Title: SWSE 623
1SWSE 623
- Program Correctness
- -Pre-condition, Post-conditions and Loop
2Basic Definitions
- Partial Correctness with respect to predicates
- If program P starts satisfying predicate A, and P
terminates, then the terminating state satisfies
B. - Termination with respect to predicates
- If program P starts in a state satisfying
predicate A, then it will terminate in a state
satisfying B. - Total correctness
- If program P starts in a state satisfying A, then
it will terminate in a state satisfying B.
Notation A P B
3Weakest Pre-condition and Strongest
- Weakest Precondition If a predicate QQ
satisfying following conditions is a weakest
pre-condition. - QQ S R
- For every Q satisfying Q S R then Q gt QQ
- Strongest Post-condition If a predicate RR
satisfies following, it is a strongest
post-condition. - Q S RR
- For every R satisfying Q S R, then RR gt R
4Axiomatic Method of Tony Hoare
- Rules of predicate logic are enriched by adding
more rules corresponding to program constructs. - Assignment Axiom
- p(e/x) ( x e ) p
- Composition Rule
- p S r r S q
- p (S S) q
- Conditional Rule
- p r S q
p r S q - p (If (r) then S else S q
5Hoare Axioms - Continued
- While Rule
- p r S p
- p (while r do S) p r
- Consequence Rule
- p -gt q q H r r -gt s
- p H r
6Soundness and Completeness of Hoares Axiomatic
- Theorem Hoare calculus is Sound
- I.e. if - p S q then p S q
- We will not go through the proof, but similar to
soundness of predicate calculus. - Fact Hoare calculus is NOT complete.
- I.e. if p S q then - p S q is FLASE!
- Counter example true ( x 1) x1 is true
in every model, but cannot be proved !
7Issues Related to Incompleteness
- The problem with the incompleteness lies in
finding a weakest pre-condition for while loops. - Theorem (Cook 1978) If in an interpretation,
every while loop has a weakest pre-condition,
then Hoare calculus is complete with respect to
that interpretation. (Referred to as Cooks
relative completeness theorem) - Give examples of using each rule.
8Sequencing Rule
- Rule p S q q S r
- p (S S) r
- To use this rule, take the form
- WP( SS, R) WP( S, WP(S, R))
- Example Calculate
- WP( (txxyyt) x1 y2)
- WP((txxy),WP(yt, (x1y2)))
- WP((txxy), (2t x1))
- WP((tx),(1y2t)) (1y)(2x)
9Conditional Statement
- p r S R p r S R
- p (If (r) then S else S R
- Example WP((if xgty then zx else zy), z
max(x,y)) - Let Rzmaxx,y (zxxgty)V(zyygtx)
- Claim pT. Need to show
- p(xgty) (zx) R
- WP((zx), R) ((xx)(xgty))V((xy)(ygtx))(xgty
). - Hence p(xgty) -gt (xgty).
- p(x lty) (zy) R
- WP((ZY), R) ((yx)(xgty))V((yy)(YgtX))(YX)
V(YgtX)(YgtX). - Now notice that p(xlty) (YgtX) -gt (ygtX)
10Suggestions for using the Conditional Rule
- Suppose we have to show
- Q (If (r) then S else S R, using the rule
- p r S q p r S R
- p (If (r) then S else S R
- Compute the Wp for alternatives, I.e.
- Wp(S, R) and Wp(S, R)
- Then prove
- p(r ) -gt Wp(S,R) and P(r) -gt Wp(S,R)
- Q -gt (pr) and Q -gt (p(r))
11Analyzing Loops
- p r S p
- p (while r do S) p r
- In using this rule, there is no way to guarantee
termination of the loop, unless r is false. In
order to compute an upper bound on the number of
loop iterations, Gries has added a bounding
function - Rule With loop invariant p and bounding
function t - If
- (p (r)) -gt (t0) Says that if guard fails
then looping has ended. - p r S p Says that P is a loop invariant.
- (pr) -gt (t gt0) Says that if the guard is true
then wont end looping. - t decreases with each iteration
- Then
- p (while r do S) p r
12Using Looping Rules
- To show Q s (while r do S) R using loop
invariance P and counting function t show - Q s p
- (p (r)) -gt R Says that if guard fails then
looping has ended. - p r S p Says that P is a loop invariant.
- (pr) -gt (t gt0) Says that if the guard is true
then wont end looping. - t decreases with each iteration
13Example Exponentiation
- Want to show Q S R where
- Q (0 lt b)
- R (z ab)
- S (z1 xa yb)
- ( while (y /0) do
- If odd(y) then ( zzx yy-1) end
- else (xxx yy div 2) end-if od)
- Use loop invariant
- P (ygt0)(z(xy)ab)
- Bounding function y
14Example Continued Proof Obligations
- 0. Q (z1 xa yb) P. I.e.
- 0ltb (z1 xa yb) (ygt0)(z(xy)ab)
- 1. P((y/0)) -gt R. I.e.
- (ygt0)(z(xy)ab)(y0) -gt (z ab)
- 2. P(y/0) S P I.e. that P is a loop
invariant - 3. P(y/0) -gt (ygt0)
- 4. Each iteration of the loop decreases the
bound function y
150. Proving Q (z1 xa yb) P
- Wp((z1 xa yb), (0lty(z(xy)ab))
- Wp((z1xa), (0ltb(z(xb)ab))
- Wp(z1,(0ltb(z(ab)ab)))
- (0ltb) Q
161. Proving P((y/0)) -gt R
- (ygt0)(z(xy)ab)(y0) -gt (z ab)
- (ygt0)(z(xy)ab)(y0)-gt z(x0)ab)
- (Z1ab) -gt (zab) this is true!
172. Proving P(y/0) S P
- Need to prove
- (0lty)(z(xy)ab) S (0lty)(z(xy)ab
- Notice that S is the conditional statement
- If odd(y) then ( zzx yy-1)
- Else (xxx yy div 2) endif
- Hence we need to show
- 2.1 - (0lty)(z(xy)ab)odd(y) ( zzx
yy-1) P - 2.2 - (0lty)(z(xy)ab)even(y) (xxx
yy div 2) p
182.1 Proving(0lty)(z(xy)ab)odd(y) (
zzx yy-1) P
- Wp((zzx yy-1), (0lty)(z(xy)ab)
- Wp((zzx), (0lty-1)(z(x(y-1)ab))
- (1lty)(zx(x(y-1)ab)
- (1lty)(z(xy)ab)
- Now notice that (0lty)odd(y) -gt (1lty)
- Hence we get that
- (0lty)(z(xy)ab)odd(y) -gt
(1lty)(z(xy)ab) - This completes the proof of the If branch!
192.2 Proving(0lty)(z(xy)ab)even(y)
(xxx yy div 2) p
- Wp((xxx yy div 2), (0lty)(z(xy)ab))
- Wp(((xxx), (0lt y div 2)(z(x(y div
2)ab)) - (0lt y div 2)(z(xx)(y div 2) ab)
- (0lty div 2)(zy ab)
- Notice now that (0lty) even(y) -gt (2lty)
- -gt (0 lt y div 2)
- Hence we have
- (0lty)(z(xy)ab)even(y) (xxx yy div
2) p - This completes the proof obligation for the else
203. Proving (P(y/0))-gt (ygt0)
- Notice P is (0lty)(z(xy)ab)
- Hence P(y/0) -gt (ygt0)
214. Proving Properties of the Counting Function
- Need to show that ydecreases with each
iteration - If in the beginning of iteration odd(y), then
- Y Y-1, hence Y decreases
- If in the beginning of iteration odd(y), then
- Y Y div 2, and Y gt (Y div 2), hence Y decreases
22Summary Structure of the Completed Proof
- QS11P1 P1S12P2
- Q(S11S12)P2 P2S13P
- Q S1 P
- Prr1S21P Prr1S21P
- PrS2RP
- Pr-gtR (Iteration Decreases Y)
(Pr -gt (Ygt0)) - Q S R
23Gieses Guideline for Developing a Loop from
Given Invariant P and Bound Function t
- Step1 Develop initialization to validate P
- Step2 Develop loop guard B to satisfy (PB-gtR)
- Step3Verify (P B) -gt (tgt0)
- Step4Develop loop body to progress towards goal
- I.e. find a way to decrease bound function t.
- Step5Modify loop body to make P a loop
24Properties of WP
- Wp(S, False) False
- Wp(S, Q)Wp(S, R) Wp(S, QR)
- If Q-gt R then Wp(S,Q) -gt Wp(S,R)
- For deterministic programs S,
- Wp(S, QvR) Wp(S, Q)vWp(S, R)
- Wp(skip, R) R, where skip does nothing.
- Wp(abort, R) False, where abort never executes.
- Wp(S1S2, R) Wp(S1 Wp(S2,R))
- Wp((S1S2)S3, R) Wp(S1(S2S3), R)