Title: Roddy Nuclear and the Chamber of Power
1Roddy Nuclear and the Chamber of Power
- Your Name
- North American Young Generation in Nuclear
- www.na-ygn.org
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
27th NA-YGN Drawing Contest
- Topic Roddy Nuclear Helps Keep the Lights On
- Prize
- For the Library of the School
- Collection of books and reference materials on
Nuclear Science and Technology. - For the winners
- First Prize 100 USD Savings Bond
- Second Third Prize 50 USD Savings Bond
- NA-YGN T-Shirt and pin.
- Deadline Friday November 4th, 2005
- North American Young Generation in Nuclear
- www.na-ygn.org
37th NA-YGN Drawing Contest
- Winners will be chosen during the
- 2005 ANS Meeting in Washington DC
- November 13-17, 2005
- Drawings Size Letter size (11 x 8.5)
- In the back of the drawing write
- Your name
- Your age and grade
- Your school the name of your teacher
- North American Young Generation in Nuclear
- www.na-ygn.org
Contestants are aware that the North American
Young Generation in Nuclear (NA-YGN) is a
non-for-profit organization, one of whose goals
is to communicate the public about the many ways
in which nuclear science and technology have a
positive impact in their daily lives and make
important and valuable contributions to our
society. By participating in the contest,
contestants grant the North American Young
Generation in Nuclear the right to print,
publish, broadcast and use worldwide in any media
now known or hereafter developed, including,
without limitation, the World Wide Web, at any
time or times, the drawing and the contestants
name, as news or for public information and
education on the benefits of the peaceful
applications of nuclear science and technology
without additional consideration or compensation.
The drawing becomes the property of the North
American Young Generation in Nuclear and will not
be returned.
4Hello!!! My name is Roddy Nuclear I am a nuclear
fuel pellet I am very small, but I have a lot
of power!! Let me tell you about the many ways
in which my nuclear friends and I make your life
easier every day!
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
5We enjoy all the advantages of
modern technology To maintain the standard of
living that we all enjoy in North America we
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
6But where does electricity come from?
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
7Electricity Production
Electricity is usually generated by a moving
fluid turning a turbine. The turbine powers the
electric generator.
8- What can we use to make the turbine spin??
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
9We can use...
- Wind
- Water
- Steam
- water boiled with
- Coal
- Oil
- Gas
- Nuclear Power
10Wind Power
11Hydroelectric Power
12Coal Power
13Natural Gas
14Nuclear Power
15Solar Energy
but it does not always work by spinning a
16Electric Power in the US
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
17In a nuclear plant we use the enormous power of
a bunch of fuel pellets like me to boil the
water that will make steam to spin the turbine
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
18What is Nuclear Fission?
- If the nucleus of a heavy atom (such as Uranium)
absorbs a neutron, the nucleus can become
unstable and split. - This is called NUCLEAR FISSION.
19The nucleus splits in two halves and releases
some neutrons, and radiation
During fission there is also a small loss of
mass, that is transformed into ENERGY, which is
released also.
20Typical Nuclear Reactor
21- Nuclear Power produces electricity without
emitting - Greenhouse Gases
- CO2
- Acid Rain Gases
- SO2
- NOx
- particulates
- Mercury
- Ozone
In 2004, in the US all the NPP produced 788.6
billion kWh
Over 700 million tons of CO2 AVOIDED
22- If all the electricity YOU use in ONE YEAR was
produced with nuclear power ONLY the total - amount of waste produced
- would
- Weight one golf ball
- Volume two wooden pencils
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
23- Do you know any other uses of nuclear science?
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
25Nuclear Medicine
- Detect diseases
- X- ray
- PET scanner
- radio-pharmaceuticals nuclear tracers
- Cure diseases (e.g. cancer)
26Other Uses in Medicine
- Improve hip knee implants
- Sterilize medical equipment
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
27Nuclear Science can improve the food you eat
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
28Food Irradiation
- Eliminate harmful germs from food
- E. Coli
- Salmonella
- Make food last longer
- Limit the use of artificial food preservatives
- uw-food-irradiation.engr.wisc.edu
- Use less chemical fertilizers
- The crops absorb water and nutrients more
efficiently. - Use less pesticides
- Insects cannot breed.
- www.iaea.org/programmes/nafa/dx/
30Space Exploration
- To power spaceships and space stations as well as
their instrumentation - RTG batteries
- Fission Power
- Propulsion Systems
- To make sure that Astronauts food is safe
- Food irradiation
31Nuclear Micro-batteries
- To power tiny MEMS devices that are used as
sensors and detectors in a large number of
32Geology Archeology
- How old are those dinosaur bones?
33Geology Archeology
Did Michelangelo really paint that?
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
34Nuclear Science is used every day in a lot of
industries and fields.
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
35Nuclear Science and Technology is so cool!!!
- Produces electricity without polluting the earth
- Improves our health
- Enhances our quality of life
- Safer food
- Safer homes
- Enables scientific discovery
- Explore our past
- Discover a better future
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
36It was really nice to talk to you about Nuclear
Science If you have questions visit www.na-ygn.or
g Bye Bye!!
Drawings by Isabel Arechabala Foro Nuclear
37(No Transcript)
- NA-YGN wants to thank Isabel Arechabala and Foro
de la Industria Nuclear Española
(www.foronuclear.org) for the use of the
drawings of Roddy Nuclear.