Title: Monitoring Agents
1Monitoring Agents
- Ying Qian Zhang/ Jürgen Dix
- The University of Manchester
- Thomas Eiter/Michael Fink/Alex Polleres
- Technical University of Vienna
- Motivation
- Monitoring Agents in Multi-Agent System
- Proposed idea
- IMPACT Agents
- Model an IMPACT Multi-agent System
- K-Planning Language
- Build a Monitoring Agent
- exploit DLVK
- Implementation and Demo
- Monitoring a Gofish Post Office MAS
- Perspective and Discussion
- How to model/specify a multi-agent system in
order to reach the desired goal? - How to guarantee the MAS is working in a good
state? How to verify it? - How to make a MAS intelligent so that it can
detect/diagnose/recover from the failure? - The performance of the communication of agents is
critical to a Multi-agent System. - In a MAS, convert the modelling problem to a
planning problem. - Use the planning system to specify/monitor the
agents collaboration for a particular
4Monitoring Agents Idea
- Goal
- Exploit planning systems to model and monitor the
collaboration of agents in a MAS - How?
- for a particular application
- Actions in the plan Messages sent between
agents - Check the consistency of actions ?
- Monitor the collaboration of agents
5Monitoring Agents Idea
- Goal model/monitor a good collaboration of
agents in a MAS
Action Language K
Multi-Agent System
A Monitor Agent
Planning Problem
Is MAS in good states?
- The idea of monitoring is independent of
- A MAS ( IMPACT ) or
- Planning language ( language K)
- IMPACT Interactive Maryland Platform for
Agents Collaborating Together - (Subrahmanian/Bonatti/Dix/Eiter/Kraus/Özcan/Ross)
- how can it help?
- Access to distributed, heterogeneous data sources
- Seamless interoperability between different
software capabilities - Ability to coordinate multiple agents
7IMPACT Agents Data Access
- Code Call df( arg_1,,arg_k )
- Code Call Atom in( X,df(arg_1,,arg_k) )
Execute function f defined in agent d on the
specified arguments. Returns a set of objects.
- Kplan--gtKplancalcKplan ( D\bin\DLV\Kplan\gofi
sh.plan, D\bin\DLV\Kplan\gofish.bk, - "-FPsec", 14, "-silent" )
Succeeds if X is in the set of objects returned
- in ( plan, Kplan--gtKplancalcKplan
"D\bin\DLV\Kplan\gofish.bk", - "-FPsec", 14, "-silent" ) )
8IMPACT Agents
- An IMPACT agent consists of
- a set of data types
- a set of API functions implemented in any
language manipulating those types - a set of actions implemented in any language
- a notion of concurrency
- a set of action constraints
- a set of integrity constraints
- an agent program
9Action Language K for formulating a
planning problem
- The language K (Eiter et al.2000)
- a logic-based planning language, syntactically
similar to the action language C, but
semantically closer to answer set programming - is well-suited for representing incomplete
knowledge - with parallel and sequential actions
- constructs optimistic and secure plans
10DLVK Planning exploited by a particular
monitor agent
- DLV (http//www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/proj/dlv)
- A deductive database system, based on
disjunctive logic programming, which offers
front-ends to several advanced KR formalisms - (http//www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/proj/dlv/K)
- A front-end of DLV for K-planning language
- K-Planning frontend option
- -FPsec generate secure plans
- -FPopt generate optimistic plans
11Monitoring Agents
- Just starts
- Application specific
- A small application is implemented in IMPACT
- Monitoring Gofish Post Office MAS, which
simulates the package delivery service
12Monitoring Gofish Package Delivery
- Gofish Post Office
- Allows citizens to send certain kinds of
packages to other citizens in Gofish. Packages
are dropped, shipped, and delivered. - Gofish plan problem formulation using Language K
(A.Polleres et al.)
13Monitoring Gofish Package Delivery
gofish.plan fluents undelivered.
packageAt(Pid, L) requires package(Pid,PType,Wt,
...,DelivTime), location(L). delivered(Pid)
requires package( ) actions DropOff(Pid,
PType,) requires package(Pid ...) always
caused undelivered if not stats_sent(Pid).
inertial packageAt(Pid,L). inertial
added(Pid). noConcurrency. goal
not undelivered?
gofish.bk ev(dropoff). ev(distcenter).
ev(delivery). ev(truck). location(DropOff).locat
ion(ontheway). location(DistCenter).
location(Truck). location(Dest). package(pidVa
r,pTypeiVar, wtVar, volVar, lSenderVol,
fSenderVol, lRecipVar, fRecipVar,
recipTelVar, recipEmailVar, origZipVar,
destZipVar, destStreetVar, destNumVar,
priorityVar, costVar, dropTimeVar,
PLAN DropOff(Pid,) add_package()
send_ziptozip() DistCenter()
send_centertohouse() get_recipient_info()
recipient_info() Truck() send_trucktohouse()
get_recipient_info() Delivery()
set_delivery_time() statistic_info().
command line DLV gofish.plan gofish.bk FPsec
14Monitoring Gofish MAS Design
- Gofish Multi-Agent System
- Developed to simulate the package delivery
service of Gofish Post Office (TU students) - Package Agent Notification Agent Zip Monitor
Agent Event Manager Agent Dispatcher Agent
Package Dropper Agent - Agents Asynchronous interaction via message
exchange - Gofish message protocol
15A Monitoring Agent how to work
- Some functions
- obtain a set of plans from DLVK
- at regular interval, read messages sent between
agents in Gofish MAS from the actions log file - compare messages with actions in the plan, if
inconsistent, give out failure message
otherwise, continue monitoring
16A Monitoring Agent Implementation
- Software Code
- new connection
- data type definitions
- API function calls
- Agent Actions
- actions that can be executed by agent
- Agent Program
- a set of rules
- K-planning
- exploits DLV K-planning frontend
- Plan type
- Code-calls
- get plans from DLVK
- read log file of Gofish MAS
- check the state of Gofish MAS
- consider a plan
- reduce a plan
- failure message
- success message
17- Demo
- Monitoring Gofish Multi-agent System
18Future Work Discussion
- Monitoring
- The monitoring agent should monitor several tasks
in parallel - We only detect/report the failure of the MAS
- Recovery/re-schedule may be considered
- A debugging tool to the MAS
- Plan Types
- We used secure plans in our first application
- Consider other types of plan, i.e. optimistic plan
19Future Work Discussion
- Collaboration of Agents in MAS
- The monitoring agent only watches the
communication between agents - Other actions executed inside agent(s) may be
monitored in the future - Could it be a feasible approach towards
verification of a MAS?