Title: Morristown Central School District Strategic Plan
1Morristown Central School District Strategic Plan
- Board of Education Meeting
- February 13, 2008
2Core Values
- Diversity creates opportunities for growth
- Integrity is the foundation for self-respect and
earning the respect of others
- Positive attitudes are contagious and foster
positive outcomes
- There are no boundaries to human potential
- Real world experiences generate understanding,
facilitate discovery, and cultivate the yearning
for knowledge
- A community thrives through effective
communication and collaboration
- The mission of the Morristown Central School
District is to prepare all students to
confidently and competently pursue their goals
and to demonstrate ethical responsibility to the
world around them.
4Strategic Objectives
- By the year 2013 all students are
- Willingly participating in activities that
benefit the community - Continually declaring, planning for and pursuing
their goals - Meeting or exceeding academic standards related
to their program or level of study
5MCS ProposedMeasurement Process
6How will we measure student progress?
- Developed for Strategic Objectives 1 2
- Traditional method for Strategic Objective 3
- 1 activities that benefit the community
- 2 declaring, planning for, and pursuing goals
- 3 achieving academic standards
- Transcripts
- State ELA and Math
- Regents
- SLL BOCES-for yearly tracking
- Classroom averages
- System includes quality points
- Generate data
- Life skill
- Reviewed and updated continually
- Letters of recommendation
- Certificates (Student of the Month)
- Art work
- Newspaper articles
- Conducted formally with an advisor
- Each advisor would keep the student until
graduation - Formally held each Spring
- Students would present resumé, portfolio and any
letters of recommendation
- Grades 1-4
- Teaching expectations
- Modeling behaviors-class activities/projects
- Informal assessment
- Grades 5-8
- More individual focus
- Record accomplishments
- Begin formal interview with an advisor
- Grades 9-12
- Keep the same advisor
- Interview each Spring
13MCS ProposedMeasurement Process
14Strategy 1
- We will create an environment that affirms
collaborative efforts among all employees and
values professionalism necessary to achieve our
mission and strategic objectives.
15Strategy 1
- We will create an environment that affirms
collaborative efforts among all - employees and values professionalism necessary
to achieve our mission and - strategic objectives.
- Results
- Instructional staff at each level has time for
collaboration that is used to analyze student
needs and plan instructional strategies to ensure
that all students are achieving the strategic
objectives. - Annually, faculty and staff have an active role
in choosing professional development goals and
activities intended to improve student learning
through enhanced performance. - Instructional staff is engaged in grade level
teams and is using agreed upon collaboration
protocols to guide its efforts. - Instructional staff supports each other in the
classroom while implementing professional
development to enhance student learning. - The district has endorsed standards for
professionalism and professional behavior that
describe employee expectations.
16Classroom collaboration to meet student needs
Standards of professional behavior developed and
endorsed by a joint committee of participants
Teachers active in choosing professional
Collaboration and Professionalism
Staff supports classroom efforts while
implementing professional development
Staff uses grade level teams to further
collaborative efforts
17Strategy 2
- We will align, and if necessary, design a
school-wide curriculum to ensure that all
students achieve our mission and strategic
18Strategy 2
- We will align, and if necessary, design a
school-wide curriculum to ensure that all - students achieve our mission and strategic
objectives. - Results
- Advisory groups, small groups of students and one
adult educator that meet on a regular basis, are
focused on helping all students meet the
strategic objectives by connecting them to their
school and community. - Service learning, a method of teaching through
which students apply their academic skills and
knowledge to address real-life needs in their own
community, is embedded in the established
curriculum. - Instructional staff uses strategies that
encourage student engagement and active learning
to ensure all students achieve the strategic
objectives. - The district uses a multi-year curriculum
alignment and review cycle to align standards and
the strategic objectives K-12 in all content
areas. - A system of assessments has been defined that
provides ongoing feedback about students
attainment of the districts academic standards. - Teachers continually use data from multiple
measures of student learning to plan instruction.
19Advisory Groups Service Learning Instruction Curri
culum Assessment
20Strategy 3
- We will fully utilize the resources of our
greater community as partners in our commitment
to achieve our mission and strategic objectives.
21Strategy 3
- We will fully utilize the resources of our
greater community as partners in our - commitment to achieve our mission and strategic
objectives. - Results
- Each year, all students will participate in a
variety of service activities that will benefit
the local community and instill a sense of
ethical responsibility to the world around them. - Students use community-based resources that will
assist them in meeting and exceeding academic
standards. - The district has acquired current technology
necessary to access community resources for
students to achieve our mission and strategic
objectives. - All instructional staff are skilled in the use of
current technology to support students in our
mission, strategic objectives, and this strategy. - All students in grades 7-12 are using
community-based resources that allow them to
pursue their interests and explore career options.
22Utilize community-based resources
Determine resources in the community to enhance
students ability to achieve academic standards.
23Strategic Delimiters
- We will not initiate any new program or service
unless - It is consistent with and contributes to our
mission - It is accompanied by the staff development needed
for its effectiveness - It is accompanied by a plan to assess its
effectiveness - We will not allow negative thinking to interfere
with the consideration of new ideas
24Core Planning Team
Chuck Alford Andrea Bertrand Harriet Beggs Phil
Bender Marilyn Connor Lorraine Bogardus Scott
Daby Ed Easton Patrick Farrand Cheryl Felt Barb
Griffith Ruth Lincoln Joe McDonald Mike
Wills Darrell Merkel Eric Micelli Loren Nowak Bev
Ouderkirk Nancy Pickering Jeff Stout Lynn
Tayler Jane Wagoner Chrystal McGrain-McEathron
Measurement Team Pat Tocatlian Ellen Magee Ann
Fenlong David Doyle Peter Ward Sarah LaBarge
Action Planning Teams Damie Evans Jo Ann
Cadieux Darrell Merkel Jennifer Baker Ruth
Lincoln Colleen Monfiletto Harriet Beggs Susie
Wright-Young Chris Coffin Roberta
Stillin-Dowman Jessica Fox Carolyn Sheppard Deb
Aldrich Cassandra Aldrich