Dealing Directly with Constraints - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dealing Directly with Constraints


Solving Large Sparse Nonlinear Programs Using GRG, Smith, S. and Lasdon, L. ORSA ... Nonlinear Programs using GRG', ORSA Jounal of Computing, Volume 4, Winter 1992. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dealing Directly with Constraints

Dealing Directly with Constraints
  • LSGRG2
  • 6/17/05

  • Engineering Optimization Methods and
    Applications. Reklaitis et al. 1983.
  • GRG2 Users Guide, Leon Lasdon, Allan Waren,
    1997. Excellent manual.
  • Design and Use of the Microsoft Excel Solver,
    Fylstra, D. et al. Interfaces. 1998.
  • Solving Large Sparse Nonlinear Programs Using
    GRG, Smith, S. and Lasdon, L. ORSA Journal on
    Computing. 1992.

Game Plan
  • Smooth Continuous Nonlinear Optimization
  • Concentrate on GRG. This is the most powerful and
    robust of the gradient search direction
    techniques of MFD, MMFD and GRG
  • Aside If problem does not fit (e.g. mixed
    integer or discontinuous or multimodal or
    inaccurate derivatives then need to consider
    exploratory techniques such as genetic algorithm)

Goals on GRG
  • Know criteria for when GRG is applicable
  • Know how to determine if GRG has found a optimal
    solution from reviewing log.
  • Know how to validate GRG Kuhn Tucker conditions
    represent a global optimum.
  • Know possible remedies if GRG does not arrive at
    optimal point.
  • Understand Lagrange multipliers in GRG output and
    their significance.

NEOS Optimization Tree
Continuous Nonlinear Constrained Optimization
Best Major Techniques for Solving NLP
  • Generalized Reduced Gradient
  • LSGRG (available in iSIGHT)
  • Sequential Quadratic Programming
  • NLPQL (available in iSIGHT)
  • SQP

Fundamental Concepts
  • Gradient based search
  • Lagrangian
  • Kuhn Tucker Necessary and Sufficient Conditions
    (Show picture of first order sufficiency
    conditions) usable and feasible directions

Gradient Based Search
Figure from Vanderplaats
Lagranges Method
Minimize f(x) Subject to hj(x) 0, j 1,,
l Form the Lagrangian
If x is a stationary point (minimum, maximum or
point of inflection then
hj(x)0, j 1,,l
Lagrange Multiplier
Shadow price if constraint increases by 1 then
objective Will decrease by l
A company is planning to spend 10,000 in
advertising. It costs 3,000 per minute to
advertise on television and 1000 per minute to
advertise on radio. If the firm buys x minutes of
television advertising and y minutes of radio,
its revenue in thousands of dollars is given by
How can the firm maximize revenue?
Max z
s.t. 3xy10
Solving for x,y and l, we get X 69/28 Y
73/28 l 1/4
Firm should buy 69/28 minutes of television
time And 73/28 minutes of radio time. Lagrange
multiplier indicates that for spending more money
that We can increase revenue by .25 times the
additional spending. We will see these associate
with all active constraints.
Kuhn Tucker necessary optimality conditions
Non-negativity migt0, i 1,
, m Complementarity migi 0, i
1, , m Feasibility gi lt 0,
i 1, , m Feasibility hj
0, j 1,,l
At optimal point, no vector is a useable,
feasible direction
Geometric Interpretation of Kuhn Tucker Conditions
NO Useable, Feasible Direction
Generalized Reduced Gradient
  • Most widely distributed optimization program in
    the world.
  • Initial version written in double precision
    version in 1979 by Lasdon. (Professor at Univ. of
  • Included in every copy of Microsoft Excel since
  • Included in current version of Lotus 1-2-3.
  • Currently sold by along with SQP
    and SLP. SQP is often faster than GRG when the
    problem functions take a long time to evaluate.
  • Some customers are Shell Development, Dow
    Chemical, Exxon, Texaco, Marathon Oil, Standard
    Oil, Celanese Chemical Co.
  • Extremely Reliable (Sandren Study and
  • GRG2 works with 200 constraints and up to 1500
    variables. LSGRG works with 1000 design
    variables and constraints
  • Follows the active constraints
  • Great with inequality AND equality constraints- a
    strength is the ability to work with equality

GRG References
  • Fylstra, Lasdon, Watson and Waren, Design and
    Use of the Microsoft Excel Solver, Interfaces,
    Volume 28, September 1998.
  • Lasdon and Waren, GRG2 Users Guide, October 2,
  • Smith and Lasdon,Solving Large Sparse Nonlinear
    Programs using GRG, ORSA Jounal of Computing,
    Volume 4, Winter 1992.
  • Lasdon, and Waren, Generalized Reduced Gradient
    Software for Nonlinearly Constrained Problems,
    Design and Implementation of Optimization
    Software, H. Greenberg, ed, Sijthoff and
    Nordhoff, pubs, 1979.
  • outstanding web resource on
    using GRG within Excel.
  • Vanderplaats, Numerical Optimization Techniques
    for Engineering Design, 3rd Edition, 1999
  • Belegundu and Chandrupatla, Optimization
    Concepts and Applications in Engineering,
    Prentice Hall, 1999.

Generalized Reduced Gradient Geometric
Figure from Belegundu and Chandrupatla
(No Transcript)
GRG Landscape Preferences
  • Feasible starting point preferred
  • Phase 1 for infeasible point
  • Scaled problem variable and constraints with
    same order of magnitude
  • Smooth and continuous objective and constraints

LSGRG External Problem Formulation
LSGRG Internal Formulation
Slack variables are added to convert inequalities
into equality constraints Minimize
F(X) Subject to gj(X) X j n 0 j
1, m hk(X) 0
k 1, l
Xillt Xi lt Xiu i 1,n
Xjn gt 0 j
Sandgren 3
GRG Major Steps
  • Initialization The following are user provided,
    with default values shown
  • Epstop convergence tolerance (default
  • Nstop consecutive iteration counter (default
  • Epsnewt feasibility tolerance (0.0001)
  • Set X to the initial x vector, presumed feasible
  • Compute the values and the gradients of all
    problem functions at x
  • Choose a basis, B, from the columns of the
    Jacobian matrix, J, so that Jand x are
    partitioned into basic and non basic portions.
  • Solve the equations for the Lagrange Multipliers
    and compute the reduced gradient of the
  • If
  • The Kuhn Tucker conditions are satisfied within
    epstop or
  • The last nstop fractional objective changes are
    less than epstop
  • stop

GRG Major Steps Continued
  • Divide the not basic variables into superbasic
    variables which are tobe changed during the
    current iteration and non basic variableswhich
    are to remain at bounds. Compute a search
    direction for the superbasic variables
  • Perform a line search along d retaining
    feasibility to within epnewtat each trial point
    by solving for the basic variables.
  • Set x to the solution resulting from the line
    search and go to Step 2.

Vanderplaats p224
Vanderplaats p226
LSGRG Tuning Parameters
  • Output Print Control Controls what gets printed
    to iSIGHT log file.
  • Limits on Iterations
  • Tolerances
  • Methods
  • Tuning parameter values are enumerated in the log

Output Print Control - IPRINT
  • 0 Suppress all output printing except initial
    and final reports
  • 1 Print one level of output for each one
    dimensional search. This is the LSGRG default
    print level. (Note iSIGHT uses 3)
  • 2 Provides more detailed information on the
    progress of the one dimensional search.
  • 3 Expand the output to include the problem
    function values and variable values (G and X) at
    each iteration as well as the separation of
    constraints into binding and non binding and
    variables into basic, superbasic and nonbasic.
  • 4 At each iteration the reduced gradient, the
    search direction and the tangent vector are
  • 5 - Provides details of the basic inversion
    process including the initial basis and its
  • 6 This is the maximum level of print available.
  • The print levels 3, 4, 5, 6 are primarily
    intended for debugging of the program and/or the

Limits on Iterations
  • NSTOP If the fractional change in the objective
    for iteration i (OBJi OBJi-1)/OBJi-1 is less
    than EPTOP for NSTOP consecutive iterations, the
    program will try some alternative strategies. If
    these do not produce an objective function change
    greater than EPTOP, the program will stop. The
    LSGRG2 and iSIGHT default is 3.
  • SEARCH If the number of completed one
    dimensional searches equals SEARCH, optimization
    will terminate. The LSGRG default is 10,000. The
    iSIGHT default is 40.

  • EPNEWT A constraint is considered binding if it
    is within this epsilon of one of its bounds. If a
    constraint is not binding and not within its
    bounds then the constraint is not satisfied. The
    LSGRG default is 0.0001. Can set iSIGHT default
    to be same. NOTE underlying iSIGHT default is
    0.0. (api_SetDeltaForInequalityConstraintViolation
  • EPTOP If the fractional change is the objective
    is less than EPTOP for NSTOP consecutive
    iterations, the program will stop. The program
    will also stop if the Kuhn-Tucker optimality
    conditions are satisfied. The LSGRG and iSIGHT
    default is 0.0001.
  • PH1EP If nonzero, the phase 1 objective is
    augmented by a multiple of the true objective.
    The multiple, m, is selected based on the
    initial point satisfying1 m OBJ / (sum of
    constraint violations). The LSGRG default is 0.0.
    The iSIGHT default is 1.0.

  • Derivatives Partial derivatives are to be
    approximated either using numerical forward
    differences, PARSH( FDF ), or central difference,
    PARSHC (FDC). The default of LSGRG and iSIGHT is
    forward differences. The default step size used
    by iSIGHT and LSGRG is DELTA (PPSTEP) 0.0001

LSGRG Tuning Parameters
  • Note the active constraint default in LSGRG is
    different then the iSIGHT active constraint
  • api_SetDeltaForInequalityConstraintViolation
    Taskname 0.0001

iSIGHT Tuning Parameter Interface to LSGRG
iSIGHT Tuning Parameter Interface to LSGRG
Getting iSIGHT Active Constraint Tolerance
Diagnostic Output for IPRINT 4
  • Problem Parameters
  • Output of Initial Values
  • Iteration History
  • Termination Message
  • Final Results Get Lagrange Multipliers and
    Reduced Gradients Also available in iSIGHT
  • Run Statistics

Problem Parameters
Problem Parameters - Continued
Output of Initial Values
Status Blank Not at limit - violates
bound EQ satisfies equality constraint UL,
LL equal to upper or lower limit
Two Sections Section 1 Functions Section 2 -
Key observation Why do we have G1, G2 and G3
listed twice? Key observation Why do these
values differ from those on next page in
iSIGHT parameter table?
iSIGHT Parameter Table from single evaluation
iSIGHT Formulation
Output of Initial Values
Status Blank variable value satisfies limit
but is not at limit FREE variable is
unconstrained in value UL variable is at upper
limit LL variable is at lower limit
Iteration History
Termination Message
  • Termination Criterion Met. Kuhn Tucker Conditions
    satisftied within EPTOP at current point
  • Fractional Change in Objective Less than EPTOP
    for NSTOP Consecutive Iterations.
  • All Remedies Have Failed for a Better Point.
    Program Terminated.
  • Number of One Dimensional Searches SEARCH
    Optimization Terminated
  • Solution Unbounded. Function Improving After
    Doubling Step 30 times.
  • Feasible Point Not Found. Value of the True
    Objective at Termination Objective Value

Sandgren Termination Message
Final Results
STATUS FREE within but not at bound EQUALITY
satisfies equality constraint UPPERBND equal to
upper bound LOWERBND equal to lower bound OBJ -
objective VIOLATED constraint violates a bound
Two Sections Section 1 Functions Section 2 -
Final Results
iSIGHT Parameters Table
Run Statistics
Data Log DiagnosticsKuhn Tucker Conditions Met
  • 1. Verify you at an optimal point.
  • Try a multipoint restart. See next slide
  • 2. Analyze Lagrange Multipliers for potential
    objective improvement with constraint boundary
    modifications. Run a Tradeoff Analysis on
    promising constraints

Multipoint Restart
  • Create a DOE Latin Hypercube as Parent Task with
    Subtask being Sandgren3 with same variables,
    constraints, objective and GRG tuning parameters.
  • DOE will create a set of well dispersed points
    within defined boundaries.

MultiPoint Restart Using DOE
MultiPoint DOE Plan using Latin Hypercubes
MultiPoint Restart Converges to same Optimum
Tradeoff Analysis using Lagrangian Multipliers
Final Results indicates that G1 Upper and G3
Lower offer chance to decrease objective for
increasing bound. If increase G1 by 1 to 93
expect OBJ to -.3066 -.0040 -.310 If increase
G3 Lower by 1 to 19 expect OBJ 0 -.3066 -.008
iSIGHT Tradeoff Analysis to analyze Lagrangian
iSIGHT Tradeoff Analysis Setup
iSIGHT Tradeoff Results in Graphical Format
iSIGHT Tradeoff Analysis in Table Format
What to try if GRG isnt terminating with Kuhn
Tucker Conditions satisfied
  • Scaling
  • Inaccurate Numerical Derivatives
  • Local and global optima

  • Recommended to have BOTH variables and functions
    scaled to same order of magnitude.
  • Recommended to have all values scaled to have
    absolute value less than 100.
  • Good idea is to use initial values for scaling.
    (for constraints and objective run code once).

iSIGHT Formulation
Get Scaling Values From Initial Run
Initial Values to use for scaling from running
Single Mode
Parameter Setting Options to see and change scale
and weightings
Parameter GUI
Nice Scaling Feature
Sample Parameter Editing Table
Do not Forget to Enable in Optimization Plan
Inaccurate Numerical Derivatives
  • Finite difference derivates have half the
    precision of the constraint functions.
  • If double precision constraint functions with
    13-16 digit accuracy then derivatives have 7-8
    significant digits.
  • Action
  • Try central differencing
  • Try different perturbation step sizes (DELTA)
  • (Look at reduced gradients in output and see if
    values differ in first 3 or 4 digits. If see
    differences then have inaccurate derivatives.)

Local and Global Optima
  • Try MultiPoint Restart

Product Mix Lab
  • Objectives
  • Become familiar with the GRG outputinformation.
    It is the best formatted informationprovided by
    any iSIGHT technique. It givesa very nice
    summary of initial gradients.
  • Use Lagrange Multipliers to conduct a sensitivity

Product Mix Lab
Product Mix Lab
This lab example was taken from the paper Design
and Use of theMicrosoft Excel Solver. The full
description file has been implemented for you in
  • Task 1
  • Create an optimization plan called GRG. Have it
    made up of oneoptimization step of Generalized
    Reduced Gradient.
  • Use a print level of 4 for Generalized Reduced
  • Set up the iSIGHT constraint tolerance for
    violation of inequality constraints to be the
    same as GRG by calling api_SetDeltaForInEqualityC
    onstraintViolation Task1 .0001
  • Use a starting point of ACUnits 1,
    HeatPumpUnits1, ACPrice 101.0and
    HeatPumpPrice 151.0
  • Run the optimization. What did you get for the
    total profit?How many iterations did it take?

Product Mix Lab
Task 2 Rerun the lab with the design variables,
objective and constraintsscaled. What is the
optimization value? How many function
evaluationsdid it take?
Task 3 View the log file with only GRG messages
by using only ViewFilters All Other Types. Look
at the final output. List the constraints
thatare at a bound and list their Lagrangian
multiplier. Change Use unscaled from Task 1 as
values are easier to read
Product Mix Lab
Task 4 The Lagrange multiplier for LaborUsed.
Indicates that TotalProfit can be increased by
increasing the upper constraint bound
forLaborUsed. Calculate the predicted savings on
paper if you increasethe bound to 2450 and to
Task 5 Set up and run a Multicriteria Tradeoff
Analysis. Use the upper bound of LaborUsed. Let
it vary from 2400 to 2450 to 2500. Do not use
Approximations. Select TotalProfit for the
Response and select your GRG optimization plan
under OptInfo. In SolutionMonitor bring up a
Tradeoff Graph and Tradeoff Table to plot the
gain made for each valueof the LaborUsed bound.
Run the analysis. Compare the gains
actuallyachieved with the predicted amount.
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