Learn from and share with the D2B community of
hospitals - Continuing Education Credits
- ABIM Credit - 20 Maintenance of Certification
(MOC-4) points - CME Credit - 20 Category 1 CME credits
- CE Credit submitted request
- Strategic Partners Focus on D2B
- Publicity for your hospital and D2B team
- No cost to hospitals
- Its the right thing to do for the STEMI
68D-2-B An Alliance for Quality
- Internal reporting D-2-B
- Can use ACTION Registry or CathPCI Registry
- IHI D-2-B web base tool available
- More information or to join
- Email d2bstaff_at_acc.org
- Join at www.d2b.acc.org
69ACTION RegistryProgram Resources
70Resources and References
- Help Desk NCDR team first-line triage for
site questions - Basic project questions resolved by NCDR help
desk - Contract questions referred to ACC legal team
- Clinical, data questions, IT questions referred
to DCRI team - Monthly Calls
- Orientation Calls and Site Calls
71Resources and References (contd)
- Website www.accncdr.org/WebNCDR/Action/
- Public Page
- Private page Login Access
- Resource Documents
- FAQs
- Online HELP
72Resources and References (contd)
- Conferences and Workshops
- Annual Conference
- Orientation Mini Course - May 7, 2007
- Full Meeting - May 8 9, 2007
- Fall Workshop tbd
73Helpful Reference Materials
- Welcome Kit
- Program summary and/or overview
- DCF and instructions
- EDC training manual
- FAQs
- Sample quarterly report
74Contact Us!
- Any Questions?
- Call 800-257-4737
- or
- Email us at
- ncdr_at_acc.org