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Big one46 Slides


Even recently consider the iPhone...why has the price already dropped $200? 8 ... I will personally buy breakfast for anyone who can tell me the 3 requirements ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Big one46 Slides

Chapter 2
  • Big one46 Slides

  • 3 individual sections
  • First is about definition/explanation of market
  • Second gives a few trends
  • Third analyzes the role of govt in a market

Govt in Market Economy?
  • We know a market, or capitalist, economy is one
    in which the individuals have the power
  • How can we have govt in a market economy?
  • Even though officially all economies today are
    MIXED, we still analyze them under the market and
    command categories
  • Remember last class when we emphasized SIMPLE

So why govt needed?
  • The market will take care of itself due to our
    own self-interest and the resulting invisible
  • However, the market is still needed to provide
    the foundation for the economy, to provide things
    the market does not, and to protect us as
  • Difference comes from how much power the govt
    has (even consider Canada vs US)

If not govt, who controls?
  • If the govt isnt responsible for controlling a
    market economy, then who does?
  • Answer ALL OF US
  • Each time you buy something you are controlling
    the economy
  • Each time you sell something you are controlling
    the economy
  • The economy revolves around billions of
    individual transactions that together combine to

We have the POWER
  • As a consumer then every decision we make has a
    significant impact on the economy as a whole
  • If we are willing to buy something we signal the
    producers to make it
  • When we stop buying things we signal the
    producers to stop making it
  • Think about the local businesses that have closed
    in the past few years
  • Why did they?

Money is the key
  • Our decisions to buy are based around the
    priceif we like the price we buy, if we dont we
  • Successful markets combine the interaction of
    supply and demand to create a PRICE that can
    adjust to market conditions
  • Have you ever seen a price change literally
  • Market signals sent by the consumers create those
  • Even recently consider the iPhonewhy has the
    price already dropped 200?

Economy about 3 ?s
  • We already discussed the idea that economies have
    to answer the 3 key questions What? How? For
  • In a market economy, for the reasons already
    discussed, individuals have the power to answer
    those questions

Consumer Sovereignty
  • Whats another word for sovereignty?
  • Power
  • Consumer sovereignty then becomes the same thing
    as consumer power
  • In a market economy the consumers have the POWER
    to decide what is produced based on what we are
    willing to buy

They make what we buy
  • When we buy stuff we do so in our own
    SELF-INTEREST to maximize our own personal
    UTILITY, or satisfaction
  • When the producers turn around and make what we
    want to buy they are also looking out for their
    own self-interest by trying to maximize their
  • They then control the HOW question based on their
    desire to produce in the least costly way possible

For Whom?
  • Our economy presently makes millions of different
    products all the timehow do we decide who should
    get each of them?
  • Our economy tends to emphasize economic freedom
    over economic equity, and therefore, our
    willingness to pay the most for a product
    ultimately decides who will get it
  • If 150,000 people all wanted to buy PSU/Notre
    Dame tickets for the game last weekend how did we
    decide who would actually get them?
  • On eBay Craiglists they were selling for 500
    per ticket

Back Forth
  • The exchange of money from consumer to producer
    and back again creates a CIRCULAR FLOW
  • The 4 components are the FACTOR MARKET, PRODUCT
    MARKET, factors of production, and goods/services

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Invisible Hand
  • Millions of transactions take place everyday
    around this big circle
  • All of them are based around doing what you feel
    is best for you
  • We do not need govt intervention because we all
    ensure efficiency by not wasting what is our own
  • Therefore, an invisible hand (all our own
    self-interests put together) regulates things
    just fine

Breather Break
Part 2 Modern Capitalism
  • Enormous complex economies that exist today are
    possible due to 3 characteristics they all share
  • 2. MONEY
  • 3. CAPITAL

Get good at something
  • As we specialize, we get good at something,
    regardless of what it is
  • The better we get the more EFFICIENT we can
    produce, resulting in a greater output per input
  • All made possible by a DIVISION OF LABOR

Specialization Video
Back in the Day
  • I am reminded of when I taught World Cultures a
    few years ago
  • I will personally buy breakfast for anyone who
    can tell me the 3 requirements for having a
  • Ill even give you the firstdivision of labor
  • What are the other two?

Lubricant of Exchange
  • Our text refers to money as being the lubricant
    of exchange
  • We no longer have to barter or trade for the
    things we desire which is in itself what allows
    such complex economies to exist
  • Money allows us to buy/sell exactly what we want
    with ease as everyone willingly (and by law)
    accepts currency as a form of payment

Building Blocks
  • Every year our economy produces over 13 trillion
    worth of goods services
  • How can 300 million people, less than half of
    whom are in the workforce, produce that much?

Capital Money
  • Why spend 300,000 for a tractor when you can buy
    a bale of hay for about 1?
  • How does that possibly make sense?
  • Would you buy a tractor for that much money if
    you knew it wouldnt pay to do so?

More and More
  • Look around our countryhow ridiculously much
    capital do we have?
  • We have machines that cost 10,000 to cook a
    pizza, soda dispensers at McDonalds that cost
    2,000, and factories that cost hundreds of
    millions of dollars to equip
  • I remember hitting my head on a 300,000 machine
    at Penn State

Both types the same idea
  • It doesnt matter whether you are talking about
    human or physical capital, the same rule exists
  • You pay out the whazoo to go to college and to
    buy fancy equipment because the end result is
    increased profit and production
  • Capital allows us to produce more with less
  • Sometimes it might mean consuming less now to buy
    more capital, but in the long run that itself
    will result in the PPF shifting to the right, one
    of our main goals

Market need Govt?
  • Clearly in any capitalist economy the individuals
    will ultimately have the greatest control
  • This includes businesses which are owned by
  • Essentially anything not the govt is considered
    an individual
  • So why do we need the govt?

This Final Section is BIG
  • This last little part here provides more content,
    and more important content, than the rest of the
  • Especially important are the 3 major roles the
    govt serves in a market economy

3 Major Roles
  • 1. Increase efficiency
  • 2. Promote equity
  • 3. Stabilize business cycle

Start at the Back
  • Keynes started macroeconomics during the Great
    Depression, emphasizing the role of govt in
    stabilizing the economy
  • Since then have worked continually to balance
    UNEMPLOYMENT and INFLATION (Philips curve)
  • There is no such thing as a perfect fix, instead
    just trying to guide the economy in the right

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2 ways to control the Coaster
  • Both Federal Government and the Federal Reserve
    (national bank) can influence the economy
  • The Fed. Govt does so through FISCAL POLICY
    (control of taxes and spending)
  • The Fed. Reserve does so through MONETARY POLICY
    (control of the money supply and interest rates)
  • Will see in macro how critical it is that the two
    work together since have ability to offset what
    the other is trying to do

Share the Wealth
  • Economic equity is not a major goal of our govt
  • If it is how do you explain the new house going
    up on Stein Lane? How can we have homeless
    people living within 20 miles of a multi-million
    dollar mansion if we preach equity?
  • The focus isnt on making sure we all have the
    same amount of money, but instead making sure we
    are all provided with the necessities of life

Keeping the Minimum
  • We dont look for an average income, but a
  • Everyone is taxed and then part of the money is
    given to those who make less than is necessary to
    provide for family
  • Similar protections if disabled or lose job

  • Question--why do group projects ALWAYS fail?
    Raise your hand if you hate working in a group
    for major projects?
  • Why?
  • That in itself is a serious economic situation
    that validates the govts intervention
  • Bottom Line--You should get what you
    deservenothing less, but also nothing more

Market Failures
  • A market failure occurs whenever someone doesnt
    receive exactly what they deserve
  • Sometimes this is bad, for instance someone
    pollutes on your land
  • Others can be good, for instance your neighbor
    puts in a new pool
  • It doesnt matter if it is good or bad, ALL SUCH

3 Types
  • 1. Imperfect Competition
  • Perfect competitors have zero market power,
    meaning they cant affect the priceimperfect can
  • If you can, then you raise it for your own
    benefit, meaning you make more than you should to
    maximize efficiency
  • Producers should never make more than it takes to
    cover their costs, including a fair profit for
    the owners
  • Ideal situation where P MC MB

Public Goods are Failures
  • 2. Public goods are paid for from all of the
  • All have access but doesnt mean they use itif
    you use more than your share its a market
    failure and if you use less its a market failure
  • Obviously we cannot get rid of public goods but
    we can try to make people pay for additional
    benefit gained

  • 3. Externalities--someones decision causes a
    cost/benefit for someone not involved in decision
  • You are effected by their choice
  • Can be positive (creating benefits) or negative
    (imposing costs)
  • Handled in opposite way

Good, Bad, the UGLY
  • The positive, the negative, and the GRAPH
  • Positive externalities are when you help someone
  • Govt doesnt care, they dont care, and you
    dont receive as much as you should
  • Govt responds by offering payment or subsidy to
    you for doing so

Negative we dont like
  • When someone imposes a cost on you we really tend
    to get upset
  • A neighbor decides to burn dirty diapers
  • Your sister decides to use you stuff
  • Someone drinks all the water
  • Whenever this happens the govt can correct it by
    taxing or fining those creating the negative

Easier to understand when see this concept in
  • Think of it as being a supply and demand graph
  • Mentally draw one
  • The benefit you receive provides the demand for
    the product making BENEFIT the demand curve
  • The cost of it provides the supply curve, under
    the label COST

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Little things
  • You may have noticed in the graph that they had
    Over and underallocation labeled
  • If it is an negative externality you are imposing
    costs, which means the market itself will produce
    too much (overallocating resources) and to fix it
    they raise the price, which then reduces quantity
  • Reverse it for positive externalities

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  • Characteristics of market economy
  • Trends we see between them
  • Role of the govt
  • This chapter hit us with a lot but it needed to
    to create foundation of SUPPLY DEMAND
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