Title: NordicBaltic Regional Office for Environment, Science, Technology
1Nordic/Baltic Regional Officefor Environment,
Science, Technology Health
- Regional Environmental Office (REO)
- U.S. Embassy Copenhagen
- Denmark
2Nordic/Baltic Regional Officefor Environment,
Science, Technology Health
- Internationalt samarbejde omkring miljøforhold og
undervisning - REO - Copenhagen
- Silke Alsen
Odense Katedralskolen September 26, 2005
3The REO
- Established in 1998
- Funded by U.S. Department of State
- Environment, Science, Technology, and Health
(ESTH) Issues - Staff 1 diplomat 1 program assistant
- One of 12 regional ESTH Hubs worldwide
4REO Region
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- Iceland
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Norway
- Poland
- NW Russia
- Sweden
- Northern Germany
5Why the REO?
- Issues are transboundary, global
- Coordinate U.S. ESTH activity regionally
- Build U.S. ESTH capacity in region
- Report back on ESTH from the region
6The Enhanced Partnership Initiative for Northern
Europe (ePINE)
- 2003 initiative to replace Northern Europe
Initiative (NEI) - Continue to build on success with Baltic States
- Extend Baltic States model of cooperation to
neighboring countries (Ukraine, Belarus) - Parallels EUs Northern Dimension
7ePINE Pillars
- Cooperative Security defense cooperation,
counter-terrorism, trafficking in persons, etc. - Vibrant Economies business, trade, investment
promotion - Healthy Societies environment, good
governance, transparency, social inclusion
REO involvement
8REO Regional Role
- Information resource for regional U.S. missions
(web site, newsletter, research) - Help identify regional issues where U.S. might
play facilitating role - Provide (limited) funding for programs
- Facilitate communication with USG agencies
- Assist in implementing programs and organizing
meetings and conferences - Provide U.S. experts/expertise (speaker programs)
9REO Issue Areas
- Environment
- Invasive Species
- Climate change
- Biodiversity
- Sustainable development
- Pollutants
- Energy
- Alternative energy
- Energy efficiency
- Science Technology
- Bilateral ST agreements
- Science cooperation
- Science fellowships
- Health
- Tuberculosis
- Avian Flue
- Telemedicine
10REO Funding Sources
- Operating budget from Dept. of State
- Grants from Bureau of Oceans, Environment
Science (US Dept. of State) - US Public Affairs Sections and programs
11Earlier REO Activities
- Expand Long Term Ecological Research Network
(LTER) - Fund The Access Initiative (TAI) in Baltics
Poland - Strengthen U.S. Science Technology ties with
Baltic Sea States, e.g. Denmark continuing - Scientist exchanges / Organize speaker tours
- Strengthen GLOBE program continuing
12Current REO Activities
- Bring speakers (e.g. Integrated Coastal Zone
management - ICZM) - Assist Nordic/Baltic Network on Invasive Species
(NOBANIS) - Support regional efforts on oil spill and
maritime safety - Outreach to Greenland
- Promote GLOBE program / GLOBE Europe
13Greenland Agreement Cooperation
- August 2004 Signature USA, GL, DK
- Embassy-wide effort Econ/Pol, Tourism,
Environment, Science, Education - REO Support Greenlandic environm. cooperation
- Assist on integrating Greenland in the GLOBE
community now and in the future ! - FWS/NPS met with Greenlandic environmental
authorities on Arctic Nature Park Management - GL Environmental officer on study tour through US
- Telemedicine speakers and seminars, ....
- Focus Nordic / Baltic Region
- Speak up for GLOBE on its specific regional needs
- Agreement US Denmark.. and Greenlandic
position? - Involvement of Russian communities (Estonia)
- Intermediary - when needed (Latvia)
- German ASA program Baltic States third world
students exchange (www.asa-programm.de) - Recent fund for GLOBE Europe
- Support networking, contacts
15GLOBE in the Baltic Sea Region
- Estonia (46 schools)
- GLOBE Games, attract new GLOBE schools, GLOBE
Sciece Days, GLOBE Alumnis, Russian Communities - Latvia (12)
- GLOBE learning expedition, small scale activities
work more effectively, attracting new schools - Lithuania (20)
- Train-the-Trainer Workshop, attracting new
schools, scientists integration, GLOBE summer
camp - Germany (250)
- Change of HQ to Kiel, Teachers Trainings, annual
meetings, GIS, .. - Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland
16Objectives Denmark / Greenland
- Keyword Internationalization of Danish education
- Update Greenland status in current agreement
- Cooperation with local scientists (e.g. GIS
efforts, International Polar Year - Arctic) - Support schools exchange with GLOBE in the whole
region - Connection European Environmental Agency
17Har I nu spørgsmål til mig?
18REO Contact Information
- Lori Peterson Dando, Counselor
- Silke Alsen, Program Assistant
- Nanna Nyholm, Program Assistant (1.1.06)
- U.S. Embassy Copenhagen
- Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 24
- DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
- Telephone 45 3341 7294
- Fax 45 35 42 70 94
- reo_at_usembassy.dk